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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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That's "Dr." dofry to you.
kentpaul: next time take a photo. Fried rice sounds like chahan which would be chinese, maybe, but with added chicken i don't know. My stomach is full so luckily I don't have to leave apartment to hunt for food after reading about delicious adventures in the land of food. Spicy chicken tough, I have and extra stomach for that.

That techno tune is not mu thing even though my taste is prettty broad.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
kentpaul: next time take a photo. Fried rice sounds like chahan which would be chinese, maybe, but with added chicken i don't know. My stomach is full so luckily I don't have to leave apartment to hunt for food after reading about delicious adventures in the land of food. Spicy chicken tough, I have and extra stomach for that.

That techno tune is not mu thing even though my taste is prettty broad.

its probably only on the menu man to cater for us Scottish, we love our chicken fried rice from Chinese places, blasting some trance right now my self man



in a strange mood tonight, fucking pay day but have work till tuesday, good thing i'm in 2pm on Sunday so i can party hard on Saturday.. tonight it will just be me chilling in the house drinking beers and this thread, music and the wonderful internet.

my girlfriend got some noodles with small beef strips, not enough food to feed a baby man place was prety shady like that, i got a shitload of rice so i ain't complaing


That's "Dr." dofry to you.
My house is your house as long as you don't do any crazy shit in here. Better than the last song. This I can manage. *snorts a line of co-kane from iphone*


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.

..i never thought of that.

I would never have thought of it man till i got talking to some guys who were in a small circle doing it just down from a club, the thing can hold 3 lines ;)

My house is your house as long as you don't do any crazy shit in here. Better than the last song. This I can manage. *snorts a line of co-kane from iphone*


lets get this party started


That's "Dr." dofry to you.
I would never have thought of it man till i got talking to some guys who were in a small circle doing it just down from a club, the thing can hold 3 lines ;)


lets get this party started

I was in a new years party (not this year) and I entered a room where two dudes where watching a game case. I don't remember which game it was, but I asked them "hi, you like that game?" because I recognized the game. and then I noticed the two white lines on top of the case. I kind of totally steered into another direction as soon as I said that. Later that night I saw one of the guys doing the cliche *wipes nose and looks pumped*. I'm not used to seing people do hard drugs so that was...different.

My current track is a bit different from yours : Laid to rest

Edit: I absolutely kill this song in Karaoke. I am the master. Scientist

edit2: Currently another karaoke song I love: Queen

edit3: As I have nothing better to do than to drink Asahi and to listen to Queen, I present another song I love: Forever

edit 4: Can't do Phil Anselmo well in karaoke, but love they way he sings: Revolution
about that hangover, I never had one, I guess my body has learned how to cope with that much alcohol.
I'm either getting up totally wasted or just fine. That is it.

I think its an age/metabolism thing. I used to be like that too. I could drink like a fish in college and mid 20s and never have a problem. I'm now 32 and get hangovers all the time if I don't keep it within moderation the night before.


That's "Dr." dofry to you.
35 here and hangover lasts way longer than below 30. Blackouts I can explain by overdoing my alcohol intake. Nice to see you started finally to drink tonight/this morning ;)

curent song: Kaze


35 here and hangover lasts way longer than below 30. Blackouts I can explain by overdoing my alcohol intake. Nice to see you started finally to drink tonight/this morning ;)

Yeah, well Im 21 so that might be it, but also... Im one of those people who can eat and eat and eat and eat and never NEVER get fat... So I guess Im lucky, because let me tell you, I love to eat and eat good!

Blackouts, aaaah yea, everybody experienced that :D:D:D

btw. why would you listen to so sad songs while drinking, when there are so many fanstastic and positive songs out tehre?


That's "Dr." dofry to you.
Yeah, well Im 21 so that might be it, but also... Im one of those people who can eat and eat and eat and eat and never NEVER get fat... So I guess Im lucky, because let me tell you, I love to eat and eat good!

Blackouts, aaaah yea, everybody experienced that :D:D:D

Yeah, I know about that too. I am 183 cm tall and used to be 60kg when I was 25 or something. I broke my personal strange limit of 80kg last year which was a total surprise. Now after gym and watching a bit what I eat, I weigh 73, so I feel good. Watch out, it might creep up on you. Beer, fast food and no exercise will make even the thinnest man fat it it's regular. ^^

About the song: I just love to sing it. It's a sad song, but a great duet in karaoke. (why do I constantly keep playing song i sing in karaoke)

This is a stupid song, but I like it: Sakuranbo


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
I was in a new years party (not this year) and I entered a room where two dudes where watching a game case. I don't remember which game it was, but I asked them "hi, you like that game?" because I recognized the game. and then I noticed the two white lines on top of the case. I kind of totally steered into another direction as soon as I said that. Later that night I saw one of the guys doing the cliche *wipes nose and looks pumped*. I'm not used to seing people do hard drugs so that was...different.

