I don't want to be melodramatic about it - I'm a bit drunk, you see - but my relative skill in video gaming is directly correlative to my place in life. It's crazy.
I'm all kinds of fucking awesome at video games if I'm being compared to someone who has never really played them; and I'm basically jack shit nothing when compared to people who actually good at gaming.
Likewise, I'm all kinds of genius dope smart when compared to the average dipshit I meet, bit when compared to people who matter, I'm basically jack shit nothing.
Yeah, that's my life in a nutshell.
So I was reading an economics discussion and sipping wine, and I was following along really well, nodding and enjoying the conversation, and then all at once, I just couldn't follow it.
I take that as a sign that I'm buzzed.
Really enjoying that The Who song that speculawyer suggested. I need to listen to them more.
Why the fuck is Quadrophenia not available on Blu-Ray in the USA? What the fuck? Fix that someone.
The Real Me Entwhistle playing godly bass. It is kinda weird . . . guitar is rhythm while bass is lead.
Led Zeppelin and The Who are the two bands that I think really exemplify what it means to have an absolute top-tier level talent at every position.
There are very few bands you can say that about. The Beatles? Ringo is great in that setting, but he really lucked into the best possible bandmates ever for his talents. Dream Theater? The vocals are EXTREMELY suspect. Tool? Adam Jones' limitations were made pretty apparent on 10,000 Days.
Pink floyd.. fucking perfection even after Walters left.
Thats me starting my first stella fellas, going to have some blood sausage and chips soon from my local CHIPPY VAN
edit taking a day off work to drink was a GREAT FUCKING CHOICE on my part
Pink Floyd is a good pick. Waters bass is decent but he also carrys the vocals. Nick Mason . . . . great but probably the weakest link. Gilmour is subtle but has a great style. Rick Wright help define the prog-rock genre. Yeah . . . it really takes all good or great players to make such super-groups.
Led Zeppelin and The Who are the two bands that I think really exemplify what it means to have an absolute top-tier level talent at every position.
There are very few bands you can say that about. The Beatles? Ringo is great in that setting, but he really lucked into the best possible bandmates ever for his talents. Dream Theater? The vocals are EXTREMELY suspect. Tool? Adam Jones' limitations were made pretty apparent on 10,000 Days.
Omg have fun dude. I'm with you in spirit <3.I ate'd the firecrackers.
Same here.Love the Beatles, not a fan of Rush.
nfl night + le girlfriend away = drunk
little bit of Forza 4 + no GF + sucky 8:00 game predictable Patriots win + few beers = disappointing evening.
So whats next?
Tom Waits is fucking amazing.this is a must watch for drunk gaf: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gwUtEEjZJ8
Tom Waits came to a costume shop I used to work at. He was asking for a costume of a cow, and then paused and said "I'm looking for a cowstume."Tom Waits is fucking amazing.
Smoking a joint while listening to some pendulum.
Different time zone here so its helps.
Bought some moonshine from a hillbilly. Not to be fucked with.
Beatles 4 life.
Tom Waits came to a costume shop I used to work at. He was asking for a costume of a cow, and then paused and said "I'm looking for a cowstume."
Fucking legendary. Haha!Tom Waits came to a costume shop I used to work at. He was asking for a costume of a cow, and then paused and said "I'm looking for a cowstume."
I was introduced to Crown XR a while back. Its quite smooth.
This is me blessing my drunk thread brothers and sisters with a tall white Russian my lovely wife just made.
I love each and every one of you. Trust and believe.
Tom Waits came to a costume shop I used to work at. He was asking for a costume of a cow, and then paused and said "I'm looking for a cowstume."
Poker, Imperial Stouts and Bass Music. Not quite enough weed.
Here's to the lovely ladies here, there, and everywhere.