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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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yes but one just texted me so im ok with them.

It's probably a bad idea to have alcohol after having someone call 911 on me but I decided none of this would have happened if I hadn't kept my mouth shut and told my ex.

I suppose the difference is I decided to have one beer and only one, not to knock anything back, and drink it because I like the taste, not because I feel like I need to get drunk to solve a problem.

So far i've done just that and I'm pretty sober and been drinking this same beer for the past 5 hours or so.
wtf happened man?


If you actually want to know what happened and aren't just looking for a way to make yourself feel better because you're not me, you're welcome to pm me asking me about it.
Sally took the turnips
and the turnips they all grew
through the desert valleys
through and through and through
we ate the seedless apples
cut and peeled all the same way
and in the end they suffered
from the night until the day
they crossed the brittle bridges
taken like they could
like fishes eating fishes
you know, fuck it, we would


pretty hungover today

recovering with a late afternoon bloody mary and probably some beers later on

then its a week of sobering sobriety


I just realized I havent even put pants on today

its hot as balls outside and my a/c kind of sucks...

also I had a link of Bart and Homer chilling in the refrigerator with the tent but the only pic I could find was a tinypic link and I forgot this place outlawed tinypic links.


I'm done for at least a month or two. Felt like shit when I woke up yesterday...or the day before....not even sure what day it was heh...not a good sign.

a month or two!? good luck to you sir.

acrid, even the young and beautiful can tweak their backs, youll be fine bro.


italy, austria, croatia. coldvein family vacation time. i'd be more stoked if it was just me and my brother or something, but i'm not gonna turn down a free plane ticket.. should be fun. i need a break from this GRIND.


has anyone in here pretty much given up liquor?

I was at my friend's wedding about a month ago... probably had around 15 or so beers (and beer only... never drink that much in a night but it was a wedding) throughout the reception and I was totally fine afterwards at the hotel talking to people and hanging out.

Went to the baseball game on Friday with friends. Mainly drank beer, but probably had 4-5 shots throughout the night. I was beyond blacked out around 10pm (started drinking around 5:45).

pretty much not drinking liquor anymore. Beer is fine for me. I'm on a very low dose of lexapro (10 mg), so that probably effects things.

though it was also like 100 degrees all night on Friday... probably was delusional from the heat.


I actually drink liquor more than beer these days, mainly vodka+club sodas+splash of juice...its my "healthy" drink.

I don't really take many shots or drink it straight anymore though...

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
This is Jtwo to GAF. Come in GAF. I am drunk over here. Very drunk. Looking around.. it looks like we have ourselves a WheatBeer and Whiskey situation. Over. I repeat. GAF, this is Jtwo. I'm lost out here. Over.


italy, austria, croatia. coldvein family vacation time. i'd be more stoked if it was just me and my brother or something, but i'm not gonna turn down a free plane ticket.. should be fun. i need a break from this GRIND.
Damn sounds awesome my man! How long are you gone for?

edit: I haven't given up on liquor. I still love my whiskey and g&ts


oh man

i got p. drunk tonight, had a few pints, a 40, some random whiskey concoction and a few shots of vodka. just ate a piece of pizza and it was the best thing ever, bbq, chicken, red onions and a few other things


on the side of a mountain in montana somewhere with some coors light or something.. i dont remember the exact scenario but thats probably it.

@acrid: 2 weeks


My new favorite gif of ever


A girl I know came onto me.

She was REALLY drunk, though, like stumbling and giggling drunk.

Note: this girl had previously said in a discussion about this very topic that a girl DOES know what she's doing when she's drunk and hitting on a guy.

What would you do, GAF?

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
My fucking life sucks. Not even alcohol would help.


A girl I know came onto me.

She was REALLY drunk, though, like stumbling and giggling drunk.

Note: this girl had previously said in a discussion about this very topic that a girl DOES know what she's doing when she's drunk and hitting on a guy.

What would you do, GAF?
Reach an appropiate level of drunkenness so it's not considered rape

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
Do people get fit when they're in a relationship?


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Do people get fit when they're in a relationship?


My body is my vessel, i want it strong encase i need to engage a smackdown on a fool at any time. (Bar fights ect, I don't have many but if they ever do happen i want to hold my own with ease.)

*Cough hold my own untill the bouncers swarm in and save my ass xD cough*
Are you calling your girlfriend's kid your step-kid, or is there some complicated situation where you are married to a woman with previous kids and dating the other girl?

I should probably clarify that.

My girlfriend and I aren't married, but we've been together long enough that it's awkward to refer to her kids as anything but my step-kids.

Monday night. Not the most respectful night to be drinking...
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