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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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Wait, don't you live in Warrensburg?

No thats the other guy with an Asian avatar, Ultima_5 I believe.

Also congrats on getting engaged! October seems like a hell of a long time away though haha. I have to ask, how do you feel about your fiancée making more money than you? I was listening to the radio last night (Loveline) and they had a segment about money in the relationship and how some men feel emasculated by their wives/GF's making more than them. And some girls called in that did make more, but wanted the guy to take care of them. You seem like you don't care, but listening last night, my instincts kicked in and every time someone said they were fine with the girl making more or they wanted to split the costs 50/50, I had an urge to disagree haha. Struck me as weird, cuz I feel like I'd be fine marrying someone successful/rich.

Also, is there a difference between your wife being more successful than you and her being more rich than you?

Wow that came out a bit longer than I expected haha, thread worthy discussion? This has to have been pounded into the ground so hard already though.
So right now I'm trying to live up to these two simple rules.

1. Who cares what other people think of me.
2. I need to do what is right for me.

I have spent my whole entire life caring about what people think about me and I have given up so much of my own personal happiness in order to makes others happy with me...

Sooner or later these two rules I have assigned myself will click and I will become unstoppable.


So right now I'm trying to live up to these two simple rules.

1. Who cares what other people think of me.
2. I need to do what is right for me.

I have spent my whole entire life caring about what people think about me and I have given up so much of my own personal happiness in order to makes others happy with me...

Sooner or later these two rules I have assigned myself will click and I will become unstoppable.
Admitting that to yourself is the first step.

Begin living for you. *raises glass*

I support you 100%


Bloodborne is shit

twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist


Bloodborne is shit
You ever talk to someone about music and when they start listing shit they're into you don't believe them?

Years ago I worked with this guy who listened to nothing but obscure scream o' shit.

Lots and lots of shit nobody has ever heard of.


I just know if I looked that son of a bitch up today, none of the same bands would be on his ipod, because it was never about the music, just that it was obscure.

I know that sounds presumptuous but let me give you another one.

Current coworker loves Prince. I'm like, fucking cool, I love Prince too.

In passing I bring up other acts but he's always like "nah, not really into them".

So I asked, what else do you like besides Prince?

He said death metal and Dwight Yoakam and that he doesn't listen to rock.

Like, is that a thing? Can you do that? I got into Prince by branching out from rock.

Dwight, Prince and Death Metal have little in common, so how does a person become a fan of such disparate styles of music without appreciating the links between them?

Any form of music I like today, you can trace backwards to something else I enjoy. I don't just pick music out of a hat all willy nilly, I have to warm up to it, I have to be ready to receive it. I'm not just pointing at ice cream toppings at random here, my taste its a reflection of my knowledge and a lifetime spent listening to music, cultivating, developing and honing my tastes.

I'm not saying I have better taste, just that's its honest and genuine. I don't feel that away about certain other folk.


drank a dry rob roy. it was a waste of both glenfiddich and martini dry. would rather have the ingredients on their own.


Gouty, while I don't have a specific example, I think it's that what you get out of music is different from these people.

I personally adore music and am always open to finding stuff I haven't heard of before and branching out, however that's a hobby. Not everyone is out there trying to find new music. They are exposed to whatever they're exposed to normally, and maybe they like it but that's it. They focus on other things.

It's why I'm baffled when I hang out with a friend and all he knows in terms of music is what's been playing on the radio the last year. Meanwhile I list artists I know he'd enjoy, but he's never heard of and more importantly, won't necessarily go and pursue himself.

I think I can agree to your first example of a guy liking obscure shit for the hipster factor. It's a silly reason and the guy has bigger problems than what he listens to.

edit: I guess I did have an example.
They make vodka? That's awesome.

How does it compare to other jugs o cheap shit?

It's an Austrian brand I haven't seen in other stores. To be frank, it smells like spoiled potatoes. Worst vodka I've ever had. But I'm still sipping it, and I'm not blind yet, so...


You ever talk to someone about music and when they start listing shit they're into you don't believe them?

Years ago I worked with this guy who listened to nothing but obscure scream o' shit.

Lots and lots of shit nobody has ever heard of.


I just know if I looked that son of a bitch up today, none of the same bands would be on his ipod, because it was never about the music, just that it was obscure.

I know that sounds presumptuous but let me give you another one.

Current coworker loves Prince. I'm like, fucking cool, I love Prince too.

In passing I bring up other acts but he's always like "nah, not really into them".

So I asked, what else do you like besides Prince?

He said death metal and Dwight Yoakam and that he doesn't listen to rock.

Like, is that a thing? Can you do that? I got into Prince by branching out from rock.

Dwight, Prince and Death Metal have little in common, so how does a person become a fan of such disparate styles of music without appreciating the links between them?

Any form of music I like today, you can trace backwards to something else I enjoy. I don't just pick music out of a hat all willy nilly, I have to warm up to it, I have to be ready to receive it. I'm not just pointing at ice cream toppings at random here, my taste its a reflection of my knowledge and a lifetime spent listening to music, cultivating, developing and honing my tastes.

I'm not saying I have better taste, just that's its honest and genuine. I don't feel that away about certain other folk.
Did that same co-worker listen to Will Haven and Zao?


Bloodborne is shit
No idea.

Why do you ask?

And while I'm at it, I thought of another example.

People that only listen to ONE band, but they're super into them. Like follow them around the country on tour.

