I can handle my 'rents too but when your mom goes into your room, gets on your computer, and looks at your history...ugh. Then your dad comes to you with teh accusation that you've been looking at porn and anti-mormon literature...what the fuck? 1. I can't watch porn cuz its blocked 2. idk where I would even find anti-mormon lit..when pressed, my dad wouldn't clarify what my mom found. I mean, shit, maybe they're considering teh mormon thread here to be anti-mormon. I need a couple jobs so i can gtfo. fyi I"ll probably finish that everclear tomorrow night.
as for sexy time, the only places i've had sex were the back of my van and the girls bed. and in a strangers room at some party. it's not real hard to find a spot lol and most girls don't give a fuck where they fuck if you're not in a relationship. even then some dont' care if you dont ahve your own place