I actually forgot tosbrak even existed. Thanks for ruining my buzz you fucks.
Love you too lucky.I actually forgot tosbrak even existed. Thanks for ruining my buzz you fucks.
*burp*I've been in the woods for the past 6 weeks, can somebody do a recap of the thread for me?
When I do have a dream they're pretty much always about the apocalypse or some cataclysmic event.
Do you think you might die tomorrow?
Then you're doing great!
Or in my case erotic...When I do have a dream they're pretty much always about the apocalypse or some cataclysmic event.
these mild dts were fucking horrible, sweet jesus friday night and saturday sucked. Feeling much better though now though.
company party tonight, how drunk will i get
company party tonight, how drunk will i get
vein I saw Titus Andronicus last night, you should see them if they play up there. Damn it was party tonight, how drunk will i get
Just enough to get a promotion, by sleeping with your boss.
vein I saw Titus Andronicus last night, you should see them if they play up there. Damn it was fun.
Nope.There any good movies out?
Feel like watching a movie and having a couple of drinks.
There's plenty of other stuff to do. Go to the park and feed some pigeons or some shit.
There's plenty of other stuff to do. Go to the park and feed some pigeons or some shit.
murkedYeah maybe you'll meet some 80 year olds doing the same thing.
Missing a fucking cheap as fuck Arcade fire show because of work. Fuck me.
not as big of a deal, but i have to miss a soccer game that i got a free ticket to this friday cuz of work. nobody willing to cover my shift or anything. fucking rat race bullshit
Which game if you don't mind me asking?
sounders vs. real salt lake
MLS soccer yo.