wiggins022 said:So hung over today. Debating never getting drunk again.
Vagabundo said:I've had hangovers that would last for two days when I was younger. One day I stopped drinking for two years. Now I drink one a month, two months sometimes. Tonight I've had a bottle of wine. Yo ho ho and a bottle of wine...
Wigeons man, I love you. I really do. I've only just met ya. But your the man..
MIMIC said:Where was this thread last night? Was at my friend's bachelor party and I was almost drunk enough to smoke a cigarette for the 1st time, lol
MIMIC said:Where was this thread last night? Was at my friend's bachelor party and I was almost drunk enough to smoke a cigarette for the 1st time, lol
Barberetti said:I just read your "yo ho ho and a bottle of rum" earlier, looked at my glass of wine and thought to myself "yo ho ho and a bottle of wine". Then I scrolled down and saw your "Yo ho ho and a bottle of wine".
Weird! Time to crack open another bottle ....
blame space said:no fear bro
i just finished a beer.
Gouty said:I was in Dublin a couple years ago. You guys have narrow roads. And apparently you hate it when Americans load up the jukebox with rock n roll.
Vagabundo said:Lol i've hears thT before. Dublin has the widest roads in Ireland. Go out west and you'll see roads that are fit only for one car and guys wizzing by at 90 miles an hour.. We have a problem with car crashes her in Ireland..
We only have little cars and we're only little people. My Hyundai accent is very slim.. Mmm sexy slim.. My elbow pokes my wife in the ribe when we drive..
plasticpassion said:Want to join you but my roommate's parents are here avoiding Irene's fury (they live on the coast). I'm feelinga little awkward about repeat visits to the fridge for beer around them, drinking solo.
Ah fuck it.
plasticpassion said:Want to join you but my roommate's parents are here avoiding Irene's fury (they live on the coast). I'm feelinga little awkward about repeat visits to the fridge for beer around them, drinking solo.
Ah fuck it.
TOM f'N CRUISE said:fuck it, thats why you grab like 3 at a time
Gouty said:Yeah, i did just that. It was insane. There were hedges that lined both sides of those narrow ass roads, and they had grooves cut in them from people side view mirrors. Pretty wild driving over there. Beautiful country.
Barberetti said:Wiggins, don't give up drinking, it's not worth it man.
knew a dude that said the same thing....... but then again he shit his pants...at a party...wiggins022 said:I won't totally quit but I can't get that drunk again. I punched a hole in my drywall over a ping pong match. Fucking idiot :/
Barberetti said:Don't do it man, not worth it. I gave up 4 and a half years ago after 20+ years smoking, and still, once in a while if I cough, I get a taste of tar in my mouth. It's fucking horrible.
Gouty said:Radiohead is part of your user name, you have a kiss avatar and your tag makes mention of the Wii.
I don't know if I should love you or hate you.
wiggins022 said:I won't totally quit but I can't get that drunk again. I punched a hole in my drywall over a ping pong match. Fucking idiot :/
ikkemenx said:Woke up after getting destroyed on beers and vodka tonics. First time I've ever actually had trouble recollecting the previous night. No idea how I got to the couch, and I'm slowly starting to remember an argument, possibly a fight. I think I may have hit someone. I think I may have been hit by a guy...
oh lord :lol
Vagabundo said:pissing in my wardrobe on my own clothes while giving out to my then GF, no wife. )
wiggins022 said:There was a week back in my early twenties were I pissed in my sock drawer 3 different nights. My gf who I just started a relationship was probably thinking what the fuck is wrong with this guy.
Recently after a wedding I woke up in an unfamiliar room, pitch black and I had to piss bad. I couldn't see shit so I scanned the walls with my hand for like 5 seconds and couldn't find the door so I just started pissing on the carpet. I remember spraying/spreading it out so it wouldn't create one huge damp puddle. Bad times.
radioheadrule83 said:
disappeared said:Just started on some vodka and orange juice. Gonna have a glass of wine coming up and then I think I'm headed out to the bar tonight.
Vagabundo said:Remember: never mix the grain and the vine.