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drunk thread again

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she keeps sendin pics of weird outfits tho


I need luckyboyceo to approve

btw this other bacardi with limon aint any better than the mojito one


Good evening Gaf, tonight I've found an amazing mixture - Jack Daniels honey + some polish fruit drunk. I can only taste fruity goodness!

On a sidenote, who wants to see what I've been working on for a while? I feel like it might be a bit crappy... www.educationforyou.org

Be nice, please.


outfit's gonna last 2 seconds anyway

if you know what I meaeaaaaaan aahah

I dont know if you do

edit: also dude(s), being in another country where nobody knew me obviously gave me this "I dont give a crap" confidence boost and now im gonna try to channel it forever

we were talking in a crowded bar and I was asking her to go back to my room while unbuttoning her bra under the dress

wtf that's not me

but now it is

(probably not)


Being abroad is so much more fun than being at home, for me at least. A chance to take risks and play about, without worrying that one day someone somewhere on some social network will be like "oh its you who was really drunk that time, lol!"

Also, I'm from the UK, thinking of moving to Leipzig, Germany(cos it's so damn cheap), thoughts?


Being abroad is so much more fun than being at home, for me at least. A chance to take risks and play about, without worrying that one day someone somewhere on some social network will be like "oh its you who was really drunk that time, lol!"

dude I live in a country with 3 million people

1 mil in mi city

its impossible to do shit without worrying about repercussions, or if that person saw me who knows that other person who knows an ex girlfriend or a friend or whatever the crap

it's stressing. I already know everyone and seen everyone. Travelling is what I must do


erotic butter maelstrom
I've never even been overseas. Just a simple, small town boy.

We're going out for some drank and drugs at the casino slash club. Should be fun.


dude I live in a country with 3 million people

1 mil in mi city

its impossible to do shit without worrying about repercussions, or if that person saw me who knows that other person who knows an ex girlfriend or a friend or whatever the crap

it's stressing. I already know everyone and seen everyone. Travelling is what I must do

I lived in Winchester for a little while, 50k people - I could have told someone something at the top of the hill and by the time I got to the bottom someone would be telling me my own rumour!

But travelling is a must, living so close to most of Europe I feel like I'm wasting it. Leipzig is affordable as hell, 500 euro a month for a bangin' apartment.
Let me drop some real talk on you guys for a second. A short while ago I tried to ask out this girl who was in my art history class. She said she had a bf so I was like alright that's understandable.

Only about a week later I hear her talking to this pale british dude that I thought looked like he was balding like jude law. Either way she literally goes out of her way to mention to him she's single.

Simply put, even with my magnificent hair I failed because I wasn't taking a vacation from myself but this british guy was.


Let me drop some real talk on you guys for a second. A short while ago I tried to ask out this girl who was in my art history class. She said she had a bf so I was like alright that's understandable.

Only about a week later I hear her talking to this pale british dude that I thought looked like he was balding like jude law. Either way she literally goes out of her way to mention to him she's single.

Simply put, even with my magnificent hair I failed because I wasn't taking a vacation from myself but this british guy was.

Don't worry, all he's got is he's British. Trust me, I'm British. If I used that on chicks it'd be all I was relying on.

Edit: Having said that, because he's British, he can probably do what he wants. My main regret for not going to America thus far.


Let me drop some real talk on you guys for a second. A short while ago I tried to ask out this girl who was in my art history class. She said she had a bf so I was like alright that's understandable.

Only about a week later I hear her talking to this pale british dude that I thought looked like he was balding like jude law. Either way she literally goes out of her way to mention to him she's single.

Simply put, even with my magnificent hair I failed because I wasn't taking a vacation from myself but this british guy was.

teambald gaining ground

hair is overrated, next time unbutton her bra


Let me drop some real talk on you guys for a second. A short while ago I tried to ask out this girl who was in my art history class. She said she had a bf so I was like alright that's understandable.

Only about a week later I hear her talking to this pale british dude that I thought looked like he was balding like jude law. Either way she literally goes out of her way to mention to him she's single.

Simply put, even with my magnificent hair I failed because I wasn't taking a vacation from myself but this british guy was.

Accents = bitches
It's not all bad but the rejection rate is so sky high. I don't think I've ever been with a chick that I truly believed was hot. I don't know how much experience you fellas got with something like that but the enthusiasm on my part dies very quickly.


I really think you overthink it

I mean its just posting about it on a forum so idk how it really is, but you look at it in a very specific sorta self-competitive way and I bet it shows a bit, wich can be offputting

im ok with women, but I have no idea what I do/how I do it nor do I really think about it. If/when I do get self conscious I feel bad about being bald and dwell on how much better (to my eyes anyway, as opposed to some) I looked with hair and whatnot

I kinda imagine you like with T-800 vision everytime you enter a bar/whatevs


The only reason I'm going out with my girl now is because I totally discarded all the thoughts about what she might be thinking and just went with it.


