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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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Oh man, don't feel bad. It only sucked for a month or two. Then I realized how bizarre it was. Now it's quite amusing. I just like to bring it up because I only have a limited pool of stuff to talk about and that is one of my more amusing anecdotes. Also, weren't you taking a GAF break? Why you back
Yes, like balddemon said, GAF is like crack to me...

I tried not to post but here I am again.
Well I got blackout drunk for the second time in my life last night. Been in hangover mode all day. I was hosting a party so I didn't feel any reason to hold back on my drinking. Bad idea. The last thing I remember was making out with a girl in the utility room and about 25 people were in the house at this time...then next thing I know, I wake up at noon with a trashcan beside my bed with bile in it. I didn't even say goodbye to my guests when they left. So when I woke up I found myself texting some of the guests I had over to find out what I was doing for the many hours I was unconcious.


If you're on Firefox, use Leechblock. I think you can set it for up to 24hrs 55mins at a time lol

Well I got blackout drunk for the second time in my life last night. Been in hangover mode all day. I was hosting a party so I didn't feel any reason to hold back on my drinking. Bad idea. The last thing I remember was making out with a girl in the utility room and about 25 people were in the house at this time...then next thing I know, I wake up at noon with a trashcan beside my bed with bile in it. I didn't even say goodbye to my guests when they left. So when I woke up I found myself texting some of the guests I had over to find out what I was doing for the many hours I was unconcious.

Good night, then?


I laugh about my ex being a lesbian. I mean thetes nothing I can do. In all serioysness, I hope shes happy abd finds a girl that will maje her happy. Glad Im the my dick will be the first and last thatwill ever enter her vagina. It was a priviledge. I miss how her pussy tastes though. So clean fresh. She took such good care of it. Cleaned the fuck out of, ate tons of fruits and veggies, plus shaved every other day. Oh, and dem lups were symetrical and jyst perfect. Lord have mercy. I went down on her every chance I had. If you dont do it already, learn how to perform oral on a woman. She will loooove you for it ;)

I will never enounter such a vagina ever again ;______;
If you're on Firefox, use Leechblock. I think you can set it for up to 24hrs 55mins at a time lol

Good night, then?

Yeah. Apparently I made it to the toilet when i needed to throw up which is good because lots of guests were still there at the time ( from what im told ). I regained consiousness for a split second when 2 of my guy friends were helping me get from my bed to the toilet so I texted them a thank you bro when I woke up. Oh and apparently I was on the couch grabbing some girls breasts for a while. Too bad I don't remember that...
Are you a virgin?

edit: yes T_T

edit2: oh god, my face is next to this embarrassing post.

edit3: and this is why I drink myself stupid.
Now all of my friends thonk I'm gay because I had a morbid curiosity to taste my own semen.

For the record, I've never come (lol..get it) close to actually doing it. It did cross my mind once. I mean, what does it REALLY taste like. Every gril Ive been with gives me some vauge bullshit answer...

Oh, fuck Nintendo and Hudsonsoft for making Mario Party 8. That fuckinh game hates squid..and black peoplre.

I once went a few months without jerking off just because I felt like it. When I finally decided to squeeze one out, I almost shot myself in the mouth.


Yeah. Apparently I made it to the toilet when i needed to throw up which is good because lots of guests were still there at the time ( from what im told ). I regained consiousness for a split second when 2 of my guy friends were helping me get from my bed to the toilet so I texted them a thank you bro when I woke up. Oh and apparently I was on the couch grabbing some girls breasts for a while. Too bad I don't remember that...

Similar nights! I didn't throw up or black out though. Sounds like you had fun lol.
Last night was the first party I've been to in a long while, I didn't realize how much I miss hanging out with people my age. Need. More! And Everclear is only $5!


The Cryptarch's Bane
It's not so much a ploy for attention as it is the feminine form being sexualized and objectified to such an insane degree in Western culture that even females themselves are being inadvertently socialized to find the female body titillating. It is similar to what happened in ancient Greece when the male form was considering the pinnacle of Earthly creation and you had homosexual acts normalized in that society as a result.

this shit is way too profound for this thread
Similar nights! I didn't throw up or black out though. Sounds like you had fun lol.
Last night was the first party I've been to in a long while, I didn't realize how much I miss hanging out with people my age. Need. More! And Everclear is only $5!

