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drunk thread again

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A part of me can't imagine Rob Reiners daughter having a gap.
it's not just one gap, but the gaps in a population.


dat distribution


what even is a rager

an old word meaning "party"

like if you were in highschool you might hear "Duuude you KNOW Thompsons havin a rager tonight bro, his moms out of town!"

or if you're illithid you hear "Man, supposed to be a rager and fucking ROB REINERS house tonight! ROB REINER!"

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
When I was a teenager I just liked to look at girls while they were naked, none of this gap nonsense.
The world is so complicated now.


fuck the flu imma get DRUNK TONIGHT AND ROCK OUT YEAH. after i finish my homework

jtwo: you are wise

speaking of my homework, if anyone wants to write me a one page story based on the following painting it would be really helpful. accepting submissions over the next 3 hours


Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
"I'm so glad my strappy shoes match my shield!" Lady Dominicah thought to herself as she headed out to the olive orchard. "I sure hope nothing goes wrong today." She pleasantly thought to herself as a centaur hurriedly galloped past.

She noticed an abnormal amount of activity in the main court.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Ok. so we've established that at the start of the story Lady Dominicah lives a fairly charmed life.

Also, there are centaurs, a main court and an olive orchard.

What should be happening in the main court that is causing the abnormal amount of activity she notices? Ancient discovery? Mysterious travellor? Threat from a near by citystate? Should the violence break out then and there? Where do the archers come from?

The shell on her hair needs to play a huge role. Maybe its the shell that has allowed her to be naked in the field of battle and survive? (were going to ignore that blood coming from under her breast)

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
  • Lady Domicah awakens in her palace
  • after typical a typical morning she dresses (with her favorite shoes and shield)
  • she heads to the olive orchard hoping to see her friends
  • she notices a centaur hurriedly rush past as if something is wrong
  • she notices an abnormal amount of activity in the city's main court
  • her hair piece falls off
  • as it falls to the ground it catches the reflection of the sun in a moment that blinds lady dominicah
  • we learn that her grandmother gifted her this shell hairpiece in an ominous, forboding way
  • the shell hairpiece has made her immortal (only while she wears it) and this is not something she is aware of yet
  • in the main square a mysterious wanderer has arrived proclaiming a great power lies within the city's walls
  • it creates much strife
  • threatened he'll lose his power the king of the city orders the wanderer be contained
  • in the kerfuffle lady dominicahs dress is immolated
  • ^me sure to illustrate this with the same thematic tone as you described the sun's fury reflected in her hairpiece
  • lady dominicah is left fully nude with nothing but shield, shoes and hairpiece, her fate has been fully revealed to her
  • describe lady dominicahs rise to power, with her newfound knowedge and status as a demigod

I think that you need to add a second character. Thats a good way to establish what the wanderer is doing there. Have her speak with a friend who describes the situation, maybe its a love interest who is killed in the battle leaving lady dominicah with a sort of moral imperitive to use her newfound power for the good of the people.

i dont know im drunk. thats also like, really awful

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Just let me know if you need help assembling it into a page of text.
It should be pretty easy to get a page out of that outline.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
What is normal society like? I've been in a dry desert all my life. We have good gorditas though. Nothing happens through osmosis alone, have to act on own agency, but I mean it is Saturday night and I have beer you know what I mean

If you guys need something to watch, this guy is playing through all the Metal Gear Solid games on the highest difficulty without being spotted or killing anyone in a very fast manner. its impressive


Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
What is normal society like? I've been in a dry desert all my life. We have good gorditas though. Nothing happens through osmosis alone, have to act on own agency, but I mean it is Saturday night and I have beer you know what I mean

I know whacha mean.
I'm slow cooking pork.


erotic butter maelstrom
We're in some other town watching some cornballs strum guitars at a brewery. It's alright. Depending on how things play out I imagine I will be fairly drunk by the end of the night. I keep wanting another cig but I just went out. Don't smoke sober but when I'm drinking I could kill a couple packs in a full day.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
We're in some other town watching some cornballs strum guitars at a brewery. It's alright. Depending on how things play out I imagine I will be fairly drunk by the end of the night. I keep wanting another cig but I just went out. Don't smoke sober but when I'm drinking I could kill a couple packs in a full day.

