Weyerbacher Imperial Pumpkin Ale
Is mac coming back or what?
What did he say anyways? Nothing on his recents posts looks ban-able to me.
This seems like a good thread to ask.
Can I have nigga privilege?
Coming right up!
Really? GAF has gone too PC. He didn't even use Hard R!
Hm...this password reset sure seems to have fucked up a whole lot of things for me...
Well to start, it's not accepting my password, which isn't good, and the email it has doesn't exist anymore so I can't do the password recovery either. I wanted to switch to a new email but I can't do that yet because it won't take this existing password for the reset.
Yeah pm'd a mod already and got a response, hopefully resolved pretty soon. Glad I'm not the only one it happened to.I had the same problem. The email I got my account with doesn't exist anymore, and that was the only place I had my old password saved so I couldn't make a new one.
I PM'ed Gromph and told him my gmail address and what I wanted as a new password. He changed them both pretty quickly.
more salsashark selfies
is your ego okay bro
dessa wore my hat tonight, FUCK YOU GUYS.
if any of these girls knew how many pictures of them you posted on the internet they would
1. rejoice and be sluts
2. be revolted at how much of a creepo you are
real talk dawg
As a fellow drunk man,be revolted and be sluts
its not like im posting nsfw pics bro
im pming those
As a fellow drunk man,
He is a beautiful and glorious man who I am greatly jealous of.I wish I could gain and lose weight like rob
thats beautiful
I present my rebuttal
What's the context here? Did they play tonight?dessa wore my hat tonight, FUCK YOU GUYS.
I love that episode.
Fucking LOL.
FallingEdge is the homie though I can't hate.
What's the context here? Did they play tonight?
yeah, played neumos last night. i was right at the stage. at one point she just reached down and took my hat off, and wore it.
real feels
Are you slobs doing anything this weekend? I think I'm gonna leave work early, fuck it.
Deep tracks. I had some ideas, a couple have already fallen apart. I'm probably going to buy another board game because I'm addicted to this crap now.
Are you slobs doing anything this weekend? I think I'm gonna leave work early, fuck it.
Right on man, you two are now connected for life. I wonder if they had played in the bay area in the last week. Maybe it's better if I don't know.yeah, played neumos last night. i was right at the stage. at one point she just reached down and took my hat off, and wore it.
real feels
Good call, I had like 12 beers last night. Don't even remember posting that.Lucky must be wasted he usually doesn't type like this.