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Have you guys seen enlightened with lady dern in it?
ha only someone as small as you would bow down to the mpaa
isnt this art your life, cop?
kind of a weird night, drank a lot, but couldn't get drunk, went to a party in bel air that got shut down right when i got there, and kept seeing this kennedy kid (yes, that kennedy) throughout the night.
had a good hotdog though
and now i'm here
kind of a weird night, drank a lot, but couldn't get drunk, went to a party in bel air that got shut down right when i got there, and kept seeing this kennedy kid (yes, that kennedy) throughout the night.
had a good hotdog though
and now i'm here
Capitol Ciders is cool as fuck but it's slammed during the weekends and I mean SLAMMED. They only ever have like two bartenders working too. Kind of bogus.
Just fuck her and get it over with.last night me and one of my hottie females co workers were talkin about it, she asked me if i wanted to go there with her sometime. :
walking around with my kid on my shoulders in seattle was eye-opening; lots of smiles from college-age bohemian qts and high-wage earning milf-cougars. I think it causes uterus feels in some women which for a split second are improperly transmitted as sexy feels.For the first time in my life, I'm jealous about people walking around with kids.
Someone start start a toddler rental service for this very purpose.nah, it's like I passed several tests in the span of milliseconds. borrow a toddler sometime and try it.
posting a kickstarter asapSomeone start start a toddler rental service for this very purpose.
Yup.i think your face causes uterus feels
Wool I heard you play Diablo 3? You getting the expansion?
So, tonight, do I go to a BBQ that I promised I'd show up to or a rager at Rob Reiners house?
Decisions, decisions.
I don't think we ever played together. Pm me your battletag and I'll hop on after work and add you? I just remember seeing you mention it a while back.Oh yeah. It's gonna be great. I think you're probably still on my friends list?
So, tonight, do I go to a BBQ that I promised I'd show up to or a rager at Rob Reiners house?
Decisions, decisions.
Of all the people to rage with in hollywood you get rob reiner?