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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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good credit (by proxy)
Steel Reserve? C'mon man you can do better than that for the cheap stuff. Unless it's the Steel Reserve Select or whatever in the classy packaging, then you have my blessing.


I never really understood this particular claim. It's not uncommon. But what is the takeaway? We're supposed to give you a pass? I'm genuinely curious.

Probably, "he says what he wants to say, regardless of how it may effect your "feelings"".


Probably, "he says what he wants to say, regardless of how it may effect your "feelings"".

or just he can't filter himself and sort of feels bad about it. if he didn't he'd say he was "honest"

re: alcohol, it's nice to have a proper palette but sometimes you have to be pragmatic


What should I do over winter break GAF??

My current plans are to get a new CSR wheel for PC/360, go steelhead fishing, and go out and have fun. Any other suggestions?


good credit (by proxy)
I never want to not drink for another full day for the rest of my life. I just want to get really, really fucking plastered every single day? Tomorrow I'm buying 2 half gallons of whiskey and I'm gonna crawl between the mattress and box spring with my head sticking out and a bowl filled with whiskey underneath me, with a straw extending from my lips to the bowl, and I'm gonna get as drunk as possible in that position.

Drunk thread... am I an asshole?


Who cares if you're an asshole. Just do stuff and learn.


Drunk thread... am I an asshole?

I enjoyed it.

Also, you have nice teeth. Keep doing what you're doing.

I never want to not drink for another full day for the rest of my life. I just want to get really, really fucking plastered every single day? Tomorrow I'm buying 2 half gallons of whiskey and I'm gonna crawl between the mattress and box spring with my head sticking out and a bowl filled with whiskey underneath me, with a straw extending from my lips to the bowl, and I'm gonna get as drunk as possible in that position.
Theoretically, if you're out of straws, would you just lap it up? ...Like a dog?
I think you for the compliment, but I do need to set the record straight, I am an artest.

Oh that's where your second hand went.



thursday night will see me absolutely shit faced and singing loudly to pop music

pop music and alcohol is the best combination of anything ever


yeah this happened last year too where I didn't think I needed much time and now I'm like welp hopefully this shit will stick in my head.

Gonna shave now, go to bed, wake up a little after 6 and get the hell out of here and study more.

Note to self, don't do this for your 8am Friday final.

So, essentially I'm trying to drink myself into oblivion tonight. Fuck. (sorry, you will see this expletive appear often. Fuck, fuckidy, fuck, fuck, fuck - FUCK). Essentially I'm looking for a bus to throw myself under, but there's no public transport where I live. Any painless suicide options would be appreciated (won't probably do it, but looking for options if need be. Painless options.)

See, Ron Burgundy: Anchor Man is not a comedy. It's really a documentary about local news.

I'll come right out and say it. I have to work Sunday's. During the week I get to do my own stuff. Sunday's I get assigned stories. I don't choose this shit. I go where my boss tells me. Craft fairs, historical reenactments, belly dance seminars, fucking pet costume contests - I have covered it all.

So when the boss says interview this dude who is like Clark Griswold with like 30,000 Christmas lights on his house I say fine. That's the fluff shit you deal with on Sunday's.

And this is why I want to throw myself under a bus, train or any object that moves at sufficient speed to cause instant death.

Turns out this fucker I was assigned to interview is a convicted sex offender under indictment for like 27 counts of child porn posession.

We literally just ran a front page photo spread inviting people to check out a sex offender's christmas lights.

My boss, the dude that assigned me this story, literally laughed his ass off (gallows humor) before it registered and he said “FUCK”. I still have a job as today, but I would have zero problem if someone just beat me to death now. I'm being serious.
That sounds funny seed. I would be laughing if I were you.

The more you laugh the less time you have to cry.

I should write songs or something. That is just beautiful.


good credit (by proxy)
So, essentially I'm trying to drink myself into oblivion tonight. Fuck. (sorry, you will see this expletive appear often. Fuck, fuckidy, fuck, fuck, fuck - FUCK). Essentially I'm looking for a bus to throw myself under, but there's no public transport where I live. Any painless suicide options would be appreciated (won't probably do it, but looking for options if need be. Painless options.)

See, Ron Burgundy: Anchor Man is not a comedy. It's really a documentary about local news.

I'll come right out and say it. I have to work Sunday's. During the week I get to do my own stuff. Sunday's I get assigned stories. I don't choose this shit. I go where my boss tells me. Craft fairs, historical reenactments, belly dance seminars, fucking pet costume contests - I have covered it all.

So when the boss says interview this dude who is like Clark Griswold with like 30,000 Christmas lights on his house I say fine. That's the fluff shit you deal with on Sunday's.

And this is why I want to throw myself under a bus, train or any object that moves at sufficient speed to cause instant death.

Turns out this fucker I was assigned to interview is a convicted sex offender under indictment for like 27 counts of child porn posession.

We literally just ran a front page photo spread inviting people to check out a sex offender's christmas lights.

My boss, the dude that assigned me this story, literally laughed his ass off (gallows humor) before it registered and he said “FUCK”. I still have a job as today, but I would have zero problem if someone just beat me to death now. I'm being serious.

Well that is...interesting. So you could get fired even if someone else told you to do the interview? Man, being a boss must be pretty sweet.


Didn't think I would, but ended up with another $2 bottle of wine.

These are perfect because I can get a hefty buzz, but I'm never hungover from just the one bottle. Plus I can actually get to sleep.

I need to start working out again. Maybe then I'd be able to sleep easily without the wine. But until then, cheers, guys.
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