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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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Meow asl?

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
Winwood's avatar made me fucking jump, what the fuck.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Man, Bud Light is the best. Why even make other beers?

I'l check bud light out next time i'm beer shopping.

Snugger do you have BF3?

Totally having a blast chillin, listening to music in these awesome headphones and wondering what up with my fellow gaffers?

I'm addicted to the internet/pc gaming so i'm sitting around all day playing battlefield 3 and posting on forums between games. (Off work this week you see)

I'm a nerd.
so i just woke up from a short drunken dream in which i got permabanned from GAF for accidentally posting like a lolcat immediately before a mod posted

first dream in a while that's actually had me react with "what the fuck even was that"


The Cryptarch's Bane
Whiskey. That's prefect to sip while doing other things like posting on a drunk thread.
I'm out and you've inspired me to pick some up on the way home. Recommend something under $50 I should be able to find in a decent but not exquisite liquor store.
Welp, seems like that job interview went well today.

Hopefully I get the job because I need some cash this summer so I can wine and dine ze ladies.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Just found Balvenie's got a 12 year, so as an homage to Zeppu I'm gonna hunt for that. Woo!

edit: I love Jameson too, but I really meant scotch, sorry about that :p



I love yuou GAF

This song is about da' gaffa'
these home boys are dappa'
holla at dem' babes be chillin like a red snappa'
when I drink beer I spend the next day on tha crappa'

Oh snap...a'


Just put on a new stylus on the cartridge on my turntable, so I figured now's the time to get drunk.

Sipping Miller lite, and some vodka intermittently, whilst enjoying the fruits of my labor with sweet, sweet vinyl sound.

also I'll probably be smoking weed soon. :)


Just put on a new stylus on the cartridge on my turntable, so I figured now's the time to get drunk.

Sipping Miller lite, and some vodka intermittently, whilst enjoying the fruits of my labor with sweet, sweet vinyl sound.

also I'll probably be smoking weed soon. :)

:D sounds awesome!

I just get a new set of vinyl but my turntable is donezo :( need a new one asap!


The Cryptarch's Bane

I love yuou GAF

This song is about da' gaffa'
these home boys are dappa'
holla at dem' babes be chillin like a red snappa'
when I drink beer I spend the next day on tha crappa'

Oh snap...a'
Soda I think I love you.

Glenlivet 15 year. Scotch whiskey, still amazing.
I love the Glenlivet, but I've had it many many times, I was hoping to get something new.

Ironically enough this totally failed. I didn't even manage to get scotch. Here's what went down:

I had googled the Balvenie 12 before leaving so that was my goal. They had it, but for $50. A bit overpriced. Right next to it I noticed a single bottle of Ardbeg 10 year for $66. I've always wanted to try Ardbeg but this is even more overpriced (should be between $40-50). While agonizing between those two I noticed that Laphroaig 10 for $50 (again way overpriced, but this I at least already know I love).

I went back and forth between these 3 options for like 20 minutes. I began to really crave a stiff martini due to the stress and agony over the decision.

So I just got a bottle of Crown Royale on sale for 20 bucks, some Tanqueray and vermouth, for less than any of the single malts would've cost.

Whatever, failed mission, but options I got.
I'll probably be smoking weed soon. :)
aye. too bad there can be no high thread? no high thread.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Glenlivet 15 year. Scotch whiskey, still amazing.

i thought you were cool man

nah you're still cool

Whiskey kicks like a mule and burns on the way down. There are times were I will buy some cheap whiskey on the rocks in a bar when im trying to get drunk on the cheap (I let the ice cubes melt before drinking it though)

Bells whisky that is.

Whiskey tastes like the smell of cigerrete ash. Bourbon though I really enjoy that mixed with cola with sliced lemon and lime and plenty of ice.




Also, I agree with all the Bud Light responses

Though I drank three 18 packs of Bud Light Lime at the beach in Destin last week and got burned out.

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
I think it's time for the monthly Atramental pic-pick.

Dress as a monk and start uploadin' tiger!
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