give me another few hours and I'll be pretty tossed myself. no internet thoughi can't be the only gaffer tossed on a saturdy afternoon... or can i..?
Är jag den enda som är full här eller? Vafan.
i feel like butter
spread thin
over not enough bread
or some shit. HAHAHAHA lotr is so corny.
Är jag den enda som är full här eller? Vafan.
you know what else is corny? my shit.
Lol look at this guy, he's so fucking hammered he cant type.
Landry Jones sucks. Also RG3 to the Seahawks.goddamn i hop ethe chiefs draft a qb next year...i'm hopin rg3, but landry jones is good too i guess.
Landry Jones sucks. Also RG3 to the Seahawks.
coldvein what name did you use on tinychat when you got banned?
you might be unbanned now. check.
What is the deal with people shitting up the IronGaf Cookoff thread with pictures of shitty homemade pizza?
You can't go a single fucking page without seeing a picture of some nub and his unappetizing piece of flat bread with mozzarella and pepperoni on it.
Holy shit Chef Boyardee, did you roll the dough yourself?
And the pizza people always take the worst photographs.
What's the correlation between homemade pizza and Iphones?
Fucking cookie cutter mother fuckers.