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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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disappeared said:
eh, I've done it a dozen times. I'm sure one of these times a cop wills stop me, but I'm not a bad driver. I always treat driving like a job. You're not being paid for it, but it's a responsibility, and I always treat it as such. Drunk or not.

I'm an awesome driver too, and I thought the same. I was so god damn lucky to not get pulled over when I drove home on an entirely flat tire, like to the rim, and didn't notice.

It's science dude, no one is a good drunk driver.
I have my own previously arrogant, fucked humbling drunk driving stories. If the dude wants to, let him learn his own lesson. Nobody on a message board is gonna convince him otherwise anyway.


Beat EviLore at pool.
shadyspace said:
I have my own previously arrogant, fucked humbling drunk driving stories. If the dude wants to, let him learn his own lesson. Nobody on a message board is gonna convince him otherwise anyway.
Exactly even though I hate when people do it.
disappeared said:
No promises.

What? Honestly man I wouldn't even hate if you lost the physical ability to drive. You're an idiot and are not carrying about something that has a very good chance of killing another person. If you want to do something that kills yourself, fine, just don't do something that can kill another person.
Copernicus said:
I fell like a bitch with no self-control with this cup in my hand.
Believe. The other night I got so wasted that I most likely fucked the last chance I had with the girl of my dreams. Don't fall for that. Have some goddamn will power.


Copernicus said:
I get off on depravity.

Me too.
Nothing I can say then. Let us know how it goes.
I'm hoping for the sake of your story that your depravity goes beyond calling your ex. Let's liven this place up a bit.


meadowrag said:
Me too.
Nothing I can say then. Let us know how it goes.
I'm hoping for the sake of your story that your depravity goes beyond calling your ex. Let's liven this place up a bit.

That story is already floating around on gaf somewhere...it would just be revisiting old territory.
I get wasted sometimes because its the only way I can feel anything pure. Even bad emotions, like anger or sadness. It's worth it. I think.


And just like that I was just literally bitch slapped.

(a female dog just slapped me....=( )

shadyspace said:
I get wasted sometimes because its the only way I can feel anything pure. Even bad emotions, like anger or sadness. It's worth it. I think.

I get drunk cause I think too much.
disappeared said:
Went there and got back. The dude at the gas station was a cool guy. Said he wanted to go to the bar but he had to work the night shift cause some other guy called in sick.

Driving drunk is the easiest thing in the world.

Fuck you.




Heyyy drunk gaf. This is my first drunk thread post. Just got back from a really lame frat party (2 really lame frat parts really). The first one was alright but no girls, so we went to another that was even worse (like 15 people). Apparently sorority chicks aren't allowed to party during rush week. bummer. we just stayed long enough to get drunk on free alcohol and left lol.

also, thank god for chrome's spell checker.


Ohh gawd. Now offically hungover GAF. Two hour sleep, soo tired andf groggy and a 1 year old baby:

"Daddy, daddy daaaaaaaaaadddy." And I smell something rotten.

went to a house party, got a girl's number (we had a very nice chat about the current state of our province's affairs - Canada-GAF), went to the bar, taxi'd it back to my car.

Drove home, safe and sound.

You guys have a good night.
Clydefrog said:

I know, I know.

I appreciate GAF's words on my state of affairs. It means more than some of you know, honest.

But I live in a small town, where my house isn't a five minute drive from anywhere else. It just saves me having to to walk or hitch a ride the next day back to my vehicle. I don't want to sound like I'm trying to justify my actions, but... well yeah.


disappeared said:
I know, I know.

I appreciate GAF's words on my state of affairs. It means more than some of you know, honest.

But I live in a small town, where my house isn't a five minute drive from anywhere else. It just saves me having to to walk or hitch a ride the next day back to my vehicle. I don't want to sound like I'm trying to justify my actions, but... well yeah.

I know, man. I'm not judging you. I've made bad choices before. Thankfully, like you, I have never had a problem. But, my best friend got a DUI by simply driving a friend's car a couple feet to a different campsite. He's now a lawyer (lol), but I know that could have been either of us. It's just so ridiculous to drink and drive. Don't do it again :( please


disappeared said:
I don't want to sound like I'm trying to justify my actions, but... well yeah.

You are, and for your own good a cop should catch you so you can see how badly this justification falls apart.


disappeared said:
I know, I know.

I appreciate GAF's words on my state of affairs. It means more than some of you know, honest.

But I live in a small town, where my house isn't a five minute drive from anywhere else. It just saves me having to to walk or hitch a ride the next day back to my vehicle. I don't want to sound like I'm trying to justify my actions, but... well yeah.

Ughhh, woke up this morning with a small hangover, which I thought wasn't that bad until I walked to the bathroom. I passed out after a few steps and fell with my head straight on a chair. I'm still bleeding from my upper lip and my nose is swollen up, but I'm soooooo lucky that I didn't fall on a bottle next to the chair.
Unlimited4s said:
Ughhh, woke up this morning with a small hangover, which I thought wasn't that bad until I walked to the bathroom. I passed out after a few steps and fell with my head straight on a chair. I'm still bleeding from my upper lip and my nose is swollen up, but I'm soooooo lucky that I didn't fall on a bottle next to the chair.

Oh shit. I thought my headache was bad...

Hunter S.

Unlimited4s said:
Ughhh, woke up this morning with a small hangover, which I thought wasn't that bad until I walked to the bathroom. I passed out after a few steps and fell with my head straight on a chair. I'm still bleeding from my upper lip and my nose is swollen up, but I'm soooooo lucky that I didn't fall on a bottle next to the chair.

Danm bro been there and smashed a tooth once. Horrible time. Never want to be there again. Hungover too after watching Silva waste another dude in the UFC. Head hurts and I can not remember if I crossed the line flirting with a friend last night. Thank god it be Sunday and not monday.
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