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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
i havent played castlevania 3 in forever. i got distracter on breakthru back in the day and never finished it


yeah well I was hoping I'd play it again, I haven't in 20 some years. I guess I can't depend on all these games to work
Got trashed pretty badly last night, went into work hungover and quite ill but the boss wouldn't let me leave until I could get someone to cover my shift, which wasn't possible. I get out at 7:30 completely exhausted and get hit by another car going home. So...yeah. I may bow out of here for a while as well.

Stay safe tonight, folks. I'll be at home marathoning Vampire Diaries on Netflix. Happy New Year.


So I'm at a party, and at least five people who normally can handle their liquor are barfing all over the place.

What could cause this sudden shift in drinking behavior?

There was some Everclear there, which I hear they aren't used to, would that do it?


So I'm at a party, and at least five people who normally can handle their liquor are barfing all over the place.

What could cause this sudden shift in drinking behavior?

There was some Everclear there, which I hear they aren't used to, would that do it?

Yes, everclear fucks you up especially if mixed correctly. You don't really feel it at first, then BAM! all of a sudden you're wasted. So people drink a lot of it, don't feel a buzz for a while, then inside of 5 minutes they are trashed. And if it's mixed properly into punch (which it always should be), then it's even worse because you can't taste it.


So drunk thread, what should I drink tonight? I've only ever had Captain, Everclear, Malibu Rum, Hennessy, and shitty Vodka. I don't really want vodka tonight. Suggestions?


Well I'll post from my phone perhaps. I'll def be out though. Trying to plan out drinks for the night. HALP ME
Alternate: Beer, Wine, Liquor ... Beer, Wine, Liquor ... repeat until dead.

Alternatively, my goto for "i wanna get drunk" drinking is jack&diet (easy on the diet).


Alternate: Beer, Wine, Liquor ... Beer, Wine, Liquor ... repeat until dead.

Alternatively, my goto for "i wanna get drunk" drinking is jack&diet (easy on the diet).

Yeah there'll be lots of beer. Doubt there will be any wine in our budget, I don't think anyone really likes it lol. Probably'll just end up buying a couple bottles of Everclear and mixing with Red Bull and Gatorade. Cheap and as long as you drink it slowly, nice and drunk.

What are some good liquors? I don't drink as often as I am in this thread :p


Yeah there'll be lots of beer. Doubt there will be any wine in our budget, I don't think anyone really likes it lol. Probably'll just end up buying a couple bottles of Everclear and mixing with Red Bull and Gatorade. Cheap and as long as you drink it slowly, nice and drunk.

What are some good liquors? I don't drink as often as I am in this thread :p

Get a handle of Vodka, Sailor Jerry's Rum, Gin, Jack Daniels, and a bottle of Balvenie 12 Scotch for the sophisticated folks / people that want to get hammered.

Grab some mixers (coke, fresca, oj) and maybe a bottle of tonic water.


Get a handle of Vodka, Sailor Jerry's Rum, Gin, Jack Daniels, and a bottle of Balvenie 12 Scotch for the sophisticated folks / people that want to get hammered.

Grab some mixers (coke, fresca, oj) and maybe a bottle of tonic water.
Probs go with Jack and some Everclear. Thanks for the tips.
I'll be out but checking in on my new iPhone throughout the night. Got your back lonely-drunk-GAF.
lol you're one of those people


in a couple of hours I will have an almost full bar to choose from and I will be asking GAF for drink ideas. Be prepared drunk gaffers.
Howdy drunk GAF. This is my first forray into this thread. I'm planning on being a loser tonight and stay in and watch mma and a movie or two. Got an amaretto sour to start and will be switching to Canadian Club soon.
Happy new year drunk thread



Holy shit I just had the biggest teaser in the history of teasers. It was fucking unreal. Literally the hottest chick in the bar came to talk to me (whaaat?) and we chatted and really hit it off, had good chemistry. We talked for like 20 minutes and then she asked me to dance with her. We eventually danced together and then she says "by the way, I didn't tell this first but I have a boyfriend". D: First I thought she wanted to get rid of me that way but 5 minutes later, her boyfriend shows up looooooooool. She danced with her boyfriend the rest of the night and even introduced him to me (wtf?) and kept talking to me while dancing with her boyfriend... Who was nothing special btw, way out of her league if you ask me (appearance wise).

Jesus holy fuck, she probably got a lot of kicks playing me like that... Some girls sigh. I was pretty pissed off the rest of the night and even though I had few other girls basically throwing themselves at me (way uglier tho), I couldn't care less. That girl got into my head. :eek:

Edit: And I can't be the onle drunk gaffer atm. Where are you guys?


Professional Schmuck
Home with wifey tonight, but she's preggers and can't partake. That means some tall boys on the lo lo and a lonely glass (bottle) of merlot to close out the year. Love you guys, even if this has turned into something of a report-what's-happening-in-the-chat-room thread.

KC GAF represent!


damn puddles that sucks i'll drink a few beers for you :D

also, why dont you like lebron? i mean, he's top 2 during regular season and this last postseason he was top 2 until the finals.


It's kind of a shtick and kinda not. I'll admit that he's a great, great player. But I've been a bit turned-off by him since SI did a cover story anointing him the Chosen One when he was a junior in high school, and he embraced the role before he'd even had a taste of NBA competition. And then all his stupid quotes, like how he spoils people with his play, or how he'd only had three bad games in his career or whatever.

If that was all, I wouldn't really care a whole lot, but The Decision really pushed me over the edge.


It's kind of a shtick and kinda not. I'll admit that he's a great, great player. But I've been a bit turned-off by him since SI did a cover story anointing him the Chosen One when he was a junior in high school, and he embraced the role before he'd even had a taste of NBA competition. And then all his stupid quotes, like how he spoils people with his play, or how he'd only had three bad games in his career or whatever.

If that was all, I wouldn't really care a whole lot, but The Decision really pushed me over the edge.
ok so basically his ac tual personality. I gotcha. Makes sense its not like he does anything to help the common fan like him. you gotta realize he's been given everything since high school and he's had people spoiling him with whatever he wants. its not entirely his fault that he's the greatest player on the face of the earth. although he could handle it a little better for sure.

ps i'm already a little bit drunk from this vodka wtf. now me and a buddy got a small bottle of everclear to drink between us. getting SO fucked up tonight its gonna be ridiculous ima make some dumbass posts on gaf
Gonna pop the champagne with my gf at midnight, so the drunkenness is close at hand.

(For now, avoiding all the horrid new years "performances" on the various celebrations on TV.)
Just had a white russian, time for a Dead Coqui.*

*Coquis are tropical tree frogs from Puerto Rico. It's malibu, cran and a lime. So it looks like a dead frog floating in blood.


Much Svedka has been downed in this house tonight. Also, I got myself a small bottle of peppermint schnapps to try tomorrow. Probably going to be shit, but hey, it's the new year.
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