Don't know about packs but agree with the general gist of what you're saying. 'Avent smoked a cig in a wee bit shy of 6+ months now. Never got into it heavy at all, but when drinking the cravings come home to roost.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
1280x1024 was a really good resolution for sure

Kinda wish 2560x2048 was a thing nowadays.

Is that what the Chromebook pixel runs at?

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I had like, one computer for the majority the nineties. My Mom worked at a locally owned winery and they we're making a lot of money and just replaced all their computers around '93 or '94 and my Mom snatched like three of them. In addition to the 2 we already had. We also had dialup so when I was in like 4th grade I just come home and bask in the glory.

I had a tnt2 later on when I got to junior high. I pirated unreal tournement from a class mate and we were so stunned by the graphics. On his computer the minigun didnt even spin and on mine it had like, shading and stuff. I remember him saying "i dont think videogames will ever look better than this."
I remember playing unreal for the first time after getting my voodoo2 installed and going outside the ship... I was like whaaaooooo wtf is this. mindblown. fog? reflections? lawd


erotic butter maelstrom
We're at a gay club, the interesting thing is the dancefloor is literally all bitches. I guess it's true these are good places for single dudes to hunt some poon.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I hung out in a predominately gay crowd for about two years. My best friend and I had lived together in Berkeley and we kinda just fell into this really vibrant gay community through our neighbors. They were big in the house/rave scene and were event organizers so it there a lot of social benefits but tbh, I never got laid once as a straight male. I had my but and nipples grabbed on the daily but not by anyone I was interested in. I kinda miss that period of my life. It was so genuine and insane. We'd just come home and one guy would be ordering opium online while 3 people are in a giant Khole on the couch and we'd listen to sasha and mysteri and dyloot hella loud and make blackberry mojitos.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
New on the ultimate turbo jam

when lorde says we could make it so good it sounds like gorillaz say push it real

these facts and more brought to you by the insatiable monster inside of me as i wreck havok upon all culture creating war, extinction and ultimately the next phase of humanity
I'm gonna live large off these royalty fees. I'm not sefless.

Also I'm pretty sure I'm gonna ask http://models.com/work/pf-magazine-ukraine-nyasha-matonhodze/221694 if she wants to go to the movies with me

[] Yes
if by movies you mean propose, marry her in a small farm ceremony with a handful of friends and live in a rural tourist town and have two to three beautiful mixed children while running a small, independent fair-trade import boutique, participate in community cultural events and grow old together, eventually selling your business and retire and moving to a seaside oasis living out the rest of your years in simple, comfortable love while your children and your children's children come visit and supply your life with intermittent enrichment as your years pass, culminating in your or your spouse's passing at which point the survivor moves back with your eldest child to enjoy your remaining years in contentment.

If that's what you mean, then yes.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
if by movies you mean propose, marry her in a small farm ceremony with a handful of friends and live in a rural tourist town and have two to three beautiful mixed children while running a small, independent fair-trade import boutique, participate in community cultural events and grow old together, eventually selling your business and retire and moving to a seaside oasis living out the rest of your years in simple, comfortable love while your children and your children's children come visit and supply your life with intermittent enrichment as your years pass, culminating in your or your spouse's passing at which point the survivor moves back with your eldest child to enjoy your remaining years in contentment.

If that's what you mean, then yes.

Oh man, someone who finally appreciates going to the movies as more than just a present time waster.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
For the first time in my life, I'm jealous about people walking around with kids.

Same/ But I dont have what it takes to raise a male. I mean, I am so far away from even being able to ensure my own future so its not like that.. but I just picture having a daughter. I think a good part of it is my only life experience with a child is my really close friend's daughter. But I just don't think I could do my son right. A son needs unrelenting enthusiasm to vindicate his unending madness, which is a really hard thing to provide.

Someone on GAF accused me of my making my CAT depressed.. I can't imagine a child.

Do any other nonparents feel a strong predilection towards one sex or another? Culture tells me I should want a boy so I can play catch with him. But in actuality I want a girl who completely encompsasses myself and my spouse within and will go on to get expelled for violently hurting her suitors.

I picture my daughter as a mix of go go from kill bill and river from firefly.

I'm not crazy.
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