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drunk thread again

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Most of the people I go out with are women. I was raised in a house full of women. We are nothing like them. Believe me. There are times I am out with my friends and question their taste.

Women I've been around were always swooning over sexy guys. Getting posters of them, going to watch movies with sexy lead actors, obsessing over the hottest guy in their class, school, etc. So many moments where looks were the topic of conversation.


I'm going to post just to avoid you from quadrupling post, because that is embarrasing.

I do have a drinking problem, but that is besides anything.


macuser I'll get the blazer back next Monday. Also how mad would you be with me if I made this my RPJ avatar?
macuser I'll get the blazer back next Monday. Also how mad would you be with me if I made this my RPJ avatar?
np, ill just use acridinthegrass.jpg for mine

Unrelated it Ive gone through about 20 various cologne samples in the lst month. Will get a couple of Hermes in the mail soon. Will decide then.


It's in the previous drunk thread around page 148 or so.

Yes I've looked it up before. Multiple times. Going in midnights business now to check in on our drunken stream lord.
I'm biding my time at work, but I will be joining you later I think. I really would love to go out for a drink but it's probably too cold for that. Like, I'll literally die if I try to go outside. I might have to stay safe indoors and just chug beers all night.

This is so hype, fuck: http://mrcarmack.bandcamp.com/album/dimebag-2

Did not expect that song to be so cool. Thanks for the link. Yeah its record breaking cold here. I went out earlier to grab some shit to make some ingredients for chicken salad for the wife and I later but that is my only trip for the day. (unless I finish this 40 and walk across the street to the bar for another drink).


Oh man. From now on I think I'm gonna hit the eject button anytime "talks" become a thing in future relationships. Fuck all that.

yeah, it sucks. to be fair, i came home with my upper lip all swollen and bloody, i was angry. got in a fight with some young punk wearing a patagonia fleece with pine trees printed on it. she'll probably just be like "i love you, i wish you'd take better care of yourself, etc"


i think SmokyDave is probably the #1 best all time poster on gaf. timedog, the ninja turtle, eggman, me, all those shitheads, they got nothing on SmokyDave.


mac you know i thought about putting you on that list, but that list is really comprised of people who i think are bloated overrated gaf personas, caricatures of some stupid shit god knows what, god knows what they do with their time and their lives to have forged such personas, etc, you are not that my man. you are the real deal. you are up there in my esteemed opinion.


that pizza looks like some fried goat cheese i'm just saying vein it's not that far fetched

SmokyDave has always been one of the best. We'd be honored if he graced our presence here more often.


Just #5'ed my hair, got a bottle of jameson on my desk, had some nuggets, have about five hours of work left, enjoying the cold weather, blasting music, drowning out my problems, I feel great tonight.
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