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drunk thread again

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I woke up naked in my room, with someone calling me about work stuff.

jesus, what a fucking nightmare. the real life kind.


Is there a Crown knock off that tastes close enough, but isn't $25-30 a bottle? I really like Crown, but shit adds up in a hurry unless I take my time with a bottle.


After some research, I picked up a bottle of Canadian Hunter as a cheaper alternative to Crown. It's bottom shelf. It tastes remarkably like Crown. Not quite as smooth, but also has less bite to it. I bought a 1.75 liter bottle for less than a fifth of Crown. A fifth is only like $10 and it is quite a bargain for something that tastes so much like Crown. I'll probably stick with this just for the cost. I can barely tell the difference.

It's good. I recommend it.


Yup, Tuesdays are better when you come into the office tipsy. As soon as I woke up this morning I decided to swig a little from my tequila bottle and then wash it down it down with a shooter bottle of whiskey.

Now I should feel good until lunch.
those days when everything that can go wrong does and unexpected shit just keeps happening :(

I'mma head out right now and get some wine for later


erotic butter maelstrom
Alone watchin the city lights at night with a drink in my hand and smoke in my lungs. I'm a ghost. The only sign of life is my iphone light.

I hope your night redeems your day, mobs.
Seems like some mod is deleting some of my troll character posts.



erotic butter maelstrom
Haha, bitches should stay away from me. I'm no good. Straight garbage.

Accidentally left my backpack behind where I chained my bike. Almost got home before I noticed it was not there. Hope it's there tomorrow but if not it's full of useless shit so whatever.


erotic butter maelstrom
Who else drank way too much last night? That question doesn't apply to all you borderline straight edge bitches, fuck your weak ass shit. Anyways, I met two decent girls last night, the one with bountiful tits turned out to be married, but I still would have fucked her sister. But it turns out they were in town visiting their dad, who showed up and turned out to be some dude I work with, so my chances of slamming beav were eliminated. I need to just straight up start fuckin fat bitches.

I've decided to try and stay away from the bars for awhile, that shit never turns out good. I spend depressing amounts of money, lose shit and expose others to my idiocy. Moving forward I'm just gonna get lit up from the comfort of my own home. Consider this my retirement.


I want to have laser hair removal on my face. Is that lame? I can't grow a beard to save my life and I hate shaving all these shitty little whiskers that end up with a "i just shaved" look.

but yes, i drank too much last night snuggs, and I only had two beers.

J. Bravo

Just got back from the hospital. Swelling in my throat has gone down, and I have mono. Drinking doesn't affect your spleen, does it?

J. Bravo

Well my nurse said no contact sports for 8 weeks, because if my spleen ruptures then I will have to deal with that the rest of my life.

Also I googled it, and I guess it helps filter infections from your blood? So I'd be more likely to get blood poisoning or something without it. Drinking only affects your spleen once you get cirrhosis of the liver apparently. So I got a ways to go.

J. Bravo

I have been feeling shitty the last few weeks and my throat was starting to close up, so I made a doctor's appointment. They found a nasty thing called a peritonsillar abscess in the back of my throat that was making it nearly impossible to breathe or speak, so they sent me to an ear, nose, and throat doctor. That guy said I needed to be in the hospital asap getting steroids and antibiotics or that thing could grow and kill me. So I was in the hospital from 12pm yesterday until 9am today. Swelling went way down but blood work came back positive for mono. So I'm just chillin playing terraria and cookie clicker.

tl;dr: couldn't breathe or speak, went to GP --> ENT --> hospital --> home.
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