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drunk thread again

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i got home at 2:20 and my dad was waiting with his girlfriend with champagne. NOT BAD I SAY

sea of dreams ruled

little dragon slayed


Happy New Years Everyone! May this year bring you all the best.

I didn't have sex yesterday but I finally got to try Otoro Sushi which is on par with sex in my opinion. Restaurant kicked ass and was pretty fun to ring in the new year with a bunch of randoms, even got a few back to the chalet for a night cap. Going to ski a bit more today and head back to Montreal.

Hope everyone was safe and enjoyed themselves!

J. Bravo

apparently i left a few condom wrappers in my friend's guest bedroom lol. his mom is pissed.
also i'm tired as shit. maybe 2, 2.5 hours of sleep and i have to work 2-10 tonight on the busiest day of the year.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Oh my god I go so epically drunk last night.
So my dude calls me at like 11 is like I'm takin you out. And I was apprehensive but I said yes because he sort of begged and also I haven't seen him in like a year. Also he paid for me the entire night which was crazy. Was legitly feeling kind of like most of the ladies thought I was his romantic date while we were out.

Anyway so he does't pick me up until like almost midnight and I'm already wasted and kind of wanting to go to bed. I had came to my space ready to get in my jammies and watch persona but NO I went out and fucking partied

and we drank gnarly martinis
that were just like 100% gin which was ok but come on man im dehydrated and drunk already i dont want to drink gin anyway i just got so drunk and then we were gonna stop by a gas statino that was mobbed and i got all panicky cause i was like someones gonna beat our good looking asses and the i dont know but fuck man i didnt even see a QT worth living for.

This is exactly what I didn't want to fucking happen too, now its 11 am and Im still drunk and going to drink more. i expressely tried not to do this.

little dragon slayed

omg did she look pretty i bet she looked really pretty

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I officially have a gigantic crush on a fellow user. I'm going to be extra nice and pleasing to this user.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
im still drinking like right this very second. the proophecy has been fulfilled. im a drunk piece of shit at all times.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Acrid wanna go on a date to the deyoung i go to the science academy all the time but ive never actually been to the deyoung lol.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
i want to get a pet spider and name it bryce dallas howard

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
i dont have a facebook can you print me a ticket


Everybody had sex last night.

I didn't but me and my friends were going to hang out and drink/play funglish, they started arguing and yelling at each other and 2 hours later they made up and im pretty sure they slept together while im in the next room sleeping uncomfortably on the couch with no drinks.

Everybody had sex last night.



wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Am I the only one who drank last night and am drinking again tonight?

I have nothing to do and I'm on break still until Monday...

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
omg im actually wearing brand new jeans (theyre tan but whatever) that have 2 % elastic in them and i look like liquid pussy juice right now i went outside to get some beer from my car and it was just running down the legs of all the females in the neighborhood, a squirrel fell from a powerline

Am I the only one who drank last night and am drinking again tonight?

I have nothing to do and I'm on break still until Monday...

read the op


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
read the op

Potato wedges, melted cheese, and mac n' cheese sandwich will never look appetizing. I could understand 2 of those three combinations. Potato wedges + melted cheese sounds delicious. It's just potato and cheese so you have your starch and your "technically" protein. Mac and cheese and melted cheese is...redundant, but not gross. Potato wedges with mac n' cheese legitimately sounds good. But all three in a sandwich essentially derives the culinary equivalent of dividing by zero. Those ingredients weren't meant to go together in such a fashion, and as such it's no surprise that merely glancing at the picture can induce feelings of great gastronomical grief.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
It'd be nice to participate in real pic january, but I can't go off brand. Where would burger patty cat sleep if I went off brand. What if someone else stole it from me?


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
You will never be Mariah Carey's boyfriend in the 90s with a PS1, N64, SNES, and Genesis hooked up in the living room and a voodoo pc in your room getting dressed up and ready to go see Blade in theatres later that night.


It'd be nice to participate in real pic january, but I can't go off brand. Where would burger patty cat sleep if I went off brand. What if someone else stole it from me?

Some asshole at another forum is using my old dog avatar. I had to change my shit after that.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Sometimes I'm just like "Does Bryce Dallas Howard even know who I am?"
I mean how could she not be impressed?

also what happened to this guy

he had cool backup solutions that i highly respected
but huelen is back which i just couldnt be happier about i wonder how his gameboy advance gamecube thing is doin

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
guys *GUYS*

I just secured an exclusive interview with Huelen10.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member


Favorite sega mascot?

There's only been two to my knowledge (Sanic and the Kidd), but it would be Alberto for OutRun if it were up to me. Hell, we'd have OutRun 4 at this point if it were up to me!

Be honest, have you ever put a genesis gamepad in your mouth?

Nope, I don't do stuff like that, roommate does though; ruined his headphone cords that way. In all honesty, I don't even have a Genesis.

Sonic Pinball: For or against?
For, though I suck at it; Sonic Pinball Party's more my cup of tea.

If you could be friends with one videogame character who would it be besides smile slime?
Wario, so I could screw him over like Mona and the gang did in D.I.Y. and start my own video game publishing and development company, with blackjack and hookers.
So you think it'll be called HL3 or Episode 3?

No clue; I've never been much of a modern PC gamer, so I don't even know if either of those were actually officially announced at some point in the past, or if it is just gamers clinging for hope, ala Shenmue 3 or (in my case) Star Tropics 3.
Describe in your own experience the absolute best 45 seconds of Sonic gameplay ever.

Any latter-half speedrun of Windmill Isle Act 2 Day on HD Sonic Unleashed; to me, that's what it's all about.
Favorite controller?
Tie between Wii U Pro Controller and Xbox 360 Controller S (chrome guide button, not aluminum).

You seem like a mechanics driven guy, have you played volgarr the viking?
No, but I've hear nothing but good things. I'm sure I'll play it some day, and the price is reasonable, but it's so sad to hear how pirated it got. What a shame.


That's some quality journalism right there bro.

Also, I wish I bought a DBZ Hawaiian shirt when I got the chance. Those are gonna blow up big this year with all the early 2000's nostalgia starting to roll in.


My randomly assigned roommate for freshman year had the same birthday as me, a cat with the same name as my cat, and my initials reversed as his initials.

Is that shit freaky or what?
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