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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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anyone tried this stuff?

Went to the bar with a friend, he picked up a chick and I struck out. Proceeding to down half a bottle of wild turkey and am now feeling righteous. Proceeding to send creeping facebook messages/text to girls I've been crushing on.
jaxword said:
Tell them you support Obama's new plan to have atheism banned.
I just made a bunch of crude sexual remarks and insulted their trollips of mothers. They know who is boss The B A fucking M. Represent!


Is Chopin vodka as good as they say it is? I feel like trying something new but don't feel like wasting too much money. lol


LOCK said:
My impulse buying already persuaded me to buy a fifth. I have it, but haven't tasted it yet. Here goes!

It's worth it. I don't remember it being stupendous (just good)... But I'm not a Vodka guy. Added points for the strange lack of hangover.

Personally just made a weird diet lemonade+Whalers Rum cocktail. Nice mix of citrus and flatting.


It's almost like gaf a auto-bumping thread for drunk people.

drunk thread.


I'm about to feel a jim breur hilarous party about to happen since I'm gonna mix a scottsman with a hillbilly in ma belly

Chris R

Fuck the haters, but colt 45 blast is so damn good. Tastes decent and is 12% ABV so a single can is the start to a great night for under $3. Raspberry/watermellon is my goto.
i went to buy alcohol again today and i opted to go to a different liquour store so the guy from yesterday wouldn't think i'm an alcy

i think thats maybe a sign


erotic butter maelstrom
brianjones said:
i went to buy alcohol again today and i opted to go to a different liquour store so the guy from yesterday wouldn't think i'm an alcy

i think thats maybe a sign

Lol, I've done the same. That's why you gotta have a rotation of 3-4 sources.


rhfb said:
Fuck the haters, but colt 45 blast is so damn good. Tastes decent and is 12% ABV so a single can is the start to a great night for under $3. Raspberry/watermellon is my goto.
I'd rather drink 4loko than that shit.


Mmmmmm Blue Moon. Even through my beer-induced haze, SC2 is pissing me off. Need to find something else to play but I don't have money for something else for another 2 weeks! I suppose I could wait an hour for this stupid LoL patch to DL. What a situation I find myself in...


he's Virgin Tight™
blame space said:
relix how much money did you make today


On the other hand I probably drank like $100 with my buds today. I usually just invite friends and I basically reserve a pub whose owner I know pretty well. So we just drink ourselves on mid-week days. A few months ago I burned like $800 in 24 hours in an upscale loungue. I am probably burning like $2000+ month hanging out with my friends... which is absolutely excessive... but hey I am enjoying it all. Fuck yeah.


EDIT: Actually I took out the info XD! Shouldn't be spreading that lol. See, this is what alcohol does to you XD! To at least answer the question somewhat... I made enough to cover what I drank tonight.


CherryWoodFuton said:
Finished a bottle of henny now im workin on the goose.......i managed to text my ex and every girl on my contact list.....pls i need help :(

i hate doing that
i want to get drunk again...

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