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drunk thread: anonymous alcoholics

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Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
I don't know. It was plan b, we went to the brewery but thine was down the street so we went to the bottle barn and Megan the kinda chubby girl who works there was looking super cute.

Just get some blackcurrant squash in there before somebody calls the cops


I close tomorrow night which is when we (coworkers) get drunk when we close the store. YEE BUDDY

mac go to sakura-con and be a cosplay photographer.

edit: It'd also be funny if someone there asked who you were cosplaying as with those glittery shoes.


I've had a few drinks, but I might go to the store to get some more beer. I'm in the mood for more beer. But I'd have to ride my bike. I'm gonna listen to the Queen song to get some inspiration.



If this girl knew what a big deal I was on neogaf she'd be all over me. Believe

ah yis


boobs and butts have been very important to me for a long time.

i'm starting to feel like i should maybe just focus on finding a chick who is smart, mature, funny, has her shit together, etc.

i know, lowering my standards


we're here for you buddy. just don't do anything stupid like me :D

edit: don't you hate it when girls you remember as hot in hs got to college and gained the freshman 15...of several people? then as a senior they're still fat. :(
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