I was taking vodka shots all night, but the last one I remember was a shot of 151 rum. that put me over the edge


I was taking vodka shots all night, but the last one I remember was a shot of 151 rum. that put me over the edge

Yeah the house we ended up sleeping at had a 1/4th of a fifth of lime vodka. I took shots out of a spongebob glass haha. Tasted like acid though, it was pretty bad. No one would do shots with me after like 4am :(


Yeah the house we ended up sleeping at had a 1/4th of a fifth of lime vodka. I took shots out of a spongebob glass haha. Tasted like acid though, it was pretty bad. No one would do shots with me after like 4am :(

I know that feel bro. My friends are the tamest drinkers I've ever met. One of them doesn't like the taste of beer, and no matter what I give him he only drinks a few sips of. Another drinks almost every night, but it's only one or two beers so it's not much fun. The rest don't drink at all.... One time I had a guy over who blacked out after 4 beers. =/. They all think I have a problem because I enjoy getting drunk 2/3 times a week (college)


I know that feel bro. My friends are the tamest drinkers I've ever met. One of them doesn't like the taste of beer, and no matter what I give him he only drinks a few sips of. Another drinks almost every night, but it's only one or two beers so it's not much fun. The rest don't drink at all.... One time I had a guy over who blacked out after 4 beers. =/. They all think I have a problem because I enjoy getting drunk 2/3 times a week (college)

I love beer but only drank 1 last night. I pretty much stick to everything else. One time I had a whole bottle of everclear, plus countless shots of whatever people threw at me...that was pretty much my limit. That was my blackout night lol. Now, are you in Columbia now or just from there?


I love beer but only drank 1 last night. I pretty much stick to everything else. One time I had a whole bottle of everclear, plus countless shots of whatever people threw at me...that was pretty much my limit. That was my blackout night lol. Now, are you in Columbia now or just from there?

I'm not from there lol. Just go there for college
HI drunk thread.

Im finishing beer from the weekend.

I have a question. Im starting to look at buying my own place. Do you think my gf should have any say in what I decide on?
Thats what I thought. She's been commenting on places ive been looking at and telling me what she doesnt like about them. I think to myself when it comes down to it, she has no say.

I might just break up with her soon. Ive realized she is one of the most irresponsible and frankly, disgusting people I know. Details if anyone wants.


HI drunk thread.

Im finishing beer from the weekend.

I have a question. Im starting to look at buying my own place. Do you think my wife should have any say in what I decide on?


Otherwise, no.

Thats what I thought. She's been commenting on places ive been looking at and telling me what she doesnt like about them. I think to myself when it comes down to it, she has no say.

I might just break up with her soon. Ive realized she is one of the most irresponsible and frankly, disgusting people I know. Details if anyone wants.

Go with your gut on this one bud.


Thats what I thought. She's been commenting on places ive been looking at and telling me what she doesnt like about them. I think to myself when it comes down to it, she has no say.

I might just break up with her soon. Ive realized she is one of the most irresponsible and frankly, disgusting people I know. Details if anyone wants.
Spill your guts, drunk GAF here waiting for the details.
I am neither drunk nor coldvein but Goddammit is a great album, criminally underrated I'd say.

That and Maybe I'll Catch Fire and Infirmary = Top 3.


Thats what I thought. She's been commenting on places ive been looking at and telling me what she doesnt like about them. I think to myself when it comes down to it, she has no say.

I might just break up with her soon. Ive realized she is one of the most irresponsible and frankly, disgusting people I know. Details if anyone wants.

Details, why are you even with her in the first place?


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Ah man nearly ruined my new year day eve, fucking joint getting passed around the que on the way into the club, i took a good few hits and ended up going into the club baked.

Hit a bad paranoia and it took a shitload of drinks to get me drunk again.

but once 12 oclock landed me and my friends were in a bug huddle jumping up and down singing Scottish songs, peak of my life.

anyway thread, i ain't drinking till friday so goodbye thread!


Ugh, I went to bed on New Years in so much pain, worst headache ever, I couldn't even do my gf that well. Every thrust was like taking a punch into the head, I just let her ride till her heart pleased. Pretty crazy night thought, one thing I know is I'm never letting drunk people cook in my house again. I woke up to a terrible mess in the kitchen and had to dip to work. Did not want to come back home. So much cleaning.


Ugh, I went to bed on New Years in so much pain, worst headache ever, I couldn't even do my gf that well. Every thrust was like taking a punch into the head, I just let her ride till her heart pleased. Pretty crazy night thought, one thing I know is I'm never letting drunk people cook in my house again. I woke up to a terrible mess in the kitchen and had to dip to work. Did not want to come back home. So much cleaning.
Cleaning up after people who mess up your house is the worst thing ever.
Anyone in here have a PS3? My PSN is Acid08, add me and lets play Uncharted 3 tonight.
I have a PS3, I'll add you, but no Uncharted 3. I do have 2 though haha though I've barely played it. I'm in the midst of Demon's Souls on PS3 and Dungeon Defenders on PC lol. My PSN ID is TheHaighter if you are on first.


So Bourbon drinkers, anyone have a recommendation of a good bourbon that has a thinner, less thick and syrupy feel to it? I like Makers, but the syrupyness is a bit much. It just feels strange considering what I'm used too.


school is starting back in a week for me and I'm feeling anxious...

new classes, new teachers, new classmates. shit makes me nervous.



school is starting back in a week for me and I'm feeling anxious...

new classes, new teachers, new classmates. shit makes me nervous.

I used to get anxious too. I remember a few days before school was starting back and I was actually going to teach a class for the first time I was literally bedridden with anxiety.
I could never teach a class. That would be too much for me.

I remember when I did volunteer work at an art school for kids and the friggin kids made me nervous. haha...
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