My favorite morning activity is coffee with copernicus.
I started drinking coffee after you mentioned that.
My favorite morning activity is coffee with copernicus.
You're seeing the wrong men.
Ok now I'm actually thinking about this. Is this really true? Skin roughness doesn't seem like some thats sex based, but rather exposure/treatment based.
Pomegranate green tea.
It's 1:10 pm here in the states (east coast).
Here's another one that I didn't get around to posting.Shiiiiiet, I was hopeing for more comedic Saint Mary captures. But I guess we'll see more drunk dudes tonight willing to go nuts.
Theres nothing better than drinking wine from my penthouse balcony and listening to a Inception soundtrack playlist.
I wish music would play during epic moments of my life.
Highluxury i'm poor send me a whole bunch of fuckin money bro. Promise I'll do coke.
Do you have paypal? Maybe we could all pitch in to buy you some coke.
Ok, how does that work though? Do I just give my paypal email?
But I'm scurred. :|Then man up and deprogram her. It can't be that hard.
I had mentioned ordering a Mindisc player last week.
It arrived.
I'm listening to my Radiohead Mix from when I was 12/13. All stuff I had downloaded off WinMX. Its a medly. There is a *really* early version of baby alligators in new york city. He introduces it as a very silly song. Its recorded in a small pub. You can hear people setting down drinks on the table, and a waiter in the background if you listen closely. When people applaud its clear there are probably only 40 people there. Given the quality of the bootleg and the time period, I'd say its almost a certain fact it was recorded to Mindisc. At that time it was more or less the only affordable option for making high quality digital recordings in a portable form factor. You can hear who ever is recording it breathing over it.
Thom Sings, "Grow up fast. Anything you want can be done."
stabler's last episode of svu is on
That is a lot of guy's type, to be fair. She is smokin hot.Holy shit, guys.
There's some girl on OKC that lives really close to where I live that looks like my "type".
But she takes her religion seriously... ugh.
Haha. You're probably right about that.That is a lot of guy's type, to be fair. She is smokin hot.
I'll put Portland down on my list of "places I want to live besides South Carolina"Atra are you talking about semi-gothy looking women? If so, get the fuck out of South Carolina and get to a big city. West Coast. If you think tattoos are hot and like the look a little more extreme, come to Portland--it's where suicide girls started, bro.
Just the phrase "Southern Comfort" is a bit of an oxymoron (for me at least) because I do not feel comfortable in the south at all.
I look kind of jewish and I'm a liberal atheist.Are you not white?
I look kind of jewish and I'm a liberal atheist.