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drunk thread again

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erotic butter maelstrom
Whew, last night was aight but drinkin an entire six pack after getting home from the bar was a tactical blunder. Woke up still feelin woozy. Gonna get high and play Costume Quest on my phone.


I should be writing a paper due an hour ago but instead I'm reading about 3 star restaurants. I really want to eat at Alinea but I can't even afford Panera


Didn't even know there was a part 2 to that series...

I'm also in a movie watching mood. Just can't decide what to watch. I'm also hungry but don't feel like getting take out which means I have to move.


Didn't even know there was a part 2 to that series...

I'm also in a movie watching mood. Just can't decide what to watch. I'm also hungry but don't feel like getting take out which means I have to move.
Man that's rough.

I'm on customer service with Best Buy. I could just drive there in a few minutes...what am I doing.



the dailies are bs man, I made it further!
I'm thinking about buying a pistol to keep in the house somewhere just in case something crazy ever happens and I need to use it.

Is that a good idea?
If you feel like you need one to keep you safe then by all means get one.

Better to have one and not need it than need it and not have it.
I live in a safe place but we also get about 100 burglaries a year since people around here got stuff you'd wanna steal. Like lucky says it would be good to have it in case you need it.

I'm gonna need to take a lot of training though to make sure I'm not some jackass with it.
Get the proper training and education and make sure you take all of the steps required to legally own a firearm in your state. You don't want that shit coming back to bite you if you ever did need to use it.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Damn, I've already caught hella Pokemon. Woke up at about 12:30 and went into the Gamestop to get my copy. It's pretty great so far. There was a super beautiful ~17ish south east asian chick hanging around the store.. she was like the jewel of Gamestop. She was just sitting in the corner with a teal dress, a beige jacket and a teal headband.. all perfectly matching her Teal 3DS, lol. It was pretty hilarious. I was one of two old guys there, but from what the clerk told me the majority of people picking it up today were in their twenties. There were a lot of parents/grandparents too.

J. Bravo

I'm sorry Acrid. I'll catch a Meowstic and name it after you or your cat :(

Jtwo, what's your friend code? We should play some pokemon mini games together sometime. Also did you get X or Y?

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I got X!
I don't know my friendcode, but I'll look for it and give it to ya in a bit.


Oh no, Acrid I'm so sorry. What happened?
Was on a 3 week trip with my dad. I'm assuming that's what sparked the cat to get depressed and not really eat much, because when we got home he was super skinny and not eating. Took him to the vet and they said switch to baby food, hydrated him, but also found a heart murmur. Warned about blood clots and that they could happen at any time.

Took him home and he was eating the food for a few days, then yesterday he didn't eat anything and barely drank anything. Dad called me asking to check on him as I got home, that's when I found him stiff in his little hut.

Definitely saw it coming, just didn't think it would be last night/today.

edit: I have X, fc is 0834-1356-6593

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
acrid no =(

So looks like Im partying again tonight neogaf, pics of edward norton will be had if i see him around.
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