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drunk thread again

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well, my excuse is that this is drunk thread

so yea

e: actually you were half defending it.

wait why the fuck am i talking fashion shit in drunk thread.

damn you guys
look man I believe in america and in america you wear what you want and say what you want. so don't come in here with your crocodile tears when someone calls you out for calling someone else out.


you know what style fox, you still get shit for fucking up the title of this thread

and you know damn well what im talking about


im stalking about stylefox talking shit after showing off that vomit trying to pass off as a pattern

Good. My hat is actually from China, too. It is made AND sold in China. I like it and wear it pretty much every time I leave the house. Occasionally I swap out for a navy blue NIKE hat with Nike spelled out.



The one on the right is what my hat looks like. I wear it almost every time I leave the house. I even wore it to a wedding. I once wore it to a work meeting where I was getting a write up, and my boss stopped to tell me she really liked my hat before suspending me for 5 consecutive Mondays (which I was never scheduled for, so they scheduled me an extra day each week just to suspend me for them because they didn't actually want to have to get someone to work my real shifts).


It sucked. The reason I got the 5 day suspension was because there was an (insignificant) key missing and I told the new guy to let the first shift deal with it instead of calling a supervisor at 3 in the morning just to say a key was missing. It's not like the supervisor could have done anything about it. I wasn't even working on that side of the building and I ended up getting punished for not working both sides at once. It was super lame.

And then I worked with a new girl ONE NIGHT and 3 months later she said I was super mean to her (I wasn't, I was actually nicer to her than I was most people I worked with), and I got fired over it because I couldn't have a union rep since I technically wasn't full time, despite working over 35 hours on a set schedule, which the union considered full time. As it turned out, the girl that said I was super mean also got fired shortly after I did because she disappeared for two weeks and then showed up to worked high as fuck. But since I was already fired, I couldn't get back the only job I'll have have where I deal with 2 people a night and spend most of the night playing on a tablet and listening to podcasts. It sent me on quite a downward spiral that I still have come out of a year and a half later.


I got drunk at my friend's house, went to dennys, ran into my great uncle who i some reason called my great grandpa???

That was awkward.

then i drank some more, watched some Vicious with them, then drove home. I walked in the door and felt like i was tipsy, whoopsie

Now i am here, with you assholes. <3
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