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drunk thread again

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erotic butter maelstrom
This must be a new record for me. Before I approached this girl she was giving me all kinds of non-verbal signals she was interested. After a single interaction with me where I said maybe like 5 sentences of meaningless small talk she has completely reversed course and gives me the ice cold shoulder today.

This kind of stuff happens so much I'm befuddled.
Either you're aiming really high or you got shitty luck cause that seems to happen a lot.


It's karaoke night at the bar.

Too sick to attend. All my bros there are gonna get laid by hot GILFs tonight, I can feel it.


erotic butter maelstrom
I'm thinking about getting into making music. At 27 I'm probably too old, but I've always had so much creativity and imagination but no outlet for it. I don't want it to be a waste.


erotic butter maelstrom
I was mostly joking, it's just hard not to dwell on all those wasted years that could have been spent on so much more than what I did (nothing). For the first time I'm really feeling the effects of my apathy. It sucks.


erotic butter maelstrom
Like what if instead of sinking into depression and videogames for four years I learned guitar or toned my buns or something. So much wasted time, better start making up for it now before it's too late.
Like what if instead of sinking into depression and videogames for four years I learned guitar or toned my buns or something. So much wasted time, better start making up for it now before it's too late.

I need to get my shit together man. I feel like this is describing me in the future.


drinking vodka and eating a grilled cheeseburger munchie meal from Jacks.

If i puke tonight Im going to blame this stupid amount of food, not the booze


erotic butter maelstrom
I need to get my shit together man. I feel like this is describing me in the future.
It's now or possibly never. I'm at the point where I should be planning for retirement and picking out tombstones and shit and it's like what have I even accomplished so far?


erotic butter maelstrom
We're getting pretty ratchet for a thurs night. But fuck it tomorrow is Fri so it don't matter. Only one day to grind out. Tomorrow I'm gonna see my best friend that I used to work with. Miss that girl so much. Plus they're hooking me up with more of those uber ganja cookies.


erotic butter maelstrom
If you can cut it down to 1-2 binge drinking nights a week or 3-4 days where you drink lightly it can be done.
This sounds perfecf. Get lit twice a week, catch a decent buzz four nights a week, then have one night for sober restoration. Pretty much how I'm living now.

Too much personal shitz. Basically just stuck being thirsty until I find something new. 🏄🍗


venezuela left yesterday

had the most amazing 2 weeks ever, fucked like never before, she said she fell in love with me and that she straight up loves me and we made plans for me to go there.. in July

so basically best possible outcome ever but also the worst cause now I'm just sitting here hoping we don't fall off-love in 5 months of messaging / skype while masturbating thinking about the crazy shit we did and oh my god this suuuuuuucks I need money and a plane ticket

shit is nuts


venezuela left yesterday

had the most amazing 2 weeks ever, fucked like never before, she said she fell in love with me and that she straight up loves me and we made plans for me to go there.. in July

so basically best possible outcome ever but also the worst cause now I'm just sitting here hoping we don't fall off-love in 5 months of messaging / skype while masturbating thinking about the crazy shit we did and oh my god this suuuuuuucks I need money and a plane ticket

shit is nuts

Pics or it didnt happen mothersucko


I drank too much last night and lost my MP3 player. It's somewhere in my room, probably underneath my bed or something but I have no idea where it is.

On that note drinking 500mg of Seagrams vodka has suprisingly little hangover. Think I've found a good cheap rotgut here.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
I remember playing the little man game one time with vodka. Like you have to remember everytime to take the little man with your fingers off of the vodka lip and put him on the table counter.

Ended up drinking quite a bit that one night. Little man is easy to forget.


The 85 richest people in the world totally work harder than the poorest 3.5 billion combined.


How long were these opening ceremonies? Holy shit, do they ever end?

Ever get to that point where Pabst Blue Ribbon starts to taste like Sprite?

Lol, wish I could get bud to do that.

Tonight my dranks were barn door (dog?) ale and rye. Tasty.


everytime i think im a dumbass something comes up to remind me im not that bad.

some dumbass out there wants to eat a flash cart lmao


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Wow I actually started hiccuping. I feel like one of those characters in those old cartoons where the bottle says X, death, or has the skull and crossbones you know what I mean

Easy way to stop hiccuping almost instantly (I learned this as a kid) is to take a sip of whatever you're drinking, bend over so your face is facing the floor and your back is also bent, and swallow the liquid in that position. Works best with a glass of water and a straw but I just tried it with beer and it worked flawlessly.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Girl literally x came up and started grinding on me hard, tgan said she works with someone and cant and left

tried to get another girls numbee and she said she doesn't know her number

getton mcdss now, fuckit


Sup my fucking drunkGAF bros

i amt oo drunk to be posting tgin this thread. had a failure of a weekend so i decided to just drink by myself and post on messasge boards and shit. texting some friends. about to text some ladies too just to let em know whats good yaknow

love u guys. <3
surpsing mysrlf i havtnt felt the urge to text anyone yet

except my bff in who is in cali at the moment but thats differnt

i think i want a forum name change.... idk what possesd me to make my nme this when i signed up a couplr years ago
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