im drinkin cause venezuela is far away
so: yes drink with me
ok bro i will
all i go is vodka though
im drinkin cause venezuela is far away
so: yes drink with me
Idk like next year or something when i dig myself out of this hole I'm in.
I'm getting x, and yeah my spelunky run was shit as well. what modes in pacman have you been playing? I'll best those too.
im drinking one of those fucking terrible bacardi that are already made or whatever
pre-fab mojito
it works though
Yeah, cedx isn't quite as fun to score chase as the og pacman ce. Really upping my rogue legacy, that game is wicked. I'm level 50 now. It had a helluva learning curve though.
it aint
I just grabbed whatever I could get my hands on duty free at the airport
i havent been here for decades
im glad youve found love salsa
btw im staying at your house or this girls house wherever when i come to south america just fyi
I see this fat dude with a pony tail, dad jeans and a cheap leather jacket holding it down with a decent to fine bitch. Dudes even smokin a electronic cig indoors, suckin down drags like he needs it. His sandled foot propped up on her stool.
I gotta find what he's doing and I'm not cause shit like that makes me feel like such an underachiever. I'm not that great but I could do way better.
Somewhere he's the subject of a #menswear tumblr post.I saw a fat guy with a goatee, ponytail, sandals, cargo shorts, a thunder cats shirt with a stain on it and not surprisingly he was alone.
I see this fat dude with a pony tail, dad jeans and a cheap leather jacket holding it down with a decent to fine bitch. Dudes even smokin a electronic cig indoors, suckin down drags like he needs it. His sandled foot propped up on her stool.
I gotta find what he's doing and I'm not cause shit like that makes me feel like such an underachiever. I'm not that great but I could do way better.
is it bad that I noticed this first?how do i hold pen
and that's with breast reduction too...
Still debating whether to hang on to my PS4 pre-order or not. Might cancel it and hold off till May.I'm worried I'm coming down with next-gen fever.
Still debating whether to hang on to my PS4 pre-order or not. Might cancel it and hold off till May.
What is that
I masturbated for the first time in weeks today. Damn near flooded the house.
I put a link on it breh
skypin with sister
awyis gettin ready to poke-men