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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
What do you want a minidisc for?

You got the right one, baby. Uh Huh.

A Minidisc? Fuck that, I want thousands of Minidiscs.

Ohhhhh man, about to record my first new mix. Not even sure whats gonna go on it.

what the fuck.

Love this post.

I was in a cabin in New Hampshire this weekend, and there was a collection of albums on minidisc and a MD deck in the place! First thing I played was Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere.

I miss this technology, gets me all nostalgic the way 8/16bit consoles and cartridges do.
Yeah its so amazing. When I first got it and ejected my first disc it had such a satisfying CLUNK as it popped out. I started grinning ear to ear. I'm still working out how to paint all these things. I've taken a bunch of the apart and did tons of test runs, but they're not coming out quite as professional as I want them to be. I'm starting to think I need to silk screen them instead of spray paint them.

I need to buy a NetMD player next. A LOT ,I'd say the majority of minidiscs are recorded through the NetMD protocol.. which can't be formatted by the player I bought. Its too old and gives a "TRprote" [track protect] error when I try to format a NetMD. I'm sure I'll need a NetMD player because any huge lots of minidiscs I buy on ebay will no doubt be recorded on that way and I'll need a way to erase them.

Oh this is so fun.

This is my life:


I came here thinking about this thread and when I checked, here it was on the first page. Fate? Gate.

I'm wine drunk and watching the shit out of Downton Abbey with the fiancee. On the season 1 (are there more seasons?) finale and it is nuuuuuuts. But her dad called so I'm here. Thank you for being here when my own wife to be has abandoned our drunkery and Netflix streaming marathon for GAMILY.
A distant relative of mine (I don't think we're blood related) just posted this on facebook...




erotic butter maelstrom
Drinking some beer and playing around with this Vita thing I got today. Good shit.

How are you doing tonight Altrametal, whatchu drinkin' bro?


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
getting some kief-hash today GUYS kents getting BAKED.

be ready to surf gaf for my epic baked INSITE to boring topics.


girlfriend is outside the dealers, she says the area is a complete SHITHOLE. here we fucking go with ketamine spiked pollin.

could be good guys

rolling joints guys


CV is unbanned in 6 months from when he got banned...so like june?

ps it's hella nice outside, like 58 degrees, i'm going to the gym for the first time in months, i'm getting paid tomorrow for the first time in months....omfg

ima need to get some of that seagram's shit


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
My ban has bin lifted and im drunk again, hopefully this time my drunkenness wont get banned.

P.S Is it sad that when i get drunk at home the first thing i think of is NeoGAF


Bud Light Platinums (which are pretty good) all day.

The little lady just made me some hot buttered rum to ward off my cold.

I want all of my brothers to feel the love.


Bud Plats are quite nice. I can't lie.

I have to drink hard stuff to get drunk.

Beer makes me sluggish if anything, but I still love it.


Liquor is more convenient in a lot of ways and I went through a phase of drinking shots of vodka instead of drinking beer, but my throat started to feel raw after a while.

I have no problem with beer, just Natty Ice/Bud Light/Coors Light etc. Takes way too long to get drunk.


I have no problem with beer, just Natty Ice/Bud Light/Coors Light etc. Takes way too long to get drunk.

Naty Ice is 5.9%.

bud ice > beast ice > dogshit >>>> natty ice

The way I see it:

Good beer > Shitty beer.

There's not much difference between a Bud Ice and a Naty Ice to me. Its all crap. I can be a beer snob at times, but if I'm going cheap, I'm gonna go cheap. I've even been known to drink Steel on occasion....
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