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drunk thread again

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friend just asked me if I want to go out to this old people club full of cougars who are down to fuck anyone basically. Dude goes there often with friends.

These facebook pics of the place are too much







friend just asked me if I want to go out to this old people club full of cougars who are down to fuck anyone basically. Dude goes there often with friends.

These facebook pics of the place are too much


Get really drunk beforehand and come back and tell us all about it.


im just not in the mood for sweaty old people and this dude is totally down with banging one of em so i'd just stay there alone surrounded by wrinkles


Is this you?


Do you like Tails or Knuckles better?

Pretty impressive MS Paint skills huh? Ummmmmmmmm gee that is a tough question. I feel as though Knuckles' hair would actually feel like thick tubes of rubber or red licorice or something and that freaks me out a little, so I'm going to go with Tails.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah Copernicus you just stay and hang out. We're doing a great play right now. I guess you'll have a cameo from your appearance. It's a shame we have such a communication barrier since I've just kinda stopped using google services and a traditional computer to communicate, but I've been thinking about making an uber secret g+ account strictly for communication outside the apple ecosystem.


Its cool jtwo, I was a bit disappointed when I didn't hear from you for a while but alas.

I'm about to reinvent myself soon. Shits gonna be cray cray.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Jtwo I'm hurt that I said this hours ago and it went unnoticed.
no no I read it I read it

Its cool jtwo, I was a bit disappointed when I didn't hear from you for a while but alas.

I'm about to reinvent myself soon. Shits gonna be cray cray.
I'm sorry im such an asshole, Jim. My life is just in flux. But we're good buds don't feel like we're not.
get IMessage you plebe

I have a super computer, but I literally only use it for games. When you guys see me, it's all ios.


erotic butter maelstrom
I only use a PC at work anymore. I'm trying to streamline shit to the point where I have as little physical posessions as possible. My apartment could burn down and I wouldn't give a fuck if I saved my phone and bike. With streaming shit these days a smart phone is basically all you need to stay connected.


I don't like smart phones though. :/ I'm with you on the possessions thing. I have way too much shit that doesn't mean anything. That said, you need something to show your personality I think.

I'd rather walk around like this.

I can only assume that's blame space in the exhibit A.


I only use a PC at work anymore. I'm trying to streamline shit to the point where I have as little physical posessions as possible. My apartment could burn down and I wouldn't give a fuck if I saved my phone and bike. With streaming shit these days a smart phone is basically all you need to stay connected.

I don't like the whole streaming thing. Everybody wants you to pay for some monthly subscription these days. I just want to buy something and then it's mine. In January I got a VCR again and we've been watching videotapes pretty regularly at the house. I can obsessively watch The Cable Guy everyday if I want to. It's great.

Streaming is convenient though...
Bla BLAM! I am drunk. 4 wines at a crazy party filled with cougars (and my wife) then later a margarita with a margarita pizza.

I did meet the real life Tobias Funke at the party. I realized this before he started dancing in his cut offs. I am not making this up. Dude was wearing a tie-dyed tshirt, birkenstocks, had round glasses and a soul patch. I wish I could have video'd the dancing.
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