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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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TigerKnee said:
After 14 years of alcohol abuse, I quit. Been almost three weeks now and I feel pretty good. Good luck drunkies.
Good for you? I actually feel bad for my brother who stopped drinking at 25. He's now mid 40's. Now the only reason i feel bad for him is he couldn't control his drinking where I can go 3-4 weeks without a drink then have a little fun for back to back weekends without a problem.


Ah yeah, started my drink on yeah!

Svedka with some gatorade. Just to get the night started. Then I'm gonna go dancing. That's right, I'm gonna dance!


erotic butter maelstrom
blame space said:
wine or vodka


I got some Shocktop, it's not bad.


+ a six pack of bud light for when I don't care about flavor, also some herb to compliment the beer

let's do this


erotic butter maelstrom
I'm playing some computer games. First I played Killing Floor and it was fun now I'm trying to play some Call of Duty. A few more beers and I'll probably be too buzzed to play online games.

also played the Space Marine demo and it was awesome so I drunk-bought it


blame space said:
i drank all the wine and all the vodka and i never even shown my face on tinychat so i deserve some kind of award

i commend you for your resistance but honestly, don't bother. they'll ban you for smiling.


Got back from the club. Danced alot. Met some people that I knew there so I didn't look like a loser. Ate some hotdogs. Drunk as shit.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
chaos, pain and regret, why do i do it.

removed from every bar my drunk ass set foot in


Oh man, I just got back from the most ridiculous bus ride I've ever been on.

Bussing home from this party and it seems like the entire city is on this bus. Its ridiculously packed. To make things even better, its filled with drunken college students. We have this tradition here where kids riding the bus must do what is called the Later Gator flip (Later Gator is the name of the bus that runs late at night), where upon a person grabs the hand bars and does a flip on the bus. Anyway, the entire ride was filled with flips, chanting N-Sync's Tell Me Why, yelling fuck the police, and chanting our apartment complex's name.

I don't know why I felt like sharing this with GAF.
Mordeccai said:
Oh man, I just got back from the most ridiculous bus ride I've ever been on.

Bussing home from this party and it seems like the entire city is on this bus. Its ridiculously packed. To make things even better, its filled with drunken college students. We have this tradition here where kids riding the bus must do what is called the Later Gator flip (Later Gator is the name of the bus that runs late at night), where upon a person grabs the hand bars and does a flip on the bus. Anyway, the entire ride was filled with flips, chanting N-Sync's Tell Me Why, yelling fuck the police, and chanting our apartment complex's name.

I don't know why I felt like sharing this with GAF.

Because you are drunk.


GAF! Last day of work with my old job and I celebrated by getting really, really drunk!

Cheers, Alcho-GAF!


coldvein said:
congrats, man. did you have any crazy withdraw happen?

Had problems falling asleep for the first week. Kept waking up with the shakes and was sweating like crazy.

After a week though, I'm ok :) Hard part is going to gatherings :( It's an alcohol fueled world I tells yah


CitizenCope said:
Good for you? I actually feel bad for my brother who stopped drinking at 25. He's now mid 40's. Now the only reason i feel bad for him is he couldn't control his drinking where I can go 3-4 weeks without a drink then have a little fun for back to back weekends without a problem.

Yeah it took me 14 years to realize I couldn't control it. Better now than when I'm six feet under.


So we trashed the shit out of our hotel room in Vancouver. The night was spent drinking g&ts, then running out of tonic, so drinking gin straight (which tastes so decent you can just down it and then it hits you all at once after). I can remember wanting to get into a fight (like a playfight) with my friends and repeatedly jumping into the pool with my clothes on. At some point my friend lit sparklers and just went "catch" which ended in another friend putting it out with his mouth and burning himself. The rest is a blur, but when I woke up I was in my undergarments, the room was destroyed, glasses broken. Pretty much everybody was naked. Puke all over the sheets. I guess someone had gone into my backpack because my Midols were all over the floor (when I asked my friend about it, he was like "those were yours? I ate a whole bunch while I was drunk" so I don't even know why he's still alive). Two of my friends flooded the sauna downstairs with like a garbage bag full of water ("and don't go into the women's sauna-- there's pee EVERYWHERE").

Glad we had at least one ridiculous party before school starts.
Oh shit. It's 3:30 pm here in the states and I'm already buzzed.

But I have to not go beyond buzzed sooooo yeah, I think that's enough for me today. Need to retain my composer.
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