All this talk about salsa's new love interest has me wondering how our godfather vein is doing with his gal?
salsa has always been a real admirable guy if you ask me. he lost his hair super young and yet he seems to always have some girl whose crazy in love with him.
It's about attitude more than it is confidence. I mean, I've seen confident guys that still act like totally annoying dweebs.
I hate my constant need to refuse every drink when I know I have to drive home.
Like honestly, a couple beers shouldn't hurt anyone but I am not a confident driver.
Truth.don't get fucked by the law because of this minor problem. if you wanna get shithammeredfucked then get a taxi. otherwise, it's not worth it
Move to LA or NYC or San Francisco.
Is Lyft in Florida yet? If so just use that. I've been using that app non-stop it's fucking incredible and way cheaper than a cab.
It's probably a good idea at some point, that or just move to the concentrated areas of this town.
OR I could just grow up and drive better.
Happened to me once. I got pulled over and had to do all of the DUI tests. I had 4 20oz beers over the course of 1.5 hours and by the grace of god blew a .038... which tells me next time I can have 8 20oz beers and be okay to can be the best driver but all it takes is being in the wrong place at the wrong time. a cop will pull you over to meet a quota, not necessarily because you did anything wrong. if you're even minutely drunk and they notice, then you're the law's bitch.
ride a bike, take a cab, get a ride from an hombre, ride a trolley, ride the bus, walk, run, jog, piggy back on a hobo, rollerblade, rollerskate, skateboard, whatever
they're alrightedit: acrid describe the pics for the rest k
I banned Macuser.
salsa shark will you stop posting pictures of yourself for a second
just take a week off or something? im sick of coming here and its like salsa sharks selfie blog
Man....fuck bud light. You have to drink too much of it to even get a buzz, and you're left feeling shitty the next day because you drank so much beer.....and didn't even get drunk.
Miss you all. I'm 23 now, woot. Not drinking (again).
Miss you all. I'm 23 now, woot. Not drinking (again).
she wants what she can't have bro.