I've met both Dave Matthews and Pearl Jam fans like this, and I dont get it.

I'm not commenting on either of the bands, that's irrelevant.

What I'm questioning is, how deeply do they really love that music? Why doesn't that "love" and intense interest apply to any other group?

How can you listen to just one band?


You ever talk to someone about music and when they start listing shit they're into you don't believe them?

Years ago I worked with this guy who listened to nothing but obscure scream o' shit.

Lots and lots of shit nobody has ever heard of.


I just know if I looked that son of a bitch up today, none of the same bands would be on his ipod, because it was never about the music, just that it was obscure.

I know that sounds presumptuous but let me give you another one.

Current coworker loves Prince. I'm like, fucking cool, I love Prince too.

In passing I bring up other acts but he's always like "nah, not really into them".

So I asked, what else do you like besides Prince?

He said death metal and Dwight Yoakam and that he doesn't listen to rock.

Like, is that a thing? Can you do that? I got into Prince by branching out from rock.

Dwight, Prince and Death Metal have little in common, so how does a person become a fan of such disparate styles of music without appreciating the links between them?

Any form of music I like today, you can trace backwards to something else I enjoy. I don't just pick music out of a hat all willy nilly, I have to warm up to it, I have to be ready to receive it. I'm not just pointing at ice cream toppings at random here, my taste its a reflection of my knowledge and a lifetime spent listening to music, cultivating, developing and honing my tastes.

I'm not saying I have better taste, just that's its honest and genuine. I don't feel that away about certain other folk.

I sometimes like random disparate styles of music, but nothing in between. The music I like almost does feel random. It has a lot less to do with the styles of music or the lyrics or the influences of the artist and more to do with how I happened to be feeling when I first listened to the song. I can like a song because I was just feeling really positive that night, and it hit the right nerves at the right time, but then later I can hear something similar by the same artist and it bores me. Honestly, if I had been introduced to that same song a few months prior or later I probably wouldn't like it. I guess this is why I only like one song from most artists.


Bloodborne is shit
At the risk of being a total douche/asshole, when I read that it says to me, I don't love music, I love my memories.

But I don't want to be an asshole.

I like the idea that other people just love music differently than I do, therefore I need to convince myself its true.


At the risk of being a total douche/asshole, when I read that it says to me, I don't love music, I love my memories.

But I don't want to be an asshole.

I like the idea that other people just love music differently than I do, therefore I need to convince myself its true.

Dude, I say that all the time. I don't love music. Sometimes I say I hate music, but that's just me joking around. Most of it is incredibly boring though. Like 99% of what's out there.


No idea.

Why do you ask?

And while I'm at it, I thought of another example.

People that only listen to ONE band, but they're super into them. Like follow them around the country on tour.

I've met both Dave Matthews and Pearl Jam fans like this, and I dont get it.

I'm not commenting on either of the bands, that's irrelevant.

What I'm questioning is, how deeply do they really love that music? Why doesn't that "love" and intense interest apply to any other group?

How can you listen to just one band?
They're pretty obscure "screamo"

I knew a guy in high school/college that followed Dave Matthews around.

Maybe they indentify with a particular group so much that they have emotional and nostalgic roots they help to water.

Maybe we're just not used to it. Don't people follow Phish around?


You ever talk to someone about music and when they start listing shit they're into you don't believe them?

Years ago I worked with this guy who listened to nothing but obscure scream o' shit.

Lots and lots of shit nobody has ever heard of.


I just know if I looked that son of a bitch up today, none of the same bands would be on his ipod, because it was never about the music, just that it was obscure.

I know that sounds presumptuous but let me give you another one.

Current coworker loves Prince. I'm like, fucking cool, I love Prince too.

In passing I bring up other acts but he's always like "nah, not really into them".

So I asked, what else do you like besides Prince?

He said death metal and Dwight Yoakam and that he doesn't listen to rock.

Like, is that a thing? Can you do that? I got into Prince by branching out from rock.

Dwight, Prince and Death Metal have little in common, so how does a person become a fan of such disparate styles of music without appreciating the links between them?

Any form of music I like today, you can trace backwards to something else I enjoy. I don't just pick music out of a hat all willy nilly, I have to warm up to it, I have to be ready to receive it. I'm not just pointing at ice cream toppings at random here, my taste its a reflection of my knowledge and a lifetime spent listening to music, cultivating, developing and honing my tastes.

I'm not saying I have better taste, just that's its honest and genuine. I don't feel that away about certain other folk.

This video is completely relevant to the bolded.



Bloodborne is shit
I didn't.

You didn't pose any questions and I didn't have anything to add to your comments.

Is there a particular point you'd like to discus further?


This bitch is slow tonight.

I don't even see coldvein here--that's like Mayberry without Otis or the Simpson's bar without Barney.

Like a Sunday night.


Bloodborne is shit
Came across some hog jowl in a super market and I can't stop saying the word jowl.

I've been using it like a chant.

jowl jowl jowl jowl jowl

I want to trap someone inside their home with a circle of people all chanting the word jowl with incredibly intent looks on their faces.

jowl! jowl! jowl! jowl!


I ran out of shit to mix with so I'm just basically chugging vodka and sink (aka swill) water right now.

Again I find myself in a predicament where I'm just too fucking drunk to drive.

Do we have a fucking IRC chat or what?


erotic butter maelstrom
starting with some of this:


it tastes much cheaper than I remember, but fuck it, it's still fire water. it still makes the voices go away.
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