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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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erotic butter maelstrom
It's about time to break out the 40s. I left them outside so they would get ice cold but they might be actual ice by now. Keep me in your prayers, if my beers are froze I am fucked.


erotic butter maelstrom
How many 40s?

Just two. They didn't freeze but they're super cold.


tastes so good


good credit (by proxy)
shrimp and white wine and pizza

i'm gonna go out onto the street and murder anyone who's not in love with my dad.


erotic butter maelstrom
forced to go to church


I guess you must be much younger than me. Both of my parents are into that crap, but I haven't been forced into church since I was a kid. Seriously, go on stage tomorrow in the middle of the sermon and slap yo dick across the preacher's mouth.
I think I remember you making threads about your family and religion....if true how did that turn out?
i got out of the religious university

but I'm still stuck in my religious parent's home and still have to go to church because if I don't I get kicked out of the house.

I don't have enough money to survive on my own and I don't have time for a job because my shcool work keeps me so busy.
So I had the worst night in awhile. I was hanging out with a few of my friends here at school at their house before going out to a bar. We're playing beer games and while im drinking one of my beers he knocks the beer into my face. I reaction is to spit what I have in my mouth. He then punches me in the face and then while im on the floor he kicks me as hard as he can over and over for 30 seconds. While he's doing this he says you're a fucking asshole and no one likes you and I'm not your friend and all that shit. All of my other friends just put their head down and do nothing. I get up finally and I look at them like they're crazy for not helping. Then this guy again starts hitting me while throwing me out of the house. I'm bleeding and bruised and shit. I go around to the back of the house by the window just to hear what they're saying because I'm confused as shit. They're all laughing and talking about how annoying I am and why I think I can hang out with them and shit. Meanwhile I'm bleeding and crying outside. I call them because I wanted to know I heard all the shit they said, but I just hang up. I then walk back to the house and now I'm here.

I never thought I was one of those kids who just clings on to people who arent really their friends. I lived with them last year, but I live on my own now, so it's not like I'm not close to them in anyway. To be honest I'm a little happy that I can just sweep them away, but I still have 3 more months here until I graduate, and they were some of my only friends here. I'm not sure what I'm asking here, I just didn't know where else to vent. I'm usually a pretty level-headed guy who doesn't get upset all to often, but this really got to me. My slightly inebriated state probably doesn't help either.

I guess I'll just ask. Any advice?


i got out of the religious university

but I'm still stuck in my religious parent's home and still have to go to church because if I don't I get kicked out of the house.

I don't have enough money to survive on my own and I don't have time for a job because my shcool work keeps me so busy.

Is church just once a week or is it one of those religions where you have to go to church 4 times a week.

I'd fuck me. Not even joking.

I saw a shemale fuck her ass with her dick once. See how that works out.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Drinking pear cider watching my friend wipe a baby's ass. About to watch drive angry.


So I had the worst night in awhile. I was hanging out with a few of my friends here at school at their house before going out to a bar. We're playing beer games and while im drinking one of my beers he knocks the beer into my face. I reaction is to spit what I have in my mouth. He then punches me in the face and then while im on the floor he kicks me as hard as he can over and over for 30 seconds. While he's doing this he says you're a fucking asshole and no one likes you and I'm not your friend and all that shit. All of my other friends just put their head down and do nothing. I get up finally and I look at them like they're crazy for not helping. Then this guy again starts hitting me while throwing me out of the house. I'm bleeding and bruised and shit. I go around to the back of the house by the window just to hear what they're saying because I'm confused as shit. They're all laughing and talking about how annoying I am and why I think I can hang out with them and shit. Meanwhile I'm bleeding and crying outside. I call them because I wanted to know I heard all the shit they said, but I just hang up. I then walk back to the house and now I'm here.

I never thought I was one of those kids who just clings on to people who arent really their friends. I lived with them last year, but I live on my own now, so it's not like I'm not close to them in anyway. To be honest I'm a little happy that I can just sweep them away, but I still have 3 more months here until I graduate, and they were some of my only friends here. I'm not sure what I'm asking here, I just didn't know where else to vent. I'm usually a pretty level-headed guy who doesn't get upset all to often, but this really got to me. My slightly inebriated state probably doesn't help either.

I guess I'll just ask. Any advice?

You should have fucking fought back.

Drinking pear cider watching my friend wipe a baby's ass. About to watch drive angry.

Is it weird that I probably know both your friend and the baby?


So I had the worst night in awhile. I was hanging out with a few of my friends here at school at their house before going out to a bar. We're playing beer games and while im drinking one of my beers he knocks the beer into my face. I reaction is to spit what I have in my mouth. He then punches me in the face and then while im on the floor he kicks me as hard as he can over and over for 30 seconds. While he's doing this he says you're a fucking asshole and no one likes you and I'm not your friend and all that shit. All of my other friends just put their head down and do nothing. I get up finally and I look at them like they're crazy for not helping. Then this guy again starts hitting me while throwing me out of the house. I'm bleeding and bruised and shit. I go around to the back of the house by the window just to hear what they're saying because I'm confused as shit. They're all laughing and talking about how annoying I am and why I think I can hang out with them and shit. Meanwhile I'm bleeding and crying outside. I call them because I wanted to know I heard all the shit they said, but I just hang up. I then walk back to the house and now I'm here.

