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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
dammit guys all these Coolio avs are throwing me the fuck off.


Join us, it helps.

Hurts my eyes to read threads now.

Hope this shit lasts the rest of 2012, the rage it will cause FTW!

I fucks with the E&J

big fan of cheap south american cab savs specifically of the concha y toro

I wish I could afford awesome wine tho...love me a good cab sav. my dad is a big wino...love visiting home and drinking a shit ton of his silver oak and paradigm.

I love a wine drunkeness, Il get there as cheap as i can with no regrets. I love slipping even further down the wine shitter and drinking awesome fortified wine's or even further down the rabbit hole till i get to sherrys.

it goes deep guys


I love a wine drunkeness, Il get there as cheap as i can with no regrets. I love slipping even further down the wine shitter and drinking awesome fortified wine's or even further down the rabbit hole till i get to sherrys.

it goes deep guys

yeah wine drunk is my favorite drunk personally..just nice and cozy all over

drinking my usual vodka, soda, cranberry to stay cool

watched batman begins earlier and now almost finished with the dark knight in prep to see the new one later in the week. gotta say I don't like tdk as much as I remembered. still entertaining and all, but like I've thought at least 8 times throughout the movie "man I'd rather be watching Heat instead right now."


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
yeah wine drunk is my favorite drunk personally..just nice and cozy all over

drinking my usual vodka, soda, cranberry to stay cool

watched batman begins earlier and now almost finished with the dark knight in prep to see the new one later in the week. gotta say I don't like tdk as much as I remembered. still entertaining and all, but like I've thought at least 8 times throughout the movie "man I'd rather be watching Heat instead right now."

Il be doing the same this week to get the NEW one out of my fucking system.

Such a great experience at the cinema.

Going further back i love the old gritty Gothic burton batmans.. If I'm being honest.. ! I'm being honest al right BATMAN is the only superhero i remotely enjoy. The rest of the superhero shit is kiddy trash.


wine drunk is best

liquor drunk is also cool if I don't blackout(happens a lot with liquor)

beer drunk is a great feeling but I get super dehydrated and bloated. I prefer beer for sippin, not slammin.


Il be doing the same this week to get the NEW one out of my fucking system.

Such a great experience at the cinema.

Going further back i love the old gritty Gothic burton batmans.. If I'm being honest.. ! I'm being honest al right BATMAN is the only superhero i remotely enjoy. The rest of the superhero shit is kiddy trash.

I haven't seen the Burton batmans in quite sometime but I remember liking them a lot (and I fucking HATE tim burton...or at least what hes been the last 20 years). need to rewatch sometime soon.

and yeah I'm in agreement with the superhero movie thing...just too god damn many of them every year. can we have just a year or 2 without 15 superhero movies anymore?


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
wine drunk is best

liquor drunk is also cool if I don't blackout(happens a lot with liquor)

beer drunk is a great feeling but I get super dehydrated and bloated. I prefer beer for sippin, not slammin.

liquor drunk is pure party shit.

Cider drunk > Beer drunk..

If anything fuck beer lol its something that i drink to purely pace my self to so i don't get to far gone to soon.

i do like how a liquor drunk hits fast and strong though, Nought to mad with it in about an hour.

Blackout drunk is pretty good if you have some friends to put you down when you need to go down if you catch my drift. Nothing like waking up on a sofa like...........i WAS DRINKING TWO MINUTES AGO WHY IS IT THE NEXT FUCKING MORNING ??????????

so good

I haven't seen the Burton batmans in quite sometime but I remember liking them a lot (and I fucking HATE tim burton...or at least what hes been the last 20 years). need to rewatch sometime soon.

and yeah I'm in agreement with the superhero movie thing...just too god damn many of them every year. can we have just a year or 2 without 15 superhero movies anymore?

There so gritty, Gothic and fucking awesome.

Batman > all. shiiiiiiii even bruce lee played batman, thats how awesome batman is.


Last time I blacked out I guess I ended up hitting on this girl my friend was really into so now most of my friends don't talk to me. I've been torn up about it for a while now.

I hate that fucking broad when I'm sober too.


Broad is too broad of a term to be bannable.

This is like the Deadwood of NeoGAF.

Fuck you bitches.

That's the one upside to being in the off topic "community", no one looks except the people who were already subscribed. Kind of a fucked up community though.

Jtwo hasn't posted in here in 3 days, do you think hes okay?


I'm pretty surprised at how easy freezer-stored vodka is to drink.

That stuff is -18 degrees celsius. It should feel like hell, but it doesn't..

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
I could see a legitimate discussion sparking out of that blame space.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
About to drink an epic beer and read some epic fantasy.
Also, I got my blood drawn like 3 times today because my friend is training to be a phlebotomist.. He still needs a little practice.


erotic butter maelstrom
I don't have a drink fridge because I drink all of the alcohol before it needs be refrigerated. Anyways sitting in the office at work by myself listening to some hip hop but I hope to go out tonight and get so drunk that I almost die.


^Thats what I feel like doing. I feel so exhausted after a long stressful week. I deserve a little buzz tonight. I might grab a few Smirnoffs to get me started.


guess I'm gonna go home after work and pound a bottle of wine

I've been stressed as fuck this week

one of my good buddies is back in the mental ward after freaking out after his meds ran up and trying to kill himself and one of my best female friends just got diagnosed with breast cancer. shes only 27 and just got married a few months ago. ugh


sorry dogg

I just got home from work and am gonna get loaded and watch these tape delayed Olympic opening ceremonies and smoke weed

I went to the liquor store at lunch and stupidly left my wine and vodka in the car and now gotta wait on my goddamn cab sav to get at a reasonable drinking temperature that isn't 90 degrees


Sipping on some Bud Light Lime Beer. I always hated beer but this stuff got me going now! And I'm playing MW3 and whooping ass!


Olympic ceremonies just started here in teh good ol USA on tape delay

did the live broadcast over in Europe have commercials? I'm guessing no right?
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