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drunk thread: anonymous alcoholics

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I must be living bizarro world cuz red bull and voka is like a mans drink around here. Personally I'm down to just take shots if need be. I just think if you're gonna mix drinks then mix it with something you actually like.
Yeah it's also considered a mans drink but I noticed females really seem to enjoy it. I agree mix your drinks with something you like or just straight up take a shot.

0jagerbmbms motherfucker
Go to bed Garfield.
Midnights, I'm pretty sure balddemon did all of the drugs from your party tomorrow. Every single one of them. You're safe to go now.

That's the only explanation.


at least this hangover isn't debilitating like the last one I had. last time I couldn't get out of bed without wanting to puke. oh and I texted these two hot girls we were with that I wanted to fuck their brains out. no response. lol.


aka Mannny
White wine before work because I'm gonna be missing the bowl. Don't care much about sports but it almost makes me cry knowing I'm missing out on all that food.


Trying to work on that, but its difficult. Especially when you have ass hole fancy pant artist hitting on your gf and she doesn't take it negatively.


She doesn't flirt back as far as her friends tell me, but she doesn't tell him to stop either. Causes a s bit of friction.

Two bottles of wine. yayy


The greatest part of my day is right after waking up. You think hey things might be cool today and then by the end you realize, just another disaster.

im the opposite. i often wake up and am like "fuck this, i dont want to do this day, im gonna stay in bed, everything is terrible" then i put my pants on and get out there in the world and things are just fine.
im the opposite. i often wake up and am like "fuck this, i dont want to do this day, im gonna stay in bed, everything is terrible" then i put my pants on and get out there in the world and things are just fine.
Yeah, this is me. Worst part of my day is always the first 5-10 minutes I spend dreading getting out of bed. Once I do, things are all good.


I just got one of those nose hair trimmers cause I've got this big job interview tomorrow and I damn near clogged the sink. I wish I had stepped on the scale beforehand, I feel light as a feather.

On the flip side, doesn't this mean my nose won't filter out all the dust and shit very well? What if I get asthma?

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
WoW. I had a very pleasant day. Woke up, played some Portal2 and drank a cup of great coffee. Then went out to the pet store and broke a dish and had the nice lady clean up after me, I ate 3/4s of a giant chimichanga in a park and then went to Russian River Brewing and had 10oz of Pliny the Younger and watched Beyonce shake her booty on the tv, then I went home and cuddled whilst playing Hexagon, and then I showered really well and shaved and played a good half hour of Planetside2, after that I went to whole foods and got some big chocolate cupcakes and took them home and put them in the fridge, and then we went on a really fun and cold night bikeride, came home and listened to my autechre cds since It was kind of special, then we ate some chocolate cupcakes in my kitchen and made out with frosting mouth. It was pretty gross. Now I'm just sitting back on GAF and I'm about to pour myself the stiffest drink my stomach can stand and watch a little house of cards. Back to work tomorrow. I think I'm like, seriously seroiusly for realsies in love kinda maybe. Ah man, today.
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