that's fuckin awesome how do you do that?
my guess is a combo of drugs and roller states on hands/feet.
also guys i'm off work for 2 weeks (but in this friday for one shift)
I'm very happy guys.
that's fuckin awesome how do you do that?
One time during my first out of like 9 unsuccessful attempts at going to college, after class I went outside the art building, climbed to the top the the highest tree, and started screaming "Seattle Seahawks! Jacksonville Jaguars!" over and over for about 2 hours. I imagined that both teams were up in the tree with me fighting, and it was really back and forth. No team was better than the other.
Later that week I brought in a drawing that made my art teacher ask if I was on drugs. Her asking me that made me immediately decide to quit trying to be an artist. I was not on drugs (back then).
Come over to my house and get drunk guys
we can sniff blow and jump around going crazy!!!
Damn , sounds like an amazing band to see live.
LETS GO, you can introduce me to new alcohol! Idk, about the hard drugs though. And I'd love to smoke with you after getting off probation.
You're going to make me ask?
lol. I love this image.
I'm at the point where a 12 only gets me as drunk as 6. My wallet cannot handle this shit.
does heineken do the shitty european thing of 11.2oz 12oz containers?
an IPA 12 pack'll cost double that.
you just have to buy cheap vodka and mix it with squirt soda
happy valentines day guys
i dont have a girlfrieng but at least i have you guts <2
I have a cold so I'm getting drunk to suppress it. I've found that alcohol cancels out sicknesses pretty well, plus I can smoke a ton of cigs without it bothering my throat.
this song is so good: