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drunk thread: anonymous alcoholics

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I'm thinking about how bored I am right now. I think I'm gonna start waking up at a reasonable hour and showering so that my whole day (and life) doesn't feel like the waste that it is.


Came home from work to find all the power on my street out. Sat in the dark eating dinner till I ran a few blocks to a friends place.

Came back to the power back, it was one solid feeling. Though the darkness with just the moon/starlight was pretty great.

Now jammin Jtwo you'd dig that.
Power outages can be sort of neat if they hit at the right time. Of course, the past 5 or so years that I've experienced them, they've always been at the exact wrong times (paper due next morning, etc). That never makes for a good time.


erotic butter maelstrom
Careful saying that name, you might summon him. We'd have to burn drunk thread down to the ground and start anew elsewhere.
Might be a while. I'm up to my neck in projects at the moment.

Had a cute girl grind on my dick at that party I went to but that was just a one way ticket to "blue balls" city.

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