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drunk thread: anonymous alcoholics

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Acrid this gif always reminds me of you.


aka Mannny
My jokes aren't even seen as serious anymore. What is this world coming to?

Awww man that's really gaudy cop. I wants it for a collection or something.


aka Mannny
I both love and hate the 90 day push-up thread. It's stupid because trying to do a max amount of push-ups a day is silly since every part of gaining strength through push-ups demands great form. I love it though because it shows how immense the willpower of everyone in the thread is.
Guys, there's this new girl that's been going to the gym the same time as me and she is like perfect. I mean for real, it's baffling.

I've always sworn off picking up women at the gym, but goddamn. She's seriously making me consider changing my mind.
I just don't want end up all depressed if I move to Seattle because the weather effects my mood. :p
Have you been to Seattle before? You should visit here during the rainy season (AKA any month not named July or August) and see if it's something you could live with, because it's grey just about 280+ days of the year.
Have you been to Seattle before? You should visit here during the rainy season (AKA any month not named July or August) and see if it's something you could live with, because it's grey just about 280+ days of the year.
Yeah, I'm planning on visiting a bunch of West Coast cities (Seattle being one of them) once I have the money to do some traveling.
You gotta ask her out man, nothing is off limits now.
I'm hoping and praying God does me a solid and puts her in one of my classes next quarter. Otherwise the gym is my only choice.

It'll be weird as shit though, I have no idea how to go about approaching her in that kind of setting. I'll probably just make something up on the spot and stumble over my words. Hopefully she thinks it's cute and that I'm not retarded.

Yeah, I'm planning on visiting a bunch of West Coast cities (Seattle being one of them) once I have the money to do some traveling.
Cool. If you can get past the weather I have no doubts you'll love it here. Everyone does.


Make her be mirin at you lucky. Do 60lb bicep curls in front of her every chance you get.

Does she lift weights? Make some bullshit about correcting her form and work from there.
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