The liquor store closes in 14 minutes, and I can't find my car keys. God damn this fucking shit!
Had these beers that were like stout and half coffee pretty gross.
Dude, beer only mixes with good company. And more beer.
Omg baaaaaaaaaaad night last night. Bad. Night.
Anyone want to help write my anthropology paper for me?
I hate writing papers.
Wikipedia doesn't have a lot of info about these people called the "Baule".Just copy and past the wikipedia page.
Anyone want to help write my anthropology paper for me?
I hate writing papers.
Is balddemon the spiritual successor of coldvein?
- Dr Eggman, PhD
Copernicus have you been perma banned yet.
Yeah, I've noticed your posts tonight. Can you tell me all the threads you've posted in so I can look since search isn't working. I love a good meltdown.
I guess that The Anti-Monitor lady got perma'd
Sad. I kind of liked her.
Edit: But I don't know why she was banned.
For all I know she could be a racist homophobe.
Edit: Okay, this is weird.
Edit: Am I going to get banned now?
Hey copernicus can you give me a list of all the threads you've been posting in tonight?
Hey atra, what are you talking about with the anti-monitor lady? A lady that posts while refusing to use a monitor? Does she hate monitor lizards? Are you going to get banned?
Fuck alcohol, I'm high on life!
Is Atramental Going To Get Banned?
Guys its cool. I'm talking to copernicus about peruvian food as we speak.
I haven't done anything wrong.
I was just appreciating the beauty of a former member.
that's all.
Toooooo late. LOL, I missed all of his antics. Where was he posting?Tell him to stop being a fool.
:lol04I think that sports threads was amazing
10:04even if it sounds arrogant
Yes.To be fair she was pretty hot.