I had a dream where I was fucking a cougar. Like literally this cougar transforms into a girl who I fuck.
Gotta start drinking again.
You been reading those animorphs books from the 90s again?
Also, everybody knows there's only one song you play on repeat when making love and that's Marvin Gaye - Sexual Healing.
What? You don't listen to Metroid Prime 2's "Torvus Borg?" C'mon bro.Also, everybody knows there's only one song you play on repeat when making love and that's Marvin Gaye - Sexual Healing.
Order a bottle of hard cider and then pour a shot of fireball into it = delicious
did that 4 times
now i'm home sipping bailey's + kahlua
I haven't seen her in like two months so.. good! Forget her name.When I first referenced Jtwo's Acorn I couldn't remember her name and typed Bean, shoulda just kept it that lol.
I can't afford alcohol these days."pop in"? what is this "pop in"?
I can't afford alcohol these days.
I bought alcohol for minors throughout college
probably funded ~3 months of rent in total
Why the fuck would the autocorrect on my phone think that when I type out tight it thinks I meant right. That's fucking stupid.
Why the fuck would the autocorrect on my phone think that when I type out tight it thinks I meant right. That's fucking stupid.
I met an albino alligator once.
Kisaya, what karaoke song are you going to sing?
Capitol Ciders is cool as fuck but it's slammed during the weekends and I mean SLAMMED. They only ever have like two bartenders working too. Kind of bogus.a cider place opened right across the street from my work like four months ago and i still havent been, im a fucking failure.
I wish I was brave enough to do this. Imitating Creed guy's voice use to be my gimmick.sing a creed song. full-on taking-a-dump voice.