You ever talk to someone about music and when they start listing shit they're into you don't believe them?
Years ago I worked with this guy who listened to nothing but obscure scream o' shit.
Lots and lots of shit nobody has ever heard of.
I just know if I looked that son of a bitch up today, none of the same bands would be on his ipod, because it was never about the music, just that it was obscure.
I know that sounds presumptuous but let me give you another one.
Current coworker loves Prince. I'm like, fucking cool, I love Prince too.
In passing I bring up other acts but he's always like "nah, not really into them".
So I asked, what else do you like besides Prince?
He said death metal and Dwight Yoakam and that he doesn't listen to rock.
Like, is that a thing? Can you do that? I got into Prince by branching out from rock.
Dwight, Prince and Death Metal have little in common, so how does a person become a fan of such disparate styles of music without appreciating the links between them?
Any form of music I like today, you can trace backwards to something else I enjoy. I don't just pick music out of a hat all willy nilly, I have to warm up to it, I have to be ready to receive it. I'm not just pointing at ice cream toppings at random here, my taste its a reflection of my knowledge and a lifetime spent listening to music, cultivating, developing and honing my tastes.
I'm not saying I have better taste, just that's its honest and genuine. I don't feel that away about certain other folk.