Yeah, Dave and Vinny. Total of 4 1/2 hours of video, watching the last of part 2 now.
I need to get me a membership there.
Yeah, Dave and Vinny. Total of 4 1/2 hours of video, watching the last of part 2 now.
As of yesterday, single. Drinking by myself in my parent's basement since I'm home for Christmas. Still on Cali time and it's 3am.
Feels bad man
Good man.Damn if God of War 2 isn't one of the best games ever.
I was very "meh" on the first one, and I basically agreed with this thread. But the second one only has about 1/10th as many annoying bits, and the enemy encounters are so much better. The combat is actually pretty fucking fun instead of mindlessly repetitive. Some really creative enemy designs too. And damn if the set pieces aren't spectacular.
Sipping on a glass of red, trying to get to the Fates so I can kill that fucker Zeus.
Blame isn't perma and it's for some posts in the kim jong il is dead thread.
Vanilla vodka is all I have in the fridge?
Puking is inevitable
you guys ever see a nice picture of an old gf and want to die?
i feel sick
Any of you guys listen to Richard Cheese? Great classy drinking music.
This thread has some pretty depressing posts, what with the breakups, drinking alone, and being raised by the internet posts. No disrespect, but I miss the official marijuana thread...
you guys ever see a nice picture of an old gf and want to die?
i feel sick
shouldn'ta been fb stalkin..
DRUNK. Sobering up as we speak.
drinking buttermilk? what da fuck..
Eggnog just isn't as fun as it used to be.
To hell with The Holidays, Back to 1/2 Vodka, 1/2 Grapefruit...
Buttermilk is better milk. FACT.
Eggnog is fun, you just have to make your ownNot that hard either, and tastes great.
wtf is menudo, it sounds gross, like a period
buttermilk is also disgusting. my grandpa loves it though lol
It's intestines that lead to the exit. They must be cleaned well, or shit! Trust Grandpa
oh. that's. gross. and nah i'veh ad buttermilk, its just really sour. no go.
dont you hate when you're drunk and fb chatting a girl yet u can't type and so you look like an idiot. fuck
I'm not a girl. If you can't make it here don't play on Facebook.
Just what I needed, Menudo hate on gaf. Jeez, enjoy your butter eggnogs. I will eat menudo 'till I explode this Christmas.
Come on... You will be to full of tamales to enjoy menudo.