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drunk thread again

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All this talk about salsa's new love interest has me wondering how our godfather vein is doing with his gal?

coldvein ran to canada to escape a brony biker gang seeking revenge for his crimes against rainbow dash

he's authorized my publication of his memoir "to live and die in equine"


salsa has always been a real admirable guy if you ask me. he lost his hair super young and yet he seems to always have some girl whose crazy in love with him.

thanks braj <3

it aint that bad, at least my head aint deformed

if anything im living proof that its not world-ending shit. It can look good and its still all about confidence

what's funny is that im still concious about it and this girl actively bugged me about it and told me to take off my hat etc

she gave me shit for this pic today (b4 taking a shit selfie) cause my dome aint in it


edit: acrid describe the pics for the rest k


It's about attitude more than it is confidence. I mean, I've seen confident guys that still act like totally annoying dweebs.

sure, I mean, if you're a cool guy you're a cool guy. I like to think that im cool, some other people seem to think so too, thankfully

i'd lie if I said that at my most pessimistic I still didnt think in the "man i'd be getting 5X the chicks if I had hair", and you are more likely to see me wearing a hat than nothing, even tho thats mostly being used to it at this point

it was god's way to even the field ALRIGHT

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
I hate my constant need to refuse every drink when I know I have to drive home.

Like honestly, a couple beers shouldn't hurt anyone but I am not a confident driver.


I hate my constant need to refuse every drink when I know I have to drive home.

Like honestly, a couple beers shouldn't hurt anyone but I am not a confident driver.

don't get fucked by the law because of this minor problem. if you wanna get shithammeredfucked then get a taxi. otherwise, it's not worth it


that said yesterday's pot brownie > cab thing sucked. Spent a shit ton of money on that cab

friends that live an hour away suck
don't get fucked by the law because of this minor problem. if you wanna get shithammeredfucked then get a taxi. otherwise, it's not worth it

To make matters worse, our definition of "drunk" is undoubtedly way higher than the laws definition, so don't even risk it. Chances are if you're buzzed you're legally too drunk to drive.


this random girl took this picture with me in colombia and I found it on fb and it is now my favorite picture ever


have you seen a happier man


It's probably a good idea at some point, that or just move to the concentrated areas of this town.

OR I could just grow up and drive better.

you can be the best driver but all it takes is being in the wrong place at the wrong time. a cop will pull you over to meet a quota, not necessarily because you did anything wrong. if you're even minutely drunk and they notice, then you're the law's bitch.

ride a bike, take a cab, get a ride from an hombre, ride a trolley, ride the bus, walk, run, jog, piggy back on a hobo, rollerblade, rollerskate, skateboard, whatever

you can be the best driver but all it takes is being in the wrong place at the wrong time. a cop will pull you over to meet a quota, not necessarily because you did anything wrong. if you're even minutely drunk and they notice, then you're the law's bitch.

ride a bike, take a cab, get a ride from an hombre, ride a trolley, ride the bus, walk, run, jog, piggy back on a hobo, rollerblade, rollerskate, skateboard, whatever

Happened to me once. I got pulled over and had to do all of the DUI tests. I had 4 20oz beers over the course of 1.5 hours and by the grace of god blew a .038... which tells me next time I can have 8 20oz beers and be okay to drive.

All jokes aside it was not a good experience. I've been pretty damn careful ever since.


salsa shark will you stop posting pictures of yourself for a second

just take a week off or something? im sick of coming here and its like salsa sharks selfie blog



So it was snowing outside when I cycled back home. "A perfect day for my first mug of mulled wine this winter I thought," what a great idea. Glögg is the greatest way to warm you up (and get you drunk in no time during the cold months)

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Just drank two beers, gonna go for another ride like last week. Same route. Gonna end my pokemon sabbatical tonight. Get back to it, I just got the mega ring.


I've been waking up super early for a week. Then when I have work, I wake up an hour 1/2 later so I have no time to do things beforehand. Fuck you body.


Man....fuck bud light. You have to drink too much of it to even get a buzz, and you're left feeling shitty the next day because you drank so much beer.....and didn't even get drunk.


I watched that "Lost in Translation" movie last night. Man, that movie is emotional. It's all about life choices and loneliness and shit.

Coldvein, I don't like your jerk-off name, I don't like your jerk-off face, I don't like your jerk-off behavior, and I don't like you, jerk-off. Do I make myself clear?


best update: skyped with venezuela, apparently even tho Montevideo - Caracas costs $800 for a plane ticket, Caracas - Montevideo is only $300

her kid is taking a trip with the dad to Disneyland next March. She wants to come over 3 weeks, and I can rent a cabin up in a real nice place around that date


still 4 months away but duuuuuuuuuuuuude


I just talked with my ex on fb for the first time in a long time and maybe im reading into things or its just chemistry that's still there but I think she wants the D man

will not give

edit: that said tho I really shouldnt have talked with my ex, ugh



she wants what she can't have bro.

it sucks cause I act all over it whenever we talk (the very few times we have) asking about her new bf and shit and right after we talk I feel shitty realizing im the one who misses her

gonna hit the bed early fuck this mood swing
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