Yeah, my fiance is black and looks it. But one of her sisters looks half asian and her dad looks hispanic.
what is half black?
fuck it, have whiskey dick anyway.
Best Dick
fuck it, have whiskey dick anyway.
I can relate.
I live with my girlfriend, but I have NO social life.
Fuck, I need to meet new people and be social.
Gotdamn. Same here, buddy. I'm blessed as shit to have a supportive and mad hot gf but my entire lift outside of her is fuckin' depressing as shit.
Jesus Christ, maybe we all need to hang out together. I've got a few buds, but my best friend is about to move out of the country in a few weeks. I haven't really thought about it much (tried not to), but I'm going to be lonely as shit here in a few weeks
Gotdamn. Same here, buddy. I'm blessed as shit to have a supportive and mad hot gf but my entire lift outside of her is fuckin' depressing as shit.
What are you, gay? Don't you know that men aren't allowed to give a shit about each other?
Ya, tell me about it. No friends, no money. (The boss is on an extended business trip, and I have very, very few hours. I'm stressing like you wouldn't believe about Christmas.)
Know we're in your shoes, buddy. This life? It's fun and dumb and worth fucking with.
Brochure's like that thing, where's it's all "Yo what up, I'm paper explaining shit to you".
I suppose, I just don't know what to do. Can't even afford gas or subway fare these days. :/
alright look loko
im talking about written speeches
you know why i think it's bullshit?
cause it's a SCRIPT
Drink and be merry! (Or not.)
Check for tampering first, though.
i have a 50 question quiz to do and i have to some research on how to build trust between people. and istill gott play terraria. probz goty
i think the president should talk to his country drunk so that way everybody knows he's tellin da truth
I think the solution is more vodka. yes, that sounds good.
Talk to me about it, bud. Believe it or not, I know a thing about money.
yeah intro. its mostly pretty easy, just a bit nervous about the final cause i haven't had as easy a time with this class as with others. i'll probably get drunk before it.
You are my kind of drunk thread.
So it's Monday night, I have a film assignment due tomorrow (not doing it/doing it very slowly), a script to read/critique for tomorrow (probably not doing that), and a 12 page paper due next week (i'll do it eventually, just not anytime soon). And I've been getting smashed on Skyy for the past hour because all I can do is think about this awesome chick with WHOM there is mutual interest in eaach other...but she has a boyfriend and won't leave him because even though he's awful to her she's in love with him or doesn't know any better or WHATEVER. grrr.
I think the solution is more vodka. yes, that sounds good.
Ah, yes. Knowing a thing or two about money is good. But you have to HAVE money.
I have too much money. I hate fuckin' being this guy, it actually alienated me from all of my friends but having too much is as much of a curse is it is a blessing.
buy a boat bro
I have too much money. I hate fuckin' being this guy, it actually alienated me from all of my friends but having too much is as much of a curse is it is a blessing.
I have too much money. I hate fuckin' being this guy, it actually alienated me from all of my friends but having too much is as much of a curse is it is a blessing.
I hate swimming.
Macro/Micro intro courses can be tricky for a lot of people. The last thing I'd recommend is getting drunk before it. Go visit an econ tutor; you're campus probably provides them for free. If not, see your TA or prof in advance (so that their office is not full just prior to the exam). It's very easy material, but it requires a number of things to "click" for you to really grasp it. If that doesn't happen, the course seems easy, but becomes quite difficult when you're actually solving issues on the exam. Your TA/Prof will be overjoyed by the fact that you want to visit their office and seek their help. It's going to be weird, but just play it cool.
Buckle down and give it all ya got. Anything in particular that you're struggling with?
Keystone light here :lol
women, huh dude?
Goddamnit. I'm tired of hiding it. I'm lonely as shit.
Can I have some? I'm about to put myself in tons of debt for school, help a bro out.I have too much money. I hate fuckin' being this guy, it actually alienated me from all of my friends but having too much is as much of a curse is it is a blessing.
I'm only at the working class level, but the fact that I can save money has set me a part from a lot of my peers. I always have money, and they never do, and it does sort of cause a weird riff. Particularly the occasional time that I say "I don't really have the money" for doing something. I mean it, but in a different way I guess
off the top of my head, without a study guide for the final, i'd say T-Bills or w/e the fuck they are and money multipliers are difficult for me to remember. its really just a matter of practicing them a couple times beforehand. like my teach always says "write it 5 times minimum a day before the test". so i did that for the last test and fucking aced the written part.
edit: shit this thread moves fast for a monday night
Ill be your friend. Really.
Good for you, man. I feel too many people our age use our economic situation as as crutch. Excel like I know we can.
fucking tell me about it.