There was this guy at Bob Jones University who really liked trains...You need to chill on the girls man. Focus on like a hobby or something.
Collect trains.
Don't be that guy, Balddemon. Dude was a fucking psycho.
There was this guy at Bob Jones University who really liked trains...You need to chill on the girls man. Focus on like a hobby or something.
Collect trains.
i am making up for 20 years of lost opportunities. maybe i should play more video games. or go to the gym more. those are my hobbies man. games, gym, girls.
how about i get her number, and try to form a longterm relationship. that would be nice. haven't had one of those since soph year of hs.
what's going on in here
Let's post pics of Shaq with young girls![IMG][/QUOTE]
Why no tinychat?
Why no tinychat?
i have gas right now that smells like if hot turds were stirred into a spicy soup.
What is this symbol?
I could ask it in the stupid question thread but I'm drunk so I think posting it in here is just as good.
Seriously what is this symbol? You get it by holding down the percentage key on iOS.
Hi guys. I'm not drunk, but I am high as shit; do I still count?
I wish I was high. I would be if I wasn't out until Friday. Too bad our Google overlords deem it an inappropriate conversation topic.
I wish I was high. I would be if I wasn't out until Friday. Too bad our Google overlords deem it an inappropriate conversation topic.
What? I think there is a high thread. I posted in it a few times.
keep your marijuana talk out of here, hippies! whart if they were to close the drunk thread!?
whart if they were to close the drunk thread!?
keep your marijuana talk out of here, hippies! whart if they were to close the drunk thread!?
Woww ok cool. I don't remember that being taught in school.
Hey gais whats going on in this thre-
Happy Birthday Acrids
Hi guys. I'm not drunk, but I am high as shit; do I still count?
I'll definately be high for the VGAs. I want to see them exclusives!
By the way, WTF happened to that 360 exclusive, 300-like game from Crytech
It's a Kinect game, and it still exists. It's called Ryse (ew @ y instead of i). It's not the same Crytek that made Crysis, though, it's one of their other, lesser studios.
edit - I will also be high for the VGA's. I feel strangely compelled to watch them but I'll need to take all the intoxicants I can find to make it enjoyable.
I'm starting to like watching interracial porn. I think I might try some.
edit: steve, should i add that movie to my must watch list?
If it was a movie I would say yes.
someone on GAF turned me on to this, but this girl is pretty awesome:
someone on GAF turned me on to this, but this girl is pretty awesome:
So.... are people allowed to admit to other substances without retribution from the google overlords?