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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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Put in the effort to spend time with your friends no matter how much you feel otherwise. Trust me on that. And I just watched Drive again since seeing it in theatres. Even my dad loved that movie.
I know I should, I'm just worried about it. I know thats just the anxiety building up, but its really hard to act against it. I went to the ER a couple weeks ago when I had my first panic bout thinking I was having a heart attack. Its bad.

don't sleept, talk to someone, I NEED to talk to somebody about life, philosophie and the problema of the world with someone.
I dont sleep that much. I dont like sleeping. I'm an early bird, usually, and I enjoy life for the most part. And I do talk to people. Its just that my body acts up when I really dont need it to. I know its an anxiety problem but I dont know how to control it, mentally.
I know I should, I'm just worried about it. I know thats just the anxiety building up, but its really hard to act against it. I went to the ER a couple weeks ago when I had my first panic bout thinking I was having a heart attack. Its bad.

I dont sleep that much. I dont like sleeping. I'm an early bird, usually, and I enjoy life for the most part. And I do talk to people. Its just that my body acts up when I really dont need it to. I know its an anxiety problem but I dont know how to control it, mentally.

When you say anxiety, what does that mean for you? I definitely have gotten detrimentally anxious in the past but never approaching a panic attack. Is it a social thing (i.e. a fear of judgement)? Or something else?


the piano man
I know I should, I'm just worried about it. I know thats just the anxiety building up, but its really hard to act against it. I went to the ER a couple weeks ago when I had my first panic bout thinking I was having a heart attack. Its bad.

I dont sleep that much. I dont like sleeping. I'm an early bird, usually, and I enjoy life for the most part. And I do talk to people. Its just that my body acts up when I really dont need it to. I know its an anxiety problem but I dont know how to control it, mentally.

maybe you are sleeping in the wrong room, maybe it's to big or something. smaller rooms are better for sleeping.
Once I get done with college, sure.

I'd be okay with that.

I'd be moving to go to school. I really like what I've seen of Boston and it's just become more attractive since I saw that study of it being the third best student city in the world. It's hard to decide, though. I have fantastic grades and my parents can afford to send me anywhere. Having so many choices is stressful as fuck.


When you say anxiety, what does that mean for you? I definitely have gotten detrimentally anxious in the past but never approaching a panic attack. Is it a social thing (i.e. a fear of judgement)? Or something else?
I dont fuckin know man. I'm usually pretty chill. I get serious panic attacks now, though. Bad enough to where I feel like I want to go to the ER, but I've gotten multiple EKG's and everything and they say my heart is fine, my blood pressure is fine and all that.

They discovered I have hypothyroidism recently, which one doctor said can cause my symptoms in rare cases and I'm on medicine for it, but its gonna be another week or so before that medicine starts to kick in apparently.

maybe you are sleeping in the wrong room, maybe it's to big or something. smaller rooms are better for sleeping.
I cant imagine this is an issue. In the past, I've slept like a damn rock. No problems getting to sleep, no problems staying asleep. This is something new. I've got some big rooms, but nothing mansion-like or anything.
I'd be moving to go to school. I really like what I've seen of Boston and it's just become more attractive since I saw that study of it being the third best student city in the world. It's hard to decide, though. I have fantastic grades and my parents can afford to send me anywhere. Having so many choices is stressful as fuck.
Man, if I landed a graphic design job in boston that would be fucking awesome.
Hey! How's everyone doing tonight? Called it an early night at the bar, and after throwing back a few Guinness there, I've returned home to sip on some Jameson. Will I get to playing anything tonight, or will my senses fail me before I can decide what to boot up?


Hey! How's everyone doing tonight? Called it an early night at the bar, and after throwing back a few Guinness there, I've returned home to sip on some Jameson. Will I get to playing anything tonight, or will my senses fail me before I can decide what to boot up?

I always think I can play games like Battlefield or Forza online when I'm drunk, but I'm always so terrible. If you do boot something up, make sure its a single-player game and nothing that requires too much thought. For me, Skyrim is a good go-to drunk game.
I always think I can play games like Battlefield or Forza online when I'm drunk, but I'm always so terrible. If you do boot something up, make sure its a single-player game and nothing that requires too much thought. For me, Skyrim is a good go-to drunk game.

Yeah, anything competitive is out of the question right now. haha. I've got Eternal Darkness on the backlog and Ghost Trick in the DS atm. Or I could try to get through some Darksiders on PS3. Maybe if I spent less time drinking and more time playing games, I'd eventually catch up to some current titles, but ah well. My gf will most likely end up commandeering the TV for some Plants vs. Zombies or Virtua Tennis...


erotic butter maelstrom
Yeah, anything competitive is out of the question right now. haha. I've got Eternal Darkness on the backlog and Ghost Trick in the DS atm. Or I could try to get through some Darksiders on PS3. Maybe if I spent less time drinking and more time playing games, I'd eventually catch up to some current titles, but ah well. My gf will most likely end up commandeering the TV for some Plants vs. Zombies or Virtua Tennis...

Bejeweled 3. Seriously. With a good playlist it's the perfect game to play when you're drinking.


Fighting games are the only games I really enjoy while I'm drinking. Competitive and the rounds are fast, can't focus on things like Skyrim usually. That's what weed is for but I'm cutting back on the stuff a lot.

Where do you go to school Acid?

Community college right now but my work load is crazy. When I transfer to vet school the real challenge begins.
I'm an english major. We'll be Holden and Banky in Chasing Amy.

Now, are you serious about us becoming roommates?

If you are then you sir would be a life saver.

The sooner I get out of bumfuck South Carolina the better.

This place is draining my life force and stealing my good vibes.
Bejeweled 3. Seriously. With a good playlist it's the perfect game to play when you're drinking.

Really? A very notable game dev once confided in me that his perfect night consisted of a bowl and some Puzzle Quest. I haven't gotten big into puzzlers since Puzzle Fighter, but I'm open minded. :)

Now, are you serious about us becoming roommates?

If you are then you sir would be a life saver.

The sooner I get out of bumfuck South Carolina the better.

This place is draining my life force and stealing my good vibes.

I'm planning on having my own apartment wherever I end up. If I can get somebody to move in and throw some cash in pocket, why the hell not.
shadyspace is well off with 10k a year.
o rly?
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