kentpaul are you ok
I'm fine man, once i got baked i ended up playing Tiny wings on my iphone (while smoking a few joints) for a few hours. (till my battery ran out) as i was playing the game i started really self analysing my self. I started thinking of what i was doing at my workplace without my normal ego attached and realised i could be spending my time at work better.
I Know have a firm plan of what i will spend my working day doing today. So all in all it was a really productive smoking session.
something we all need once in a while.
I also bet my tiny wings score. (self high five)
I'd gladly let Kentpaul fuck me.
Bend over and place two hands on the ground, I'm going in.
Ain't drinking tonight i'l have a joint when i'm in from work and watch the shield, TOMORROW IL BE GETTING SHITFACED AND SPENDING ALOT OF TIME IN THIS THREAD CONVERSING WITH YALL
There's no such thing as shitty beer or good beer.
It's what you can afford and how bad you're willing to get shitty.
No man chooses bad beer because he wants it.
If you were a millionaire, you wouldn't own a fleet of Ford Foci (Focuses?)
Good beer

Shit beer

Both have around the same price, and the shit beer is even weaker.