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drunk thread again

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Horse Detective

Why the long case?
I guess I can understand why some people would find it boring. I don't really enjoy card games, but I am trying to get into them more.

Pool is just kind of fun and relaxing, but while getting to hit something and impress people with your luck.

J. Bravo

When we were stuck in the dorms because of rain or in between classes my freshman year, we'd play pool all the time. Got pretty good at it too. I wish I had a pool table of my own, not many things better than shootin pool with a couple buddies, beers, and music.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Pool is for old men. Bars should have shit like jungle gyms and rock climing walls.

4$ tortas, 1.50$ pints, get there early to sit under the jungle gym. pixie cuts drink half price, no branded clothing aloud.
4$ tortas, 1.50$ pints, get there early to sit under the jungle gym. pixie cuts drink half price, no branded clothing aloud.

i just typed ellen wong into google https://www.google.com/search?q=ell...7&sourceid=chrome&espvd=210&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8

now im gonna read scott pilgrim colored edition, OMGZ i wonder what color the CAT is??????

<------------- if its the colored edition what if i made a new avatar of the cat in color
Ugh pints at that price would be amazing. So want.

As for the avatar do it. Cats are the shit for them.


0G M3mbeR
Is this thread where we can safely talk about how large our penis's are?

I need an answer before I get banned bros

Fuck time to get off the internet.


pretty sure midnights was using a euphemism

he's a way better writer than we give him credit guys

gap digest isn't just some shit alright

is gta5 pc coming this year? holy hsit
lol couldn't get up the nerve to come out to my bestie again, despite the conversation switching to my awkward lack of girlfriends. Whoops.

$70 tab but a fun night regardless so fuck it mang #worthit

Just gotta how the hangover later doesn't include getting sick


Two words:

PBR Draft

I don't know about you guys, but it's rare for me to get PBR in draft form. I always see it in the tall boys.

It's fucking awesome.


drinking, not getting drunk but feeling buzzed, then drinking after finally driving home at 3am

edit: not drinking while driving or anything



I love knob creek <33333

parsing html in python is fun

fucking not. i'd hate to have to scrape webpages for a living. it fucking sucks

html fucking sucks

most web dev tools fucking suck

It was a little too...coconuty? It was the straight whiskey bourbon. I drank it, but I didn't really care for it. It wasn't awful, but it isn't something I particularly want to drink again. Is there coconut in it? I swear I could taste coconut.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
What's Some good Drunk food GAF?

Also how should my bestie And I close out the night with for drinks?

Chips with melted cheese with a layer of doner meat on top loaded in garlic sauce.

Anything from a takeaway place is good drunk food. Food cooked within the walls of your own home never cuts it.

We burned a pizza to a crisp when we tried to cook a pizza after 7 hours of heavy drinking.


erotic butter maelstrom
We ate some supercharged no bake cookies last night. Some of my peeps have been fuckin delivering with the edibles. I got so high that I could barely talk. We played this Cabella's extreme hunting game for Wii, it had these godawful Uncharted sections but then first person parts where you'd lay waste to hundreds of animals. It was fucked up.
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