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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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that sounds like good ssx music acrid, got any more like it?
I'm on my spring break and I'm just trying to figure out some artsy stuff I want to do.
Also, I'm planning on moving to Portland, OR once I get done with college. It sounds like my kind of town.

I absorbed the avatars of two prominent drunk thread members that were banned so I can keep the spirit of this thread going. :p

yeah i was thinking about best coast too. i'm gonna finish community college here then idk what. oregon would be a sick place to live, lots to see and do. plus i know some people up there. and i like portlands nba team. seattle is also an option, one of my good friends lives up there. oh well, i still got 2 semesters left before i figure it out.

so you'er planning on havving a job offer there in like graphic design?

also you should add coldveins avatar to the mix

anyways i'm going to sleep, later bros. it was nice visiting after so long away
that sounds like good ssx music acrid, got any more like it?

yeah i was thinking about best coast too. i'm gonna finish community college here then idk what. oregon would be a sick place to live, lots to see and do. plus i know some people up there. and i like portlands nba team. seattle is also an option, one of my good friends lives up there. oh well, i still got 2 semesters left before i figure it out.

so you'er planning on havving a job offer there in like graphic design?
Yep. But first I need to construct an impressive portfolio and accumulate some more work experience at the web design firm I intern at.

also you should add coldveins avatar to the mix
I'll get right on that.


This feels apt for the thread, credit to another gaffer.


good credit (by proxy)

Look into the eyes of the beautiful mother space. The universe is a place where mortals take refuge despite the inimitable refuse that assumes itself aligned with the perfection of her wondrous glory!!!!!!!!


Oh, sweet tigress of creation, give forth that what has been spoken of for eons. But a drop of your sustenance was once 'nough to create this existence. It's everpresent fabric that inspires such awe.


But a drop from your teet onto my lips, oh sweet lord...for one being to attain immortality in this feeble dimension is but a forgotten whisper of an idea compared to the unimaginable vastness and the indomitability of your very name.


good credit (by proxy)

Please, but a taste of your supple bosom for my parched lips. The smallest fathomable fraction of your everpresence is 'nough for me to blow warmth into this most chilling dimension as your all-knowing liege.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Drinking a warm beer while the rest chill out in the freezer. Hows it going, D-thread?
Monday went by quickly.


good credit (by proxy)
[17:05] timedoggaf: i care for German Shepherds more than life itself
[17:05] timedoggaf: my dream is to have 25 HUGE Shepherds
[17:05] timedoggaf: and walk them all at the same time without a leash
[17:05] timedoggaf: actually, not walk them....RUN THEM


I shall be joining you tonight drunk gaf, but not willingly.

I should be at a ladies place spending the night... but alas, I have no car. Fuck the Gods! They seek to block cock and fuck upon whim! Well, I say, fuck the gods!

I mean, look at this shit. I'm going to type you guys a text I recieved earlier.

"Ben i am so fucking horny. I demand a sleepover with you right now."



I want this week to be over. My brother is going to be in town this weekend for business along with his co-workers who are mostly women and single. If said if I need to crash at their hotel I can share a room with two of the women who will share a bed. Hopefully only 1 bed will be used that night. I'm also bringing them weed, so starting off with bonus points.


I shall be joining you tonight drunk gaf, but not willingly.

I should be at a ladies place spending the night... but alas, I have no car. Fuck the Gods! They seek to block cock and fuck upon whim! Well, I say, fuck the gods!

I mean, look at this shit. I'm going to type you guys a text I recieved earlier.

"Ben i am so fucking horny. I demand a sleepover with you right now."


fucking shoulda walked you goddamn fucking stupid motherfucking dumbass, i mean holy shit you can't deny pussy that tells you it's horny, t hats like a gift from like fucking Dionysus and Aphrodite. holy shit mordeccai, fucking walking ne xt time you lazy motherfucking cunty lardass.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
What a fucking long day. I haven't been home since like 10am.
I got a new book at the bookstore though. Cooked and ate a great fish taco salad. And had an old lady tell me about her abusive husband and how she loves to party still. And then I got my debit card declined for a 3.99 charge at 7/11, so I pull out my phone to check my balance and it dies right there in the store. The weird thing is I drove straight to the bank in a huge panic because I have a lot of money in that account. I hit the ATM and saw that all was fine on the account side. So now I don't know if my card is fucked up, or what. But it was super annoying. It worked in the banks ATM machine and I just pulled 20 dollars out to buy some beer. But I'm super puzzled why it was declined.

Well, time for a drink. Paired with 5 more drinks.


good credit (by proxy)
Wow this pizza tastes weird but good. I added too much rye flour to my sourdough starter, and ended up with pizza crust that tastes like sourdough bread, lol. Really got a tangy zing to it. Weird, but not bad at all.


good credit (by proxy)
Open your mind, Quaid. <3

Last night I told my girlfriend I wanted to spread thick tomato sauce across a lizard's butthole. Why would I say something like that??


fucking shoulda walked you goddamn fucking stupid motherfucking dumbass, i mean holy shit you can't deny pussy that tells you it's horny, t hats like a gift from like fucking Dionysus and Aphrodite. holy shit mordeccai, fucking walking ne xt time you lazy motherfucking cunty lardass.


She lives an hour away by car in the city and I'm stuck out here in hickville.

Tonight, I shall redeem myself! Cocaine and pussy. And weed and booze.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.

She lives an hour away by car in the city and I'm stuck out here in hickville.

Tonight, I shall redeem myself! Cocaine and pussy. And weed and booze.

Are you the dude who took mephedrone and MDMA the same night and had a blast ? I tried that last Friday and ended up seeing out of both eyes independently lol complete double Vision with the MDMA burning away inside me feeling good man and the meph making my vision ever so clear! Sober for life now after that weird experience. Going to smoke a joint my self though In the next hour

Chewed my bottom lip so much it turned blueb


Are you the dude who took mephedrone and MDMA the same night and had a blast ? I tried that last Friday and ended up seeing out of both eyes independently lol complete double Vision with the MDMA burning away inside me feeling good man and the meph making my vision ever so clear! Sober for life now after that weird experience. Going to smoke a joint my self though In the next hour

Chewed my bottom lip so much it turned blueb

Yeah man that was me hahah. Dude that was one of the most fun nights of my life. You go clubbin with that combo or what mayne?

And come on man, you can't say sober for life. I promise you you will redact that statement within a month. Unless you are Allah or some shit.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Listen to the pursuit of happiness while on a boat then you will reach my level.........

Here's what I have to put up with every time I go to the bottle-o lately. You can't seriously ask people to donate money to a shitty cause like this when they themselves are buying enough booze to get 5 people fucked up binge drinking.

And fuck gradutes. If you don't want to drink, just don't drink. Jesus, you don't need $500,000 (http://www.bcliquorstores.com/support-dry-grad) of peoples hard earned money to not bow to peer-pressure.
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