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drunk thread again

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Drunk out of my mind but still trying to watch my movie of the day for the 31 Days Of Horror Marathon. Unfortunately I randomly chose The Final in Netflix and it´s the most awful movie I´ve seen in years. It´s amateur hour without any passion. The fact this was shown in After Dark fest in the same year as a gem like Lake Mungo makes me sad.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
yeah. same. i laid out a pyscahdelic hippie blanket on the floor and didn't even lay on it. Now I just have to fold it up
Drunk Halloween costumes:


Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Sometimes I wonder if you build and entire house that'd qualify as "under the covers. If all floors were a mattress covered with proper bedding and all your possessions were underneath you'd just have to crawl around to do stuff but it'd basically be like being in bed all the time.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
No way everything always gravitates to the center on trampolines.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I'd be in bed. Even when I'm cooking.
Ain't nobody ever been in bed and wanted to play slamball.


I drank 2 pints of some kind of beer earlier.

I don't know what the fuck it was but god damn. I'm still feeling it. That was 7-8 hours ago that I drank those.


erotic butter maelstrom
This was a fun night. I actually have a date lined up tomorrow with this adorable short blonde girl. She dug my super fucking neurotic bullshit. It's not universally appealing but some girls find it very charming, like a druggy Hugh Grant or some shit. Now to drink more late nite beers, I feel good.

Only regret was totally forgetting about my bar buddy while I chatted with bitches. He took off all dejected. My bad bro but I've suffered chronic blue balls for a few months now.


erotic butter maelstrom
Oh, for sure. If the sitch was reversed, I think I would be supportive. I'm definitely ready to end this cold streak. My penis is sick and the only cure is pussy juice. I should text her that.

Drunk dancing to The-Dream tracks. I wanna take this bitch to Gravity but maybe it's not a great date movie.


i went dancing

there was a 'deal' that if you checked your pants, you got a free drink

so i got a free really really strong long island for checking my pants

awesome shit. dancing was good, but i'm home now and drinking just a bit more before i make myself a snack

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Duuuuuuuude. We should should a stationary parade and have 200+ people say banana with a one syllable delay from one to the next and drive by a golf cart and just hear "BANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANA"

That's be p.ok imo


I quit smoking pot 2 weeks ago because I'm looking for a job. I was at poker night tonight and they passed me the bowl while I was thinking about the cards, and then I smoked and got high on accident.


shoutouts to drunkpaxgaf 2013

snuggler that sounds like a great night, happy for you man

i'm buzzing and listening to drum & bass playing hearthstone, night was okay, less done than expected.

grocery stores past 9pm are interesting, past 10:30/11 they get fucking WILD


erotic butter maelstrom
Man, I still feel fucked up. Now I'm kinda apprehensive about hitting up the female from last night since our correspondence was alcohol based, but fuck it. No reason to hold myself back. From what I remember she seems aight, plus titties, vag and girl butt.

Acrid you like da new Machinedrum record?


erotic butter maelstrom
Honestly I was more into hooking up with her friend. This tall ass goofball kept trying and failing at it and it was hilarious. It's all about drawing bitches to you, dawg, try hard is a pussy repellent. Maybe coulda pulled it off, but I guess she seemed even more out there than me, so I probably ended up with the right one.


erotic butter maelstrom
I coulda snatched it up last night but the idea of my roommate hearing me fuck a bitch creeps me out. We can practically hear each other breathing through these shitty apartment walls. It's not that big of a deal but he'd probably start jerking off or something.


So I randomly ran into the tall lanky pimply girl who used to help me manage our schools radio station and she's turned into a supermodel. Damn girl lit up the room like I've never seen before. She honestly made me and the gf feel important with the amount of attention people were giving her.
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