it's not just one gap, but the gaps in a population.A part of me can't imagine Rob Reiners daughter having a gap.
what even is a rager
This could be the next Facebook if done right.illithid you really just need to calculated the expected gap quotient of each party and proceed from there.
we need to develop a mobile app asapThis could be the next Facebook if done right.
I got something bad earlier this week. Puked and shat my guts out, normally that only happens after drinking too much.Fuck the flu.
What is normal society like? I've been in a dry desert all my life. We have good gorditas though. Nothing happens through osmosis alone, have to act on own agency, but I mean it is Saturday night and I have beer you know what I mean
We're in some other town watching some cornballs strum guitars at a brewery. It's alright. Depending on how things play out I imagine I will be fairly drunk by the end of the night. I keep wanting another cig but I just went out. Don't smoke sober but when I'm drinking I could kill a couple packs in a full day.
i still have this thread in my subscriptions from the last time i posted in here
yall are a mess tbh but its cute![]()
If you guys need something to watch, this guy is playing through all the Metal Gear Solid games on the highest difficulty without being spotted or killing anyone in a very fast manner. its impressive
Considering going to graduate school now that I know I can just post my homework here and Jtwo will do it.
if by movies you mean propose, marry her in a small farm ceremony with a handful of friends and live in a rural tourist town and have two to three beautiful mixed children while running a small, independent fair-trade import boutique, participate in community cultural events and grow old together, eventually selling your business and retire and moving to a seaside oasis living out the rest of your years in simple, comfortable love while your children and your children's children come visit and supply your life with intermittent enrichment as your years pass, culminating in your or your spouse's passing at which point the survivor moves back with your eldest child to enjoy your remaining years in contentment.I'm gonna live large off these royalty fees. I'm not sefless.
Also I'm pretty sure I'm gonna ask if she wants to go to the movies with me
[] Yes
if by movies you mean propose, marry her in a small farm ceremony with a handful of friends and live in a rural tourist town and have two to three beautiful mixed children while running a small, independent fair-trade import boutique, participate in community cultural events and grow old together, eventually selling your business and retire and moving to a seaside oasis living out the rest of your years in simple, comfortable love while your children and your children's children come visit and supply your life with intermittent enrichment as your years pass, culminating in your or your spouse's passing at which point the survivor moves back with your eldest child to enjoy your remaining years in contentment.
If that's what you mean, then yes.
For the first time in my life, I'm jealous about people walking around with kids.