I never thought I was one of those kids who just clings on to people who arent really their friends. I lived with them last year, but I live on my own now, so it's not like I'm not close to them in anyway. To be honest I'm a little happy that I can just sweep them away, but I still have 3 more months here until I graduate, and they were some of my only friends here. I'm not sure what I'm asking here, I just didn't know where else to vent. I'm usually a pretty level-headed guy who doesn't get upset all to often, but this really got to me. My slightly inebriated state probably doesn't help either.

I guess I'll just ask. Any advice?

Yeah, anyone who makes you spill beer isn't your friend. They are also terrible people and you should make them pay.


Um...fhuta...no nothing that won't end in a possible jail sentence, I don't. But I'm drunk right now. So...I...what? So you were just hanging out and then someone just started attacking you? And your friends didn't help? I'd say revenge on the attacker, but it's probably not even worth it. I still might be pissed and say revenge.

A multi-staged campaign of revenge. That shit was pretty bad.
Is church just once a week or is it one of those religions where you have to go to church 4 times a week.
once a week but it's still a waste of my precious time.

Plus, my dad gets pissed when I fall asleep during the service.

So I better go to bed now or I'll regret it in the morning.


Ultimately from this point on, those dudes aren't your friends. I've had fights between my friends before, and my other friends and I always broke them up. Even physically restraining people and getting shoved through walls to do it. You know you're a friend when your 6'5 300 lb bouncer friend leaves a you sized hole in the wall and you're both trying to get the hell out of the building before cops are called and you're still tight. So...fuck those guys. Forget em.

But if they don't leave you alone, they deserve the worst of what's coming to them. Two faced bros, dude.
Even so you can't just lay there and take a beating from that piece of shit. Even if he's stronger show you have some fucking fight in you.

I basically tried to defend myself, but I was in pretty bad shape. There wasn't much I could do that wouldn't make shit a whole lot worse. (I was going to grab the baseball bat to hit him with on the floor on my way out, but I didn't probably for the best)
Ultimately from this point on, those dudes aren't your friends. I've had fights between my friends before, and my other friends and I always broke them up. Even physically restraining people and getting shoved through walls to do it. You know you're a friend when your 6'5 300 lb bouncer friend leaves a you sized hole in the wall and you're both trying to get the hell out of the building before cops are called and you're still tight. So...fuck those guys. Forget em.

But if they don't leave you alone, they deserve the worst of what's coming to them. Two faced bros, dude.

Yeah a couple of them are texting me saying "wow oh man that was crazy right" and I'm just ignoring it. What a bunch of dicks.
Can you think of why these dudes were laughing about getting rid of you after one of them beat the shit out of you? Sounds way premeditated. What'd you do?


good credit (by proxy)
Time's like this is when it's good to be a badass that nobody will fuck with. You don't get beers smashed into your face.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I had a dream about being choked last night:

so im in a dream. And I'm walking at night to the liquor store. I vaguely notice two people following me, but its a busy night outside. I get into the store and am about to check out, but realize I've purchased a rockstar instead of a beer. So I go back and exchange it. at which point some guy starts begging for money. I tell him I have none, which i didn't. then out of nowhere two others attack me and start choking me. i can see their oxy-clouded eyes looking past me as they shout "give me the money!" "give me the money!" just as the life is about to be choked out of me the shop owner pulls a gun out and they flee. but i notice them hanging out on the other side of the street, waiting for me. so i dont leave the store. I'm too terrified to go outside. this when some dudes come from the back and size me up. one of them goes around to another door and flashes 3 symbols with this fingers. it was like a peace sign, then a C and then an S. it was like a peace sign, then a C and then an S. they escort me through a warzone, im walking behind them and can see them in their tall-Tees parting this red sea of violence in the streets we approach a park and i hear these loud booms. then we look up and there is a magnificent display of SILVER fireworks lighting the sky. i have a vague recollection of my grandmother and hear a girl behind me say something about "yeah you can feel the budget price." the end.
spice the pizza with margarita salt
put the plastic gatorade caps under the pizza to catch grease while the pizza cooks
chug half the contents of each gatorade bottle
empty grease caps back into gatorade bottle
add margarita mix

best night incoming
I have an idea for a series of youtube videos for anyone who has some serious autism.

Take a screen-cap or edit the snippet of video out of every episode of Seinfeld at the very millisecond that the introductory credits' text solidifies from the fade-in for either Jerry Seinfeld only, or all the main four actors. For example when the text "Jerry Seinfeld" appears and fades in to a solid white would be when you would take the snippet of video or screen cap (only take the first millisecond of solidity). Put this together into a youtube video called "Jerry Seinfeld", eventually people will recognize your autistic-artistic genius.


You sure you're drinking, buddy?

Real talk: Gatorade between the boozin' is a guaranteed hangover preventative. But seriously, where's the booze in that pic?

In my liquor cabinet (and now my liver). Patron silver and Grand Marnier.

Gatorade is for the morning sorrows.

Do you live in space?

Ha, I took that when taking the stuff out of the trunk of my spaceship (car). Near perfect late night shopping list.


Man, that pizza reminds me of this store pizza i bought the other week. it was two large pizzas wrapped together, 5.50 total. they was SUPPREEEME.

That gatorade looks so good right now, I think yellow is my favorite classic flavor.


yellow? what the fuck is wrong with you, clearly blue is the best flavor

+1 for blue, clearly the best flavour.

Mully said:
They closed our other drunk thread. BUT we will live on! We will keep drinking and kill this conspiracy. We now know the culprits and we must fight it at every corner. Evilore must go first my brethren, then Opiate.

It is in this thread where we plan our attacks.

Don't get this one closed to, now.
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