I really don't see coke as hard drugs man (i see Valium,smoking cocaine, and meth as hard drugs) , its just a nice little stim, keeps your head focused after one to many drinks, keeps the energy and hype going also..

snorting coke that is, crack is another story and something i wan't nothing to do with.

But yeh man first time i ever done cocaine i was blown away by the sheer numbness in the back of my throat/nose before anything else.. smoking cigarettes like a trooper speaking away to people, its a great drug. I would never buy it but if im with people taking it i'l have a few lines for the enjoyment factor.

its a side kick to a party like sausage rolls and alcohol nothing more to me.

google benzo fury bro, shits legal and is better than MDMA and 100x better than coke imo


That's "Dr." dofry to you.
I really don't see coke as hard drugs man (i see Valium,smoking cocaine, and meth as hard drugs) , its just a nice little stim, keeps your head focused after one to many drinks, keeps the energy and hype going also..

snorting coke that is, crack is another story and something i wan't nothing to do with.

But yeh man first time i ever done cocaine i was blown away by the sheer numbness in the back of my throat/nose before anything else.. smoking cigarettes like a trooper speaking away to people, its a great drug. I would never buy it but if im with people taking it i'l have a few lines for the enjoyment factor.

its a side kick to a party like sausage rolls and alcohol nothing more to me.

This is news to me. I grew up in a small town in a small country so that might affect my view on new coke, but I still prefer not even try. Edit: e.g. I don't even know you smoke cocaine? Really? Pulling my leg now? edit2: aaaah, crack cocaine...nothing

Right now it's 5 in the morning, but the beer is still here so I have to finish it before bed. Can't waste that drug. My body needs it.
What I have to resort to when there's no F'ing snow anywhere. Fuck this warm winter shit.


Oh ssx is a great game as well, CB2001 is just what I had lying around. Let's hope they don't fuck up the new ssx too badly

The only thing I've seen of it is the trailer where it looks like Call of Duty, because when I think of wacky cartoony snowboarding; I think call of duty.

Hopefully it turns out good though... Actually, I'm surprised that this will be the first ssx game to grace current consoles.... just another franchise left in the dust =/


drunk and watching everyone loves raymond. tonight sucks

Because you're not watching the right kind of stuff! You need something with alot of ball busting action (that scene was done with out wires and any cuts! holy balls). I always enjoy drunk movie nights.

(I also recommend anything with sylvester stallone, jackie chan, or clint eastwood)

Jurassic Park on Bluray is fucking amazing. I really need to read this book again.

I really want that, but I can't justify the price since the other two movies are less than stellar. I've also had a copy of the book sitting untouched on my desk that I bought for 50 cents at a garage sale.
ugh, I feel so down in the dumps right now.

I was feeling rather good about myself this week but now that positive feeling is gone.

And no, I'm not drinking anything at the moment.


ugh, I feel so down in the dumps right now.

I was feeling rather good about myself this week but now that positive feeling is gone.

And no, I'm not drinking anything at the moment.

Don't mean to pry or anything, but do you get enough exercise? Like during winter break? If i'm to lethargic for awhile I get hellas depressed. I've been listening to podcast and taking 2 hour walks everyday to keep busy. I also get seasonal depression so I have to sit under this weird lamp for 30 mins a day during the winter months =/
Don't mean to pry or anything, but do you get enough exercise? Like during winter break? If i'm to lethargic for awhile I get hellas depressed. I've been listening to podcast and taking 2 hour walks everyday to keep busy. I also get seasonal depression so I have to sit under this weird lamp for 30 mins a day during the winter months =/
I was going to exercise during my break but I never got around to it...

Plus I've been doing a lot of "stress eating". Eating junk food is usually how I deal with my stress.


Yo I just had the weirdest night ever. Its my last night here before I head back up to college and my parents took the family out to dinner... only we went to a fucking burger joint that was run by drag queens.

Yes you read that right. Men dressed in womens clothing served us burgers and put on a show, filled with terrible lip syncing, dancing, and homosexuality. My sisters ate that shit up. I sat there completely blindsided and just felt awkward. They had a man (woman? the hell do you call them?) from some TV show about a Drag University get up and perform and sing and shit.

Not even a few beers could bring me to enjoy my time there. So, now I will use this vaporizer and get in a real good mood. ^_^


Gotta go pick up my mom from the airport but all I want to do is play Uncharted 3 :p. It'll be nice to see her though.


Bud is fucking disgusting. I used to hate beer when I was younger but I discovered it was linked to the fact that all I ever had at the time was Bud, and once I tried some other beers I began to actually like beer. No offense to people who like Bud though. It's just not for my taste I guess.

I've never posted in this thread before, but I have kind of had a lousy night so I've turned to some Jack and Coke to help me deal with tonight.


Bud is fucking disgusting. I used to hate beer when I was younger but I discovered it was linked to the fact that all I ever had at the time was Bud, and once I tried some other beers I began to actually like beer. No offense to people who like Bud though. It's just not for my taste I guess.

I've never posted in this thread before, but I have kind of had a lousy night so I've turned to some Jack and Coke to help me deal with tonight.

What is Bud?
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