I'm drinking purely out of habit tonight. I didn't even want beer, but down it goes.
I know the fog well.
In fact I've been in such a blah state of mind (neither good nor bad mind you) I've been listening to the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo soundtrack.
It's like audible wall paper.
Audible wall paper.I know the fog well.
In fact I've been in such a blah state of mind (neither good nor bad mind you) I've been listening to the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo soundtrack.
It's like audible wall paper.
you still dating that girl who makes bank?
Yeah, we're getting hitched Oct 13th.
Yeah, we're getting hitched Oct 13th.
lol, I asked because unfortunately more than a few people get married for reasons other that love.
bank is a perfectly good reason.
good movie.Audible wallpaper reminds me of Barton Fink.
Eh. If I have to deal with someone every single fucking day they'd have to have more than money. That's just me at least.
You already participated you dumb bastard!
What kind of fucker ruins an Imagine sing along?
Jesus Christ!
Acid how are the sharks doing, now that my friend went back to NY I no longer have a place to watch games.
Oh shit I forgot to mention I was in LA over New Years for a wedding, I aint never been to Cali prior to that.
Its different out there, for sure.
They're doing good, had a 4 game win streak before this last game. Last game they coasted for a long time but still came out with a point, Niemi had a BAD game. It was probably his worst game of the season.
Mitchell is useless and Clowe seems to be struggling a bit, other than that everyone looks good.
Missouri originally.
Like you have with me!Yeah I can only imagine how different it is here. I've been to a handful of central/southern states so I have some idea of those places.
Next time you come to Cali take a trip to the Bay Area, I'll show ya a good time.
Its not like I didn't enjoy myself.
LA kinda looks run down though. Like a whore that was attractive in her youth, and tries to battle time with makeup.
Like you have with me!
Any bars out there that show the Sharks?
My best fish out of water experience was when I got into a cab to be taken to the hotel.
Cab driver (friendly Russian) asks where to.
I spout the address, thinking he's a magical Russian cab driver that knows everything.
He then asks what city.
In my hotel room.
In the bed? I hope not in the bed. You did read up about LA hotels right?
@Acid I found a bar that supposedly has a dedicated hockey TV.
I know a bar in Missouri that has a dedicated Mario Kart 64 tv.
Its this unbelievably shitty washed out LCD that looks like one of those attachable screens third party companies made for the original PlayStation, drilled into a wall at the end of the bar.
The analog sticks are completely fucked and the second controller is some knock off bullshit that wasn't good new.
Everything is yellowed with age, smoke and bar grime.
Pretty much the best times I've ever had in a bar.
My friend had one of those LCD screens. I thought it was the hottest shit ever. That sounds like a hilarious time at a bar, just for the novelty alone. Staying in with a group and booze with Mario Kart is a great time on its own.
@Acid I found a bar that supposedly has a dedicated hockey TV.
No I'm in norcal.Wait, don't you live in Warrensburg?
I wish we had a barcade around here. I would spend so much time at a place with tons of arcade games and alcohol.
Hell yeah! Where is it?