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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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Sup fellow drunk gaffers. 4pm. Started drinking today for engineering week at 9am. Went on a road rally. We did mediocre. talked to a drunk professor for awhile. we discussed getting pizza. going over to someone's place to drink more. college be great.


Best friend's GF's birthday, we are going to some beauty-salon-themed bar in Brooklyn known for a $10 "martini and a manicure" special. Don't even care, I haven't gone out to the city to get good and drunk in a long time.


Oh I forgot. I talked to a good friend of mine over XBL and he said he would be down with moving to Portland with me.



omg dude where did this gif come from
it's amazing

also amazing: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=440762


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
what happened to drinking man? booze kick your ass in the morning one too many times?

the shit i get my self into when im drunk..

8 days sober guiz!

got a mad crazy trip to Spain in a few days so my soberness may need to take the back seat and let my wild side drive ya know ?
Holy fuck, there's somebody named "Zabian"???

I always thought Sabian was an awesome sounding name for cymbals and I'd always in quickly passing mention "my Sabian" in conversations with strangers and then never bring it up again or elaborate, not that a stranger ever called me out when I said "my Sabian" under my breath in the middle of a conversation about the weather, but I digress..."Zabian" may or may not be a step above Sabian, I haven't decided yet, but I think we can all agree that a guy with a name like Zabian is a welcome addition to this forum.
My name's Fabian

that's cool too right?


Got Drunk on some bottled beers and watched "The Guard", very funny. Not sure if everyone would get it, but it was a Irish film. I laughed a good bit, such odd characters.

Haven't been drunk in ages. didn't get mad drunk. I'll need to go out soon and get mad drunk I think.


Got Drunk on some bottled beers and watched "The Guard", very funny. Not sure if everyone would get it, but it was a Irish film. I laughed a good bit, such odd characters.

Haven't been drunk in ages. didn't get mad drunk. I'll need to go out soon and get mad drunk I think.

Why aren't you mad drunk?


Did some molly last night and was up til like 6 am.

Spent the entire day re-hydrating and now I feel it's time to re-dehydrate with Miller lite.


Picked up my dad's gift (15y Glenlivet) and in the process got myself a six-pack of Bass, was only $6.50. Came real close to getting a bottle of Kraken, next time.



I didn't do anything of value during my spring break.

just got fat and played some mass effect 3.

Hey man. Sounds like a great spring break. One of my favorite spring breaks was when I played through dragon quest 5.

Also saw you mention Oregon. *hughfive. That's where I Dream of moving after college


so I decided I wanted something sweet to drink tonight and not liquor, so I went with a wheat beer. Specifically a peach wheat beer. This stuff is good.


Whats the highest BA all of you have gotten up to? My recorded one was .35

A girl I hung out with the other night had a key fob thingy which ciunted bac. Her keys got passed around more than some of the fifths Of vodka. I hit .18 that night,but I had to wake up early the next day at 7am


erotic butter maelstrom
What are you people up to tonight.

It's a double header for me. Smoked some blunts and got buzzed at a friend's now I'm resting for an hour then starting all over again. Gon get fucked up.


Going to meet up with my brother and his female co-worker tonight. Hung out with them a couple nights ago, except now the girls' roommate is gone (and she was kind of a cockblock) and I'm crashing in her room tonight. So I will be drinking much tonight and probably won't be coming on gaf later. Have a great night GAF and if you were considering getting pizza tonight, DO IT.

update-brother texted me saying he's tired and has to be up early tomorrow. (I'm 40 minutes drive from them). I tell him if they're sure. I also tell him my goal for the night and he knows, and will call after dinner. He says I can still come and crash in her room, but will call me with further details-AND WE'RE BACK IN.
Well after Sunday begins 5 to 6 weeks of crazy amounts of school work and then summer school. yaay...

wish me luck drunk thread.

I just hope I end up with a career after getting worked to death for a stupid graphic design degree.
Well after Sunday begins 5 to 6 weeks of crazy amounts of school work and then summer school. yaay...

wish me luck drunk thread.

I just hope I end up with a career after getting worked to death for a stupid graphic design degree.

If it makes you feel better, I have been studying the effects of reactive oxygen species (ROS) signaling and Phosphatase signaling all night whilst drinking (OK, the studying stopped afer beer #3, but still...)


I've been mixing different combinations of stuff until I'm comfortably numb.

I wish you could all be here.

No shit. If you can afford the plan tickets come hang.

From there, we'll hug or fistfight
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