It's not all bad but the rejection rate is so sky high. I don't think I've ever been with a chick that I truly believed was hot. I don't know how much experience you fellas got with something like that but the enthusiasm on my part dies very quickly.

One or two chicks for me, and it mostly felt like "oh shit, play cool - they think you're hotter than you are". Just be confident and that stuff flows, it sounds so simple to say, but it's so hard to implement.


I want to drink but I also want to lose some fat. Not that I am fat, I'm just fatter than I usually am.

But Jager is calling me...

The only reason I'm going out with my girl now is because I totally discarded all the thoughts about what she might be thinking and just went with it.

Also this is extremely good advice


The only reason I'm going out with my girl now is because I totally discarded all the thoughts about what she might be thinking and just went with it.

Great advice, she's not thinking what you might be thinking she is. Just be you and what happens happens, innit.
You like unhooking bra's lol

fuck bras man. and those 90s grunge leggings to. they look so hot but fuck getting them off.

The only reason I'm going out with my girl now is because I totally discarded all the thoughts about what she might be thinking and just went with it.

yup yup. basically, every time i was too nervous to ask a girl i would later find out that they were in to me, so i basically started just going for it, and it's worked out pretty well so far.


erotic butter maelstrom
I want to drink but I also want to lose some fat. Not that I am fat, I'm just fatter than I usually am.

But Jager is calling me...
Eat less food to compensate.

Regarding the current convo, I'm the king of overthinking shit. It really sucks sometimes, but it's just the way I am. I can't override my mind like that, so I feel like I gotta just accept things for how they are.


i've never been upfront with anyone tho, like at all. Maybe once or twice

in a "hey wanna go out" way I mean. Usually im in a situation where I just go for a kiss straight up really

dating before already bangin/making out is barely a thing


Eat less food to compensate.

Regarding the current convo, I'm the king of overthinking shit. It really sucks sometimes, but it's just the way I am. I can't override my mind like that, so I feel like I gotta just accept things for how they are.

All I ate today was a cliff bar and a 1/4 pound 100% beef hot dog covered with barbecued meat, barbecue sauce, coleslaw, and mustard.

I talk to them and actually engage in conversation then I really vary it up. I'll ask for a number or facebook then carry on from there. Other times I'll ask to hang out and then sometimes I'll be formal asking them for like a legit date.

I like to try everything and keep it changing and I don't even get nervous. People know I'm as cool and calm as it gets. Only thing I don't do is saying 5 words to them then going in for a kiss or some crazy youtube pickup video bullshit.
god, that looks incredible. i've barely eaten anything today since i'm going to a huge expensive meal tonight and want to be hungry for it.

I talk to them and actually engage in conversation then I really vary it up. I'll ask for a number or facebook then carry on from there. Other times I'll ask to hang out and then sometimes I'll be formal asking them for like a legit date.

I like to try everything and keep it changing and I don't even get nervous. People know I'm as cool and calm as it gets. Only thing I don't do is saying 5 words to them then going in for a kiss or some crazy youtube pickup video bullshit.

my game isn't that great, so basically i try to get to know them first before asking them if they want to 'hang out' or something. i figure worst case scenario, i spent the night chilling with a friend, and best case i get with the girl. it's a win/ win situation.


erotic butter maelstrom
I'd rather stay home and jerk off than try some gimmicky, insincere shit learned from the internet. I feel like if being me doesn't work, then it's just not my night.
I do that too but I make sure not to let it go on for too long because friendzoning is like this ticking timer.

I'd say you get about 5 encounters to make some kind of move before you're in the zone.


Only thing I don't do is saying 5 words to them then going in for a kiss or some crazy youtube pickup video bullshit.

well yah, that'd be dumb, what I mean is that rather than just talking to a girl and ending it with "hey we should go out sometime" it ussually just ends on a kiss and goes from there

I'd rather stay home and jerk off than try some gimmicky, insincere shit learned from the internet. I feel like if being me doesn't work, then it's just not my night.




The only reason I'm going out with my girl now is because I totally discarded all the thoughts about what she might be thinking and just went with it.
You've always been an intelligent man. I hope you're enjoying this trip and don't leave us forever.

My plans for tonight fell through. Yeah, I'm definitely home.


I did an all nighter last night, studying for a genetics test. Only gotten 4 hours of sleep since then. The last thing I want to do is interact with people lol


I'd go biking but I don't want to die in a London street. It's really shitty to cycle here.
I visited Amsterdam and it was crazy, so so so easy and carefree for cyclists, they didn't intrude on the road at all.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Mmm just awoke from an afternoon sleepin' it off nap. I wanna watch a good movie tonight.
Sure acrid come on out, my birthday is actually very soon.
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