Maybe in another life.
Too bad reincarnation is bullshit.
From one alpha to an aspiring, all you have to do is just kick ass and not give a fuck about what anyone thinks. Lead or follow, choose your path. You get one chance at life on this rock, make the best of it.
edit. I'm 5 glasses of wine deep. blarg
I'll give you straight up serious advice that you can apply with ANY female you want to get involved with. This is after years of failure, and overcoming insecurities to realize just how simple women are. Treat her exactly like you would your guy friends, leave out the dick and fart jokes. When you are ready to take things to the next level (which should be sooner than later, being "friends" is a massive downside since you lost your chance at first impressions .. which mean everything), all you have to do is a few simple things.yo theres this girl (21 year old MILF [not sure if that qualifies as a MILF]) who lives like 5 houses from me. whats the best way to approach: days where she doesn't have her daughter with her (weekends) or the days she does have her daughter. btw we're already pretty good friends
1. Never text, save that shit for people you do not want to be romantic with. (I'm dead fucking serious)
2. Pick up the phone and call her. (I do not suggest walking to her house, I'll explain down below)
3. Chat about usual stuff, then straight up cut to the chase with something like, "So listen, I want to take you out on a date.. just you and me. I was thinking friday, what time works best 7 or 8 o'clock?". (you think this is crazy, girls reading this think its crazy but it will flat out surprise most women, a man asking them blankly on a date with such fearlessness. "Finally" she'll think. It is ALWAYS best to make your intentions clear from the get go, none of this "lets go for coffee" or "my friends are going here, you should come" shit.. be a man, women want men not boys. Also, the line I gave you is an old sales tactic which utilizes "tie down" techniques that lead people towards "yes" responses. Also, 7 or 8 leaves here with 2 options, neither of them being "No". You may think this is over thought and crazy but I'm telling you .. years of failure and I learned all of this from them. When I was single I was crushing it, with ease using these methods).
4. Be genuine
5. Make her laugh
6. If she says no, accept it.. walk away and find another woman. Do not waste another second of your precious youth dreaming about the impossible, be respectful to her but just walk away with dignity.
When I said to pick up the phone earlier and not walk there, I said so because the best way to get a girl to like you is to get in her head and make her THINK about you. Mystery is key, and fearlessness. Instead of showing up and having some odd face to face date ask out session, a phone conversation is more tolerable and easily approachable. Its still brave, still bold and the second you hang up she will do nothing but think about you for several minutes. In fact she may think about you much more after that phone call until your date. All that thought time equates to getting her in head, which means she isn't thinking about some other guy.
Now we're getting somewhere... tactics.
All in all just be yourself but use knowledge to give you an upper hand against the competition and to save yourself time if things don't work out. By being straight forward with women you end up saving yourself sometimes years of precious youth if they turn you down. So my advice to you is to call her tomorrow night, chat for 2 minutes then flat out ask her out on a date, and make sure to use the word "date". If she accepts, homerun buddy. If she declines? Guess what? she just did you a massive favor by letting you know how she feels, now you can move onto someone who may actually care about you.
Most importantly men, be men. Women are not interested in boys, and they think you're all a bunch of boys. You have to prove them wrong and you will